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Lady Dakota

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Posts posted by Lady Dakota

  1. I say this party is presumptuous, disoriented, and leaves me to think of these guests as premature, non, articulate fellows.

    With all the usual CN drama going on... How do you expect us to act?

    *sips her tea before stealing smallfrog's cucumber sandwhich, then smiles at Pikajew*

  2. He's done nothing but attempting to goad GOONS into a full-blown war. Don't believe everything that comes out of that mouth he has.

    Although I am not the biggest fan of Bilrow at times, I would like to ask you to please stop badmouthing him. I'm sure he's had enough stress today without you hounding him further. His member made a mistake. We all do. I'm sure if you made a major mistake, you'd full well hope your alliance will back you up as Bilrow has done today. I respect a leader who will back up a member, not a lot of leaders will do that.

  3. I have worked around the leadership of BAPS and GOONS at this point that were trying to goad this situation. The individual who attacked the GGA member has agreed to stand down. Too bad his leadership weren't so willing to work out things diplomatically.

    Glad to hear it, I'd suggest in your member application thread, that you instruct all applicants to specify they are applicants in their AA until they are accepted as full members.

  4. Backing up Fraternite with logs:

    [16:40] <Alastor> "I agree with this, but diplomacy didn't work today (in private channels) when they found he was a GGA member and refused to do anything about. GGA will protect its members."

    [16:40] <Alastor> Not true.

    [16:40] <Alastor> Len offered peace.

    [16:41] <Alastor> The target nation not only declined, but responded with military force.

    [16:41] <Alastor> THAT's when BAPS went after him, and THAT is why reps are sought. They DID offer peace, and the idiot rejected it and attacked BAPS back.

    Now that is just stupid. Maybe the guy is a newb? I attacked an alliance member while in CDS when I was two monthts old. It can happen, like I've said before, we seriously need a newb education program. I honestly feel bad for Bilrow, it's good to support your members, but what can he honestly do?

  5. I agree with this, but diplomacy didn't work today (in private channels) when they found he was a GGA member and refused to do anything about. GGA will protect its members.

    OK I agree with the initial attack on him as he was a NONE. But know I feel sympathy. So what will you do? Keep attacking BAPS and possibly start a war with the GOONS? I'm a big fan of diplomacy, but I will say when it fails you should put boot to ass. Good luck BillyRow!

    *huggles Bilrow*

  6. Or, you know, you could have read the many parts of this thread where Bilrow said he was a member on our roster, which is currently held on our forums. It would be a completely different situation if he was not on our roster.

    And was the BAPS member supposed to be aware of this roster? The point is, they didn't know he was GGA. There was nothing indicating that he was one. Unless you want us to be able to read people's minds and guess what alliance they are. There is no way you guys can win this argument. No colors, No flag, No AA... to me and anyone else that would surely register a NONE and thus bait for tech.

  7. He did nothing wrong and broke no charter clause to be expelled and will not be expelled just on a whim.

    Now that is FUNNY! Just how quick did it take you to expel me for calling an ally alliance member a prick, when their alliances agreed wholeheartedly that he was one? He should have kept his AA as GGA or as an applicant. How were the BAPS members supposed to know he had applied? Rule #1 when changing alliances: Change AA to applicant. Everyone should know that one by now.

  8. Dearest Bilrow and 404,

    You know, maybe if you two weren't complete &#33;@#&#036;%^&amp; about it, this situation would be resolved a little bit more quickly. But in both of your usual fashions, you are pricks and sling words back in forth further pissing each other off. In short, man up and be friends. It's called diplomacy, it's not a hard concept. I'd suggest you both look into it.

    Love Always,


  9. crown royal and diet doctor pepper although i had a bottle of bourban found in a 1800s cellar unlabeled it was best i ever had and cost me 500 dollars

    :blink: DAMN!!!! That is way too much money for that... I'd be just as happy with Jagermeister and a bottle of Boone's Farm wine. In any case you must be either loaded or crazy. :P

  10. We don't need to ZI him/her for the aid, it's more of the whole. . . explicit images.

    And we're ZI'n him/her. Don't worry :nuke:

    I would have beat the aid out of him/her, but would have definitely ZI'd for the porn. I hate when people get pissy on CN, all they do is post porn and leave. The big crybabies. :angry:

  11. Well, upon entering SOUL, red beef gina requested 1MM from our bank. We weren't taking the risk, we don't harbor aid thieves. Once s/he paid it back, s/he would have been welcome back in, however, the gay pr0nz changed it all.

    Good action. Personally I would have ZI'd him/her. It's good thing I don't run an alliance. Everyone would hate me. :ph34r:

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