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viking goalie

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Everything posted by viking goalie

  1. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='08 July 2010 - 09:24 PM' timestamp='1278649462' post='2364325'] [color="#0000FF"]Is CMEA really worth bringing back? It wasn't that remarkable when it was actually around, and it's absence hasn't exactly been noticed. I think that should say enough about the alliance. My point, not all alliances deserving resurrection. Some, such as NoR, added something to the world, and had a strong enough community to be able to return not just in name, but to actually return. NoR, the renewed one, is a fairly impressive alliance. It has a large membership and a solid government. Even GOONS managed to return. \m/ I am not so sure on, but VE managed to come back successfully. However, my point is, CMEA is not one of those alliances. Enjoy have a few members lingering on a small AA before realizing how futile this effort was.[/color] [/quote] cool story bro
  2. At least you got our name right, I applaud you for that.
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