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Lady Dakota

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Posts posted by Lady Dakota

  1. I don't know why you bring Decollo to this, since he was banned from Planet Bob. :blink:

    Anyway, it's sad that this all thing started because of a simple PM.

    All I see is a 3th party pulling the strings and those involved bite the bait. Maybe I'm wrong.

    If you would read the thread correctly I didn't bring him up first. Goose did. READ grasshoppa, read.

  2. You were posting the day we attacked you, but couldnt bring yourself to log into your nation? Knew you'd find it in ruins perhaps?


    No I left after my last post, I've been traveling and my laptop's screen is broken, so I had no time to log on and check anything. I figured I'd be attacked.

    Sexist eh? Oh well another name to be called among many. It happens.

  3. Actually you collected mid war with me.

    You then bougt troops. Hence why for the past 3 days I have been able to ground attack you :D

    Finally you were active on the forums when we attacked you ;)

    I didn't collect until yesterday, or maybe the day before. It was one of those. And it was when I bought troops. I bought more, so have fun. Oh and tanks too.

  4. You seem to not know much of Decollo or Mongo. I am certain that no matter the verbal response we give, they shall laugh it off and make some comment abou having been ZI'd previously, and it isn't a big deal. Let them laugh.

    The intent is not to intimidate, as I generally don't feel that propoganda and fiery rhetoric work all that well (especially considering that it's an eight man alliance that picked the fight with us). The announcement was more a statement to the rest of the inhabitants of this world that our intent is to destroy them.

    I know very much of Decollo. And I know you're right, he would laugh it off along with Mongo.

    Let me simplify this. If your intent is to destroy them... Wouldn't someone find that to be intimidating? I mean, I'm sure they're aware of the fact you guys want to destroy them. Stating it will only make them giddy with laughter.

  5. Hey lady, I remember you being active the day we attacked you. So please, silence yourself.

    Nope, I didn't know I was attacked until yesterday. So sweetie think we can make it to week 5? By the way, <3 you too sweetums!

  6. The worst they could do? Point and laugh, I imagine. It appears you were drunk in charge of a country, always a risky proposal, and said some foolish things you have not yet learned to regret. It's a shame. I've known the NPO a long time, seen all sides of them, and know it is certainly possible to be critical of them without experiencing any response worse than Joseph Thorne's sarcasm. It seems, as Esau pointed out, that you were simply doing it the wrong way. Live and learn, eh?

    And what would be the correct way to do it? Let them point and laugh. It's the internet. Big deal.

  7. Our sincere apologies for failing you. Perhaps you could provide more incite as to how we are supposed to have done this.

    If you're going to war someone, declare it. Don't recognize it and blow it off as you are doing now. You're basically threatening to use FUK for target practice. Honestly, would that scare anyone? I think not. I'd be laughing my ass off if I were one of them.

  8. I am honestly not complaining about getting ZI'd. Unlike most people on here, I don't cry when my fictional nation gets a scratch or two. I don't regret a word I've said about the NPO. ZI me, what's the worst they could honestly do?

  9. Yeah I see a lot of attacks in on USN and only one initiated by USN.

    I noticed that. What a way to declare war. I'm not an expert, but usually when an alliance declares war on someone they send 3 nations to take another nation and also attack the rest of the nations in the alliance they are attacking. Now come on USN, nobody can screw up an alliance war in the beginning. Don't be the first.

  10. How could she not see this coming?

    She spent an entire night name-calling with anyone in the NPO that showed up? Pure stupidity.

    I don't see the NPO being at fault here. And I wouldn't really say I'm their biggest champion often enough.

    Ok, I will admit... A lot of Tequila was drank that night and I trolled a little. But come on, they attacked both of us. We had a difference of opinion about the NPO and the NPO didn't like it. Go figure.

  11. I just wished you guys would have attacked me when I was active. But whatever. I would like to thank NOON for being cowards and expelling me without even speaking to me. Crack job there guys. I don't argue the decision, I just wished I could have been informed a little bit more soon. Anyways, back to NPO. Wow, you attack two outspoken individuals. I guess Big Brother aka NPO, just can not handle that. I'm also guessing members went crying, and Moo had to be all Mommy like and soothe them by declaring war immediately. Couldn't handle being called cowards and bandwagoners could you all? No of course not. Not the Imperial Order of all things. A powerhouse goes after two single nations for speaking out. Yes, I'm quite sure Starfoxy and myself were such a threat. Now, I bet you guys are expecting me to come crying and beg for you to take me off the ZI list, right?


    As long as I've been playing CN, people have bent over backwards to kiss the NPO's feet. They'd do anything to avoid destruction and cowered in their fear. Obedience is expected of the CN members when speaking about the NPO. And then, when someone does have the courage to speak up... They are laughed at and ridiculed for the LULZ by the NPO and their many puppets. It becomes an endless cycle and people are thrown off by the idea of speaking their minds, because of fear. That may be most people on this game, but it is not me. I will not beg for mercy. Destroy my nation at will. I'll rebuild a new one. I won't be silenced. So enjoy. The rest of CN may be cowards, but I am not.

    (No alcohol was consumed in this message unlike those on Oct. 15)

  12. You don't get it, woman. We haven't changed that much in the past few weeks. We haven't changed that much in the past few years.

    It's dejavu over an over again. Posts like this one are really depressing. They can be classed into that category of "I've lost my respect for you, so that means the world is going to crumble and you are going to die a horrible death". I've seen hundreds of posts which are exactly the same to this one. The answer is always the same one: you are nothing and the fact you have lost your "respect" for us means as little to us as what your respect meant to us in the first place. Unless you're someone of high regard and power, refrain from wasting my time by telling me how you have lost your love for us.

    Same old Mussolandia. You've never changed. I expect this from and will not argue. I know how stubborn you can be.

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