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Posts posted by skaullin

  1. On 11/24/2020 at 3:10 AM, Lord Hitchcock said:

    Quit making a scene and die with some dignity.

    Its funny how you have replied to every single other person's comments yet to mine  nothing is said.  Arm chair warrior hiding behind his computer screen.  Nothing but a disrespectful punk.  Grown up and show some class rather than sling off easy put downs that any monkey could make. @Lord Hitchcock

  2. On 11/24/2020 at 5:08 PM, HiredGun said:

    The game cannot be saved, its decline can only be stagnated and I believe past/present alliances have done well to make it last this long. The game is community driven, there is no higher force central planning everything so we roll with the punches but it does look to still have some legs left. Otherwise I agree with your assessment and wish it could've been different but sometimes our hands are forced.


    All the best to you, skaullin.

    Thanks HG.  I think that's about the nicest thing you have said on here!  Lol  Anyway, my apologies for the comment on the cowboy thread about shi! Coming from you mouth and all.  It was unnecessary and over the top.  Just tired of everyone playing the game how they have been.

  3. On 11/24/2020 at 3:10 AM, Lord Hitchcock said:

    Quit making a scene and die with some dignity.

    I say again, meet me F2F and you wouldn't be talking all this bravado and crap.  You sit back, behind a keyboard, well away from anyone so you feel you can say whatever you want.  Arm chair warrior that thinks he is a big shot because no one can reach across the screen and slap your silly a$$.  Show at least a little bit of respect.

  4. And I'll say it on this channel as well, I'm out of here because I'm really tired of this crap.  And of course you won't care, because who cares that you are down to 63 nations, a third probably double up rouges.  But this goes out to everyone, including AW, highway, hiredgun, and Lord Hitchcock (specific comment to you is meet me on the street f2f and tell me I'm crying, I don't think so).  Grow up, show some integrity, play the game fairly.  I noticed AW using the alliance as a personal vendetta against 3 or 4 certain members of D1 last round.  And now Tehol, quit with the dirty ops.  All of you need to.  Its not hard to be fair  nit hold grudges from rounds 3 years ago, etc.  All this is doing is chasing away players, and you can't afford to do that.  Anyway, take care all.

  5. I didn't know you name was Cowboy?  I thought it was HiredGun.  Cleary my comment was directed specifically at Cowboy, not you.  But you always have to have the last word, make an excuse.  Everything that comes out of your mouth smells like sh!t.  How many times in the past 5 years have you, or I should say your alliance, hit an alliance I was in early, before we even built, or after we built but before we collected, etc etc.  I didn't ask for your opinion, defensiveness, or even acknowledgement or comments from you.  Take a look at the thread next time and see who it is actually intended for before you open you stupid, boring, pie hole again.  I was done speaking with you in May, you have a lack of integrity, spew lies after lies, excuses after excuse, for at least the last 5 years, stir trouble, are always argumentative, and I'm basically done talking with you.  Cheers.


  6. Hey look Cowboy!  We fixed it this round.  Alpha wolves were winning and yet again D1 (and you can claim you are no longer D1, but you are basically D2) is cheating again, attacking an alliance 3 days into a war with 2 other alliances, and SToR is killing off our generals with dirty spy ops, because neither D1 nor SToR can stand to lose in a fair fight so they resort to under handed sh!t because all of you have absolutely no integrity, morals, or ethics.

  7. So, are we no longer required to submit decs of war, because i just can't seem to find D1s dec on Alpha Wolves? Or maybe its because they attacked an alliance already in the midst of a war with 2 other alliances, like the cowards they are.  Loosing this round just doesn't suit, so instead, go back to your cheating a$$ ways.


    And Defcon 2 (Seal Team of Rose) why of course you are spy opping generals.  What else do you have left but to be little sh!ts and kill off our generals since you can't do anything else. 


    Why do I always come back to this game and expect people to play fair and have integrity.  Truly I'm the idiot here.

  8. You know what, some things really need to be said here.  I'm a retired 23 year army vet so I want you to know that when I say bullying I don't mean that I feel bullied because I dont.  However, have a look at your post you little !@#$.  I have valid reasons to speak my mind.  You never answer the exact complaint I have.  All you try to do is bully me into not talking by calling me basically a cry baby, telling me to zip it, and to drop it!  I thought very highly of you at one point but not anymore.  You need to grow up right along with HG.


    And by the way, my nickname is not Skully you little dweeb.

  9. Actually, after re reading your post I'm not going to zip it.  I don't need nor want any attention.  Bottom line is you failed to address my concern.  You just forcefully told me to zip it, called my a cry cry cryer, told me to drop it, said all this horse crap about nothing and didn't address the issues I've raised that have surfaced time and time again, hitting nations already in war etc.  So unless you want to try and explain yourself (which you cant) you can !@#$@#$ zip it.



  10. Hilarious that you missed my point ENTIRELY.  


    Yes I remember Steve McQueen.  What in God's name does he have to do with my point????


    When my alliance, any alliance I've been was getting ready to Dow on another alliance.  If that alliance was hit by another alliance or did there own Dow, we would either change directions and Dow on someone else or have to postpone.  You guys decide to jump in anyway and throw out an excuse as to why like " You wweren't invited to the party".  This has been happening for years and I'm worn out.  Makes the game absolutely no fun.  Why play when there is no fun anymore?



  11. You are delusional.  Can anyone beat D1 Cowboys team?  There will be no other teams.  No one is working on beating you, they are leaving.  Again, if you don't think it's because of D1 then you are delusional.  If you don't think other players in the game can beat you in a fair fight, you are delusional.  Absolutely you guys got building and collecting down to a science.  When we don't and you have hundreds of millions more than us, so be it.  I'm complaining (which is not an excuse) because time and time again D1 attacks others already in declared wars, and then runs the so called dirty spy ops.  Its happened for years and this "entertaining" game becomes not so entertaining, which is why I'm quitting it.  



  12. I've sat back and read HG's and others pathetic whining complaints, and uneducated  arguments for many, many years, holding my tongue, not saying anything, until now. 


    Great, I'm glad you, HG, are not concerned who quits or participates.  I looked back at some posts from 2011.  We had 1400 playing TE.  Now it's down to what? 80.  And you don't care who quits?  I thought you were dumb, but not that dumb.  Who are you going to "compete" with?


    I'm sure D1 will deny the rouge attacks at the beginning of the round until the day they die.  I think it was you, but it really doesn't matter who it was.  I wrote the rouges who attacked me and they basically told me to stop whining, quit playing innocent, I deserved it, and I played dirty in the past.  Well, before today (I tried spying generals because I'm done with the horse!@#$), I've never had a dirty fight.  Ask anyone in D1 or the rest of TE.  Most, if not all of you cant say that. 


    Now we come to your most recent attack.   I'm sure you will come up with multiple excuses as to why YOU think it's okay to attack an alliance 2 hours AFTER they declare on another alliance.  You always justify stupid crap that you do, over and over again.  Frankly we are all sick of hearing your lies, justifications, and stench that leaks out of your vocal chords.


    Bottom line that I think every one of you need to take seriously is that I have been playing CE for 10 years, TE for 9 and this is basically the very first time you are hearing from me in the forum.  And it will probably be the last.  I know, I know HG, you don't care if I, or anyone quits. But you should.  Grow up.



  13. Let me clarify so I don't look like I'm complaining.  During war, I personally think killing off Generals is fine, as they add to attack bonuses.  I was looking at the poll we did a round or two ago that had assisinate generals at number 4 on what people thought were dirty spy ops.  Some, and me especially, look for and hire generals with economic boosts...so, of course when they get killed off it irritates me because now I have to wait another month or so (depending on the number of wars) to get those level generals back.  It's like taking out a couple of econ wonders in equivelance. If assisinating generals is on the table, so be it, no worries.  I just thought, after the poll, that it was considered dirty.  No issues here.

  14. Speaking of dirty spy ops....and by the way I haven't even conducted non dirty spy ops on this guy


    To: skaullin    From: CrazyNation    Date: 4/10/2016 7:52:02 AM

    Subject: Spy Operation Attack


    Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies managed to assassinate one of your military generals. In the attack Gavyn Mills of your Navy branch with an XP level of 12 was killed. In the attack your counter spies managed to kill 20 enemy spies and your attackers identity has been publicly revealed.
    It's the second general he has killed.  Guess we don't consider general assassinations dirty..
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