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Posts posted by skaullin


    we did so in retribution for a perma war threat. In fact, as stated in that thread as well- are the statements of "perma war" and "wrath" (again, nothing I can make up there)... and I would encourage anyone to do the same in those circumstances.


    Well, truth be told, here is the order of what took place.


    1.  3 of your nations "raided" a nation in Citadel.  I say "raided" because they threw in CM's and Airstrikes which I don't consider a raid.

    2.  I asked kindly if you guys would stop raiding him.  You guys did stop raiding him, thanks.

    3.  Another of Citadel's nations wrote a message saying to back off the first nation you were raiding or you would feel his wrath.  Unfortunately that went through to you before he knew that I already handled it.

    4.  On the 29th of Feb I built and then donated, not knowing that your "raids" were back on because of the wrath comment.

    5.  I was "raided" by one nation.  Again I say raid loosely because of the CM's and Airstrikes.

    6.  I messaged nicely explaining that I had just donated, was waiting until the 1st to donate again and collect, and if you would please pull the raider off me.

    7.  10 minutes after sending that message I was "raided" by another RE nation, and this time they used a dirty spy op to ruin my collection.

    8.  That is when I messaged you in anger and said I guess we are at war and we'll just keep you in permanent war, to which you responded with 2 more raiding nations, 2 more dirty spy ops (not from you personally but from another nation) and blockades to reduce my collection by 25%.


    So, if you think declaring a war on an alliance (which you finally decided to declare war instead of calling it raids) with only 2 nations having even built, is fair, and your justification is because in my anger I said I would keep you at war all round, then yeah, what you did was just and right.


    I said perma war in anger, and took my whoopin for it, enough said.

  2. Well if im deserving of dirty spy ops or not is up for debate but if anyone else is getting them its probably not RE as they have the 550 spys and no CIA so.... as for uping my spies to 550 cant. Had to collect as i was broke and collected in war, anarchy, and with a 25% blockade so no money to do what you suggested on the 550 spys.

    Theres my song RE. Someone sing the TE blues for me lol

  3. Well if im deserving of dirty spy ops or not is up for debate but if anyone else is getting them its probably not RE as they have the 550 spys and no CIA so.... as for uping my spies to 550 cant. Had to collect as i was broke and collected in war, anarchy, and with a 25% blockade so no money to do what you suggested on the 550 spys.

    Therea my song RE. Someone sing the TE blues for me lol

  4. Yes, I know most of you will be thinking "what a girl and cry baby".  However, after donating today, building, and getting ready to donate at update again and finally collect, I've been raided.  Let me put it more clearly, it wasn't really a raid.  RE commenced to air attack, cm, and spy me as well, not really a raid.  After complaining to the leader of RE, he decided I was being a girl and jumped on board the attacks.  They navy blockcaded me and dirty spy oped my gov so now, when I finally do get my first collection, it's going to suck.  This sort of thing makes people want to quit playing TE all together, which is what I am planning on doing.  Yes, I'm probably being a cry baby, but come on, no declaration of war from RE, we only have 2 nations that have even built yet, but we are getting piled upon.  If I hadn't wasted actually money, dollars, I probably wouldn't be complaining so much.


    To: skaullin    From: Unknown Sender    Date: 2/29/2016 6:57:56 PM

    Subject: Spy Operation Attack


    Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies targeted your population and managed to incite new government propaganda. Your attacker was able to return home unharmed and unidentified.

    To: skaullin    From: Ningkeptune    Date: 2/29/2016 7:42:43 PM

    Subject: Roman Empires Position


    Message: Follow up to the message at the bottom of this text-:

    Actually, I was letting Mitten handle the PR on this one and we were discussing peace which to be honest was my preference.

    However, now you seem to be crying like a little girl. According to you, we're spoiling collections, ruining your donations etc etc - then ya follow up with threats of constant war for the rest of the round. 

    Well, you leave me little choice other than taking out that threat. Now you'll get your war.

    I'll accept your surrender later once your properly settled upon your knees.

    cc The Mitten

    -----Original Message-----
    From: skaullin
    Date: 2/29/2016 6:42:45 PM
    Subject: war

    Body: I guess you want war. Another nation from your alliance just attacked me. Soending money on donations and not being able to collect pisses me off so i guess our alliance will just keep yours in a constant state of war for the round. Stupid...just stupid. How about a little honor and letting a guy collect.

    To: skaullin    From: The Mitten    Date: 2/29/2016 8:46:19 PM

    Subject: sorry to hear


    Message: neener neener neener... we ruined your back collect, na na na na boo boo



    It wasn't even a back collect, it was going to be my first collect.  Anyway, just wanted to bitch.


  5. Maybe I just need to drink more as I keep getting shocked every time I get on here.  I know I shouldn't, but can't believe the amount of bitching that goes on here, lol.


    Citadel has some new leadership in place this round.  Kong stepped down for RL issues a couple of rounds ago, I stepped down this round as RL has caught up to me, so our new leadership was giving it a shot.  Was this war a perfectly even one or an updeclare, probably not.  Was it way out of proportion in our favor, no as well.  NloN got some peace from us because they didn't bitch and moan about the war and frankly, we needed some available slots to counter Krabz DoW on us.  


    As for Misfits leader continuing to say "tried to recruit us"...you must think, at least a little tiny bit, highly of us enough to ensure that everyone on this forum knew that I tried to recruit you, as you have said it multiple times in different threads, lol.  As I am seeing your completely uncalled for reaction to our DoW on you, I'm honestly really glad you turned me down.  We don't want a bunch of complaining members in our AA.  So, can we just pretty please just shut our traps now and finish out this war with some dignity so I can go back to drinking heavily.  It would be much appreciate.


    Come to think of it, I can't recall every seeing you NOT bitch about any war declared on you, can anyone else?

  6. I know it's early, but since the round goes through Christmas I wanted to put it out there for people to start thinking.  Kind of like they did in WWI where there was a cease fire on the 25th of December, I propose we have a 5 day no wars policy around the Christmas time.  I know I wont be going on and think it would be quite crappy to log on on lets say the 27th and see that I have been at war for 2 days.  


    Just a thought.  All comments welcome.

  7. If anyone cares, Citadel agrees that if you don't post a DoW, you are not actually in war, therefor you are a valid target when we are looking for targets, regardless of when your "war" ended, as you weren't in war to begin with.  To clarify even more, it doesn't automatically make you are target for not declaring, just in the long list of available targets.

  8. I was reading through some of the comments following NDO's "Imperial Decree" concerning going to war without a DoW and I noticed that someone mentioned that the same could be said about AA's merging without an announcement.


    So, with that said, as of 3 days ago, Citadel has absorbed most of Dalek Task Force, 6 of their 8 members to be exact.  We have decided to merge and keep the Citadel name in place.  


    If any of you other so called "micro alliances" are tired of having to team up with other AA's just to take on the big guys, feel free to come join us as well.  You would be most welcomed.



  9. Speaking for TDO I can assure you that we will not be doing any dirty spy ops guys and girls.

    That is unless they are used against us first. We have never thought of the threat level op as a dirty one as its effect on collections is minimal.

    It is used moreso to make the others somewhat easier to get through.

    We will even refrain from doing any naval blockades whenever possible and judging from the size of the navies almost everyone has this should not be a problem.


    I do personally want to thank you guys for not piling on the nations who had a nice back collect coming.

    Just one of the reasons I respect both of the alliances we are fighting.


    Now lets see if we can blow up some pixels and set a new record for the GRL.  




    So, were we going to include Navy Blockades as off limits?  As for not piling on back collecting nations, no worries.  I always say treat someone as you want to be treated and I hate not being able to back collect.  I really don't think of threat level op as dirty, just a "gateway drug" for other nasty spy ops, lol.  So I was assuming more was to follow.



    Message: To: Magicboyd25 From: Train Wreck Date: 9/21/2015 12:06:49 AM

    Subject: Naval Blockade
    Message: A naval blockade has been placed against your nation. This blockade will reduce your next tax collection by 3.29%. Together with any previous blockades your next tax collection will be reduced by a total of 3.29%. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    To: Magicboyd25 From: Train Wreck Date: 9/20/2015 12:05:52 AM

    Subject: Naval Blockade
    Message: A naval blockade has been placed against your nation. This blockade will reduce your next tax collection by 5.27%. Together with any previous blockades your next tax collection will be reduced by a total of 5.27%. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

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