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Kristjan Laidoner

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Posts posted by Kristjan Laidoner

  1. official_announcement.png


    Attention denizens of the World, 


    On November 30th, a formal Declaration of War was declared upon the Nordreich by the Royal House of Aevrum. In the ensuing tumult of command, the leadership of the Royal House of Aevrum failed to repeal the Declaration of War, furthering its validity. In response, on December 2nd, the Nordreich formally recognized the offensive campaign launched against it. As such, conflict was openly recognized by both Alliances in a public setting. Regardless of the opinions concerning the legitimacy of the casus foederis of the conflict itself, one cannot possibly argue that the conflict was hidden in any way whatsoever from the World. In fact, for one reason or another; it has been at the forefront of international dialogue since it came to be. Which sets up the casus belli for this particular Nordlandic Announcement. So that there may be no confusion for anyone involved; as much detail as possible shall be henceforth, within this document, be declared. 


    It is a widely agreed upon notion that aiding a nation or Alliance that is at war with another nation or Alliance may be justifiably considered an act of war against the latter party. We within the Nordreich concur with this notion, and seek to peacefully subdue logistics operations that aid our enemies. We do this as diplomatically as possible, and never use offensive military operations as a primary means of suppression. However, if all diplomatic attempts are ignored, we will not shy away from utilizing the Nordreich's Wehrmacht to eradicate such logistics operations. This is a proper tenant of warfare, and is done so justifiably under the rationale that those allowing our enemies to stay in the fight are enemies themselves. 


    On December 3rd, at 9:15:49 AM, Kapsyl I of Kapsylonia, a member of AGW Overlords, sent an Aid Package consisting of $9,000,000 and 4,000 soldiers to Steven Simpson of Grammaton; the latter being a member of the Royal House of Aevrum. This was spotted by both the Reich itself, as well as its Allies. The KronPrinz of the Reich, Latexi, promptly sent a message to the leader of AGW Overlords that stated: 



    To: Unruly

    From: Latexi

    Date: 12/3/2017 10:08:09 AM

    Subject: Official Nordreich Dispatch

    Message: Greetings Unruly. A Member of your alliance, Kapsyl I of Kapsylonia, has sent war aid to an alliance we are at war with. I request your alliance immediately cease all aid transactions with the Royal House of Aevrum for the duration of our conflict, lest Nordreich will be forced to extend this war to your alliance. With warmest of regards, Latexi - Kronprinz von Nordreich


    A message was sent to Kapsyl I himself, as well. 



    To: Kapsyl I

    From: Latexi

    Date: 12/3/2017 10:16:38 AM

    Subject: Official Nordreich Dispatch Message: Greetings Kapsyl I. In case you are not aware, Nordreich is currently engaged in warfare with the Royal House of Aevrum, and sending war aid is often considered an act of war. I request you immediately cancel the aid you have sent to Steve Simpson of Grammaton, and avoid putting your own alliance in harms way. Best regards, Latexi - Kronprinz von Nordreich


    Neither individual replied, though the Aid Shipment in question was Cancelled shortly thereafter.






    However, almost immediately after the Aid Shipment was cancelled, a Secret Aid Shipment appeared on both AGW Overlords' and the Royal House of Aevrum's Aid Screens. The timing of this was simply impossible to ignore, so further research was done. 


    According to this, the nation of Kapsylonia had a sustained military consisting of 30,514 soldiers at the beginning of the day. However, upon inspection of Kapsylonia's military after the Secret Aid was sent, the number of soldiers had declined precisely 4,000 soldiers; down to 26,514. The absolute only two causes for this are either: 


    1. Kapsyl I decommissioned 4,000 soldiers out of his ranks. 
    2. He sent a Foreign Aid Package with 4,000 soldiers in it to someone else. 


    The odds of the first option are impossibly low, leaving the second option to be considered fact. No other Foreign Aid Packages were sent by the nation of Kapsylonia, confirming to the Nordreich that Kapsyl I sent aid in secret to the nation of Grammaton immediately after being informed of the latter's involvement in a war against the Reich. As he was informed of the situation, and chose to ignore our diplomatic bulletin, this makes him complicit in funding an enemy of the Reich and its Allies. This constitutes an Act of War against the Nordreich. 




    As such, the Nordreich formally declares war upon AGW Overlords for their complicit funding of an enemy of the Reich and its Allies. If this incident was merely the unsanctioned act of one individual in particular, then the leadership of AGW should have formally done something to rectify the situation. Allowing this to continue is inaction, and inaction is either complicity or ineptness. Either way, it cannot be tolerated or else it will grow into a larger issue. Failure to properly respond to our diplomacy is what led to this. We are still open to talks with AGW, but the Nordreich will never delay action due to the inaction of others.


    Signed for the Nordreich,

    Oro Ibah Aozpi, Reichskaiser

    Latexi, Kronprinz

    Kristjan Laidoner, Reichsmarschall

    Keysariyt Hanssen, Reichskanzlerin

    Johan Pitka, Stabsoffizier




  2. Once more for posterity's sake, as it is as relevant as ever in this thread. Just so any misconceptions and fallacies may be cleared up. 

    Noctis, your inability or unwillingness to remove Kindle from your Alliance shows to the world that you are either complicit in his ignorant attempts at Diplomacy, or you are flat out inept at leadership. Your impotence of control is evident, regardless. It is inexplicably obvious what happened here, and your attempts at washing away the rumours are futile at best. Simply put: you lost all control of your alliance, and you're choosing the cowardly way "out" of this political fiasco by claiming that, because you are in mild agreement with what the perpetrators did, you will "allow" it to go on; giving the pitifully hilarious illusion that you have even a modicum of control over the situation. You can make these casuistry posts all day long, but you will change the minds of precisely nobody, as the reality of the situation is simply too obvious to ignore. 


    As far as "fighting to the death" and "fighting until you guys give up", I find these statements to be delusions of grandeur from an impotent, priggish individual that still wishes to prove he has control over an Alliance that sees him as a speedbump to their own objectives. 


    Let me break down why you acting sanctimonious in this whole debacle is downright pathetic: 

    1. Instead of removing the individuals that usurped your power, you chose to keep them around. (You kicked Yolo, but he has returned to your AA twice since, meaning you did not ban him; so you're either complicit or flat out inept)
    2. When you escalated the conflict by declaring on us, you only declared on nations that had an absolute minimal military, are less than a month old, and were inactive at the time. 
    3. You're actually nuking these aforementioned nations. 

    The last two points really underscore how truly pitiful your actions are. There were 3 active nations within your range when you declared, and you ignored them. You stated otherwise elsewhere, but you're being untruthful for the sake of covering up the fact that you declared with the utmost cowardice. You're only going after our truly least capable members, and are resorting to using nuclear weapons in a bid to destroy them. Meanwhile, once this all ends with your surrender, which it will; these nations will receive aid from the rest of the Reich, and be far up and out of your putrid range in no time. Hilariously enough, your wars against our absolute lowest tier set us back by 10 days at most. Congratulations; your wartime methodology is just as ineffective as your general attempts at diplomacy. 


    As far as attempting to justify all of this by claiming the sanction against Bormann was a casus belli of sorts, you could not possibly be more fallacious. 

    1. The sanction existed well before you gained a Senate Seat (a seat you were given; not one you earned).
    2. The sanction was put in place for absolutely justifiable reasons.
    3. You removed the sanction without contacting a single other Senator with regards to the sanction's validity.
    4. Despite repeated re-sanctioning, you continued to remove the sanction. 
    5. We, the Nordreich, did not provoke anyone into doing anything. Again, the sanction existed long before you gained the Senate Seat.

    Given that the sanction was in-place prior to your meritless acquisition of the Senate seat, your repeated removal of the sanction is actually a legitimate casus belli for everyone else involved. Your attempts at turning this around to justify a war against us are a logical fallacy; a straw man at best. 


    All in all, this is a pitifully inefficient war escalated by an inept individual that claims to hold all the cards whilst systematically proving otherwise. You wars against our lower tier are statistically useless, and accentuate your lack of general knowledge of how we, or anyone else that isn't completely comprised of minimal tier nations, operate. You can claim "death to Nordreich" all you want; but when a resounding 91% of our nations are outside of your range, and your only two relevant nations not in PM are getting slaughtered, your words are categorically meaningless. 


    PS: Your attempt at driving a stake between the Reich and Non Grata over a Senate Seat gave us all a good laugh. If you can't figure out why, then the chorus of cackling grows louder. 


    With Regards,

    Kristjan Laidoner



  3. 8 minutes ago, Noctis Lucis Caelum said:

    Even if he shouldn't have posted a DoW without asking me, you guys did place the sanctions and I'm not complaining about the war. Also we don't recognize Norway as part of Nordland or the Reich. So we'll fight you until you guys give up.


    Your inability or unwillingness to remove Kindle from your Alliance shows to the world that you are either complicit in his ignorant attempts at Diplomacy, or you are flat out inept at leadership. Your impotence of control is evident, regardless. It is inexplicably obvious what happened here, and your attempts at washing away the rumours are futile at best. Simply put: you lost all control of your alliance, and you're choosing the cowardly way "out" of this political fiasco by claiming that, because you are in mild agreement with what the perpetrators did, you will "allow" it to go on; giving the pitifully hilarious illusion that you have even a modicum of control over the situation. You can make these casuistry posts all day long, but you will change the minds of precisely nobody, as the reality of the situation is simply too obvious to ignore. 


    As far as "fighting to the death" and "fighting until you guys give up", I find these statements to be delusions of grandeur from an impotent, priggish individual that still wishes to prove he has control over an Alliance that sees him as speedbump to their own objectives. 


    Let me break down why you acting sanctimonious in this whole debacle is downright pathetic: 

    1. Instead of removing the individuals that usurped your power, you chose to keep them around. (You kicked Yolo, but he has returned to your AA twice since, meaning you did not ban him; so you're either complicit or flat out inept)
    2. When you escalated the conflict by declaring on us, you only declared on nations that had an absolute minimal military, are less than a month old, and were inactive at the time. 
    3. You're actually nuking these aforementioned nations. 

    The last two points really underscore how truly pitiful your actions are. There were 3 active nations within your range when you declared, and you ignored them. You're only going after our truly least capable members, and are resorting to using nuclear weapons in a bid to destroy them. Meanwhile, once this all ends with your surrender, which it will; these nations will receive aid from the rest of the Reich, and be far up and out of your putrid range in no time. Hilariously enough, your wars against our absolute lowest tier set us back by 10 days at most. Congratulations; your wartime methodology is just as ineffective as your general attempts at diplomacy. 


    As far as attempting to justify all of this by claiming the sanction against Bormann was a casus belli of sorts, you could not possibly be more fallacious. 

    1. The sanction existed well before you gained a Senate Seat (a seat you were given; not one you earned).
    2. The sanction was put in place for absolutely justifiable reasons.
    3. You removed the sanction without contacting a single other Senator with regards to the sanction's validity.
    4. Despite repeated re-sanctioning, you continued to remove the sanction. 

    Given that the sanction was in-place prior to your meritless acquisition of the Senate seat, your repeated removal of the sanction is actually a legitimate casus belli for everyone else involved. Your attempts at turning this around to justify a war against us are a logical fallacy; a straw man at best. 


    All in all, this is a pitifully inefficient war escalated by an inept individual that claims to hold all the cards whilst systematically proving otherwise. You wars against our lower tier are statistically useless, and accentuate your lack of general knowledge of how we, or anyone else that isn't completely comprised of minimal tier nations, operate. You can claim "death to Nordreich" all you want; but when a resounding 91% of our nations are outside of your range, and your only two relevant nations not in PM are getting slaughtered, your words are categorically meaningless. 


    PS: Your attempt at driving a stake between the Reich and Non Grata over a Senate Seat gave us all a good laugh. If you can't figure out why, then the chorus of cackling grows louder. 


    With Regards,

    Kristjan Laidoner



  4. 2 minutes ago, Yolo04 said:

    Do not blame my alliance for my mistakes

    I didn't think twice when Sir Kindle asked for me to write rhis declaration of war and did not consult Nocticis of this war

    If there is anyone to blame its myslef so I accept the fact that you and your allies are mad but it is my fault not there's so if you are to be mad at anyone it is me

    You turned this into a wider issue when you signed their names onto the DoW. You do not get to attack the Nordreich, only to realize what a colossally poor decision it was, and then try to save your friends from the onslaught on the horizon. You and Sir Kindle brought Noctis into this, and he is going to have to make a decision here. That is how Responsibility of Leadership works . You put the noose around your necks; whether it is Noctis or the Nordreich kicking the chair out from under you all is up to him.


    Regardless of his decision, you two will positively know the thread count of standard issue Nordreich Wehrmacht boots by the time this is over. Whether or not the rest of the Royal House of Aevrum adds this to their collective knowledge of the world is up to Noctis. I implore him to make the correct decision. 


    With Regards,

    Kristjan Laidoner



  5. To Those Involved,


    With regards to the recent impulsive and pitifully ineffective attacks on Nordlanders: the Nordreich will always respond with swift, unrelenting force to those that attack its own.


    Sir Kindle and Yolo's inability to see the easily verifiable fact that Martin Bormann has been sanctioned for months on end is evident proof that their critical thinking skills are about as effective as their collective ability to wage war. All you two had to do was come talk to any of the Nordreich's Government, and we could have had a rational, fact-based discussion. Instead, you decided to pull this stunt. I'm not sure which is more embarrassing for you two: 

    1. Trying to act as if you're heavyweights, and then proceeding to Declare War on some of our least active members when active nations were within range.
    2. Making this Declaration of War in the first place, and using peoples' signatures without their permission.
    3. Having a Complete Failure of a spy operation against someone with no spies.

    This was an extremely poor move on your part, and not one any of us here will forget. 


    Noctis, failure to remove Sir Kindle from your Alliance constitutes complicity. If you wanted this handled in backdoor channels, then you should not have let this happen in the first place. Next time, put more effort into keeping your own members in line, and less time trying to get random Maroon members to vote for your senate seat; a seat you have only due to post-war terms of surrender. Your ineptness is not an excuse for indecision. Fix this problem before we fix it for you. 


    With Regards,

    Kristjan Laidoner



  6. 4 hours ago, Shurukian said:

    Go talk to your alliance leadership before you attempt to lecture me on things you aren't knowledgeable about.


    Oh man, if only you knew how hilariously ironic this line is.




    Read the Leadership section. 


    I am very aware of the extent to which this was "handled". You have the coordination skills of a blind Air Traffic Controller and I am calling you out on it. Again, congratulations on the public display of incompetence. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Shurukian said:

    Glad to see that's how you react to the MDoAP partner of an MDoAP partner. 


    Do you think before you speak or just let the stream of thought flow aimlessly?


    Degrees of separation does not absolve one of the consequences of their inexplicably ignorant actions. If those same degrees of separation did not stop multiple individuals of your alliance from attacking us, why do you believe that they should prevent us from launching a reprisal? 


    This is in addition to the fact that you came here to formally announce a "State of Chaos", which is a roundabout method of informing Planet Bob that you have lost control of your membership, and some of them are more keen on following misdirection from Mogar than they are their own alliance leadership.


    Congratulations, your attempts at damage control have equated to a public declaration of incompetence.


    You were much better off informing us through private channels of your inability to control your members than turning this into the public display of ineptness it has so hilariously become.

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