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Benjamin Smythe

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Posts posted by Benjamin Smythe

  1. You haven't, from reading this, bothered to contact any of the four major powers on Purple (being Valhalla, UPN, Legion or Invicta). Quite frankly, and I'm speaking alone here, I think we'd have appreciated it if you'd spoken to us first before coming onto the sphere. As far as I am concerned, going on history, this is not an accepted alliance by CN standards of number of members.

    My advice? Beat it. Before someone takes a shining to your tech. Because none of us will be defending you. You stand alone, boys. Your leaders have forsaken you - join an established alliance. Because they certainly have...

  2. I already wished Valhalla luck - however, I do have my concerns that if this is seen as the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak, that people are going to get hurt. And I don't wish that on anyone in Valhalla as they're top notch blokes (and lasses).

  3. Eh, maybe it's just me, but is the posturing really necessary? On both sides: KoS complaining about how folks are "ruining the game"; everyone talking about how they're going to beat him up (in a thread specifically about him leaving and not caring anymore. Uh, what?).

    So someone wanted to nuke some folks he wouldn't have dared attack when he still cared -- essentially, for giggles. So what? Threats don't mean anything, he's leaving anyway. Raid his tech and infra if you can, and forget about it. Aid the folks who were attacked, ignore him, ignore the thread, and move on. Every post in this thread (and I know I'm a hypocrite by posting this) is just that much longer before it drops off Page 1 and is forgotten about.

    Please, pretty please, let this be the last post?

    I laughed. I laughed hard.

    You know what really gets me? It's these kinda people who appeal for calm on both sides. Go and join the GPA, or go and get nuked yourself. The rogue's now at ZI and getting a nuke every day from me until I slip into bill lock. And you're willing to dismiss the sacrifice that I've made? That Dawny's made? That Moo and Harvey have made by all taking time out to wipe the floor with him?

    No. Just, no.

  4. The Legion pre-Viceroyship also considered the idea of political parties. Unfortunately, my anti-fraud legislation in that alliance probably prevented it. Then again, I'm suspecting the charter was ripped up by the NPO when they moved in. Which would be a good thing as it was a bureaucratic morass.

  5. And if Moo permits - it's my turn tomorrow!

    No doubt I'll get one at 6pm GMT today from this fool for assisting with his destruction after one of his friends got the boot for war slot filling.

    Coward Rogue is a Coward. How do you feel boy? Hiding behind your barracks and G-Camps won't save you from "Atlashill's Jayhawk Killer" tomorrow morning.

    EDIT: Oh yeah. He's sending porn to our CN inboxes now. Say hai to the Admin Bomb, kthx.

  6. And I won't stop there. The clock is ticking. If you fire any nuclear weapons at any of the nations who are actually countering your pathetic attempts at going out with a bang, then I think it goes without saying that myself, Dawny or Emperor Revenge will be happy to return the favour?

    Oh, and I hope you enjoyed having two nukes destroyed this morning. That was me. ^_^

  7. ^^^This, how are the former kalediscopers doing?

    As Haf said, doing fine. I'm cackling with glee for other reasons (namely the fact that one particular nation during the time with Kal caused issues, and is now getting owned by the NPO et al) and it should also be known that Haf asked me to... "assist" with this summoning of the Beast.

    So, in effect, I am the Prophet of the Beast, or something like that :ph34r: . Hail Invicta!

  8. I see you ignored my post. So what do you say guys? Is a little honesty too much to ask?

    Yeah... you want the truth about this so-called "mugging". I wanted the truth about why FAN supported the person who went nuke rogue at my nation all those months ago, and then accepted him back in with a new nation and gave him aid packages left right and centre.

    I didn't get the truth. I got jack squat. I fail to see why any member of FAN deserves the truth from the NPO.

  9. Aw, a threat, how cute. I'm supposed to give my lunch money to the bully now? No, I don't think so. I'll speak my opinions freely, and I recommend the rest of CN doing the same and not expressing such cowardice.

    It's a liberating feeling.

    You should try it.

    Notice my signature, notice I'm not a member of the NPO. Although I will now laugh when they come knocking. I expressed my sentiments once, namely in GW3, and paid the price along with the Legion. I'm not going to be doing so quite so quickly again. Then again the Legion used to brainwash members that the NPO were evil and were to be destroyed. True story.

    Either way, I'm perfectly liberated and I shall continue to watch your pitiful attempts at supporting FAN.

  10. Naturally, you'd say that.

    There are 300 members in FAN. One of them talks !@#$ and obviously doesn't care, do you HONESTLY think he's speaking in the best interest of FAN? Probably not. You're exploiting that. Read between the lines.

    If a president decides he's going to kill himself tomorrow and doesn't care what happens to the rest of the people in the nation he's leading, do you take him seriously? Probably not.

    After most of your replies, I'd suggest treading carefully around the Order. Everyone knows what happens when someone's too vocal.

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