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Posts posted by Magicboyd25

  1. Apparently i have caused a bit of butthurt in NATO and SN-X over my nominations. As such, i will stand by said nominations and would like to inform said nominations to shove it...right into the toaster and make sure to set it on "crispy" because the "bagel" setting just doesn't work


    What butthurt? I am sorry but you should fix that rusty toaster of yours :P


    I have disliked one of your constituent alliances since it spied on an alliance I was leading. I have a long memory for that sort of thing.


    Plus any alliance that has Tywin as a (current or former) member automatically has a target on its back. I am far from the first person to point this out.


    Oh well he is gone and for good reason :P 

  3. If I had to guess, it would be Atlas' failure to activate their treaty with NSF during the Guinness conflict, especially when Riot Society steppes in. It looked like they didn't care if their friends burned.

    or the move to the brown sphere and getting closure to GATO


    Is that more FA than military though? 


    Shout out to Magicboyd25 just because i was one of  "few more of our guys to hit him". You where clearly overwhelmed but still bothered to do some damage, that sadly can't be said about everyone i have fought so far.




    Yours was also a fun fight :P havent had that good of a fight between the two of you since my first nation in Karma

  5. I did other stuff besides being a Senator ;)


    You no way embodied MILCOM as a whole, so your influence may have been there but it wasnt all of you. 



    Alliances the size SNX have faced far worst destruction and political odds and thrived over the last few years, repeatedly. Only SNX can kill itself or limit its ambitions. Don't be the \m/ guys with annual tearfests.


    We are not crying over this at all, just people hearing a comment saying we have more ns on us makes people think we are "crying" when we aren't. This war is fun and its been too long since i had a good war  :P

  6. You know what I find interesting, once you left SNX it was a breeze (at least for us) working with SNX, you got some fine people residing in that alliance, then I wake to the most disturbing rumor.

    Rumors of Immigration from undesirable elements with strange idea's, we have and had every intention of staying neutral during this war, let them disrupt the peace and harmony we currently have and I assure we will blow that alliance back to its Marxist motherland where the very thought of battle will disgust them till the end of days. Hunting Season is over & our freezers our full.

    Consider this a warning from the well-armed sheepdog squad of the brown team


    I am not understanding what you have heard? 

  7. Lol i was never complaining about it i was just asking why he did not have a good opinion of us :P believe me i accepted everything else a long time ago, as i have seen a lot in my years in GDA. So i think you read that wrong :P It was a response to what he said not the war itself.

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