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Posts posted by AtheistRepublican

  1. [00:06] <~EmperorMarx> I just don't give a $%&@ anymore. I put so much work into this alliance with little to show for it for the longest time
    [00:07] <~EmperorMarx> Or the "problems" people have with it
    [00:07] <~EmperorMarx> Everybody wants \m/ to be \m/
    [00:07] <~EmperorMarx> This is \m/.

    This right here struck a chord in me...and I think a lot of leaders in various alliances may feel the same way. I actually had a conversation the other night on such a topic. As long as others continue to hold old grudges, any work we do is essentially meaningless, because the son will always be at fault for the sins of the father.

    Speaking of which...

    [22:34] <~EmperorMarx> So let's hit someone else too
    [22:34] <~EmperorMarx> Personallly
    [22:34] <~EmperorMarx> I want NATO


  2. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1295944747' post='2599638']
    A reason was given bit you seem to have missed it. We don't like them.

    Also men do not have migraines, while it is typically the term given even to men for vascular pain im the brain it is referred to as a cluster headache for a male in the medical books.

    See, today, you learned two things.

    Wow, you have no idea how funny your comment is.

  3. The logs fail to show the initial contact between VE and Polaris - if there even was one - but rather the contact between Dajobo and Impero after it was apparent both knew what was going happen. Impero doesn't want to talk about it and Dajobo responds by calling him a fool. I can see diplomacy in fine form was had by all.

    At any rate, I guess I can respect Polaris for sticking by their man, but personally I would be pissed off that my own second-in-command [i]leaked information about the state of my alliance's warchests to someone outside of the alliance[/i], even if only in comparison. BFFs or not.

  4. [quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1292997137' post='2549429']
    Oh hey good to see TFD is more important than all of your other MDPs, including [b]Bloc[/b].

    It's not the importance of the treaty (though it is important), but rather it's our only chaining treaty.

  5. Anywhere from $5-$25, and I can take multiple clients. I am not looking for cash-only deals, only tech/cash splits, or tech-only for $5-10 donations.

    I can also split deals with you - for example, if you want a $25 donation but do not have enough money/tech ingame (or enough reoccurring slots), I would accept part payment through Amazon GC and part payment in ingame cash/tech.

    Please send me a PM for details/offers.

    Ideally I'd like to find a client I can do reoccurring deals with each month.

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