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Benjamin Smythe

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Posts posted by Benjamin Smythe

  1. Watching alliances rise and fall. Building an alliance from nothing and seeing how far you can go.

    Been there, done that... not doing it again (but admittedly, FAN was threatening Kaleidoscope and then got owned by the collective might of the Orders soon after the merger with Invicta).

    My favourite part... the satisfaction of annihilating a worthy enemy in combat. There are very few worthy of my steel, and most of them I bear no ill will towards. Apart from that, the Foreign Affairs I don't worry about (diplomacy ain't my strong suit) but I have a soft spot for Game Mechanics.

  2. TGE you guy's suck.... Kissing up to commie scum filth of the world.... 3rd world nation's are commies not 1st world nations.... What does that tell you about communism? It doesn't work so scum just go burrie your head's in the sand some more..... If you like communism so much why dont you move to China, N.Korea or Veitnam.....

    Down with the NPO and TPF........Oh that's right there scum just like you all.....

    lol, illuminati.

  3. Well then, I suppose you'll be getting rid of the ruler of Free Land? Wait? No, you say?

    Works for me. Unfortunately under the rules set down by Invicta I can't nuke anyone but him. But by the Maker, if I could, I'd happily nuke any sorry fool flying the flag of "Illuminati" or "Rat Pack" for this indiscretion.

    Why, you ask? Because I've been shown that discourtesy before, by Diskord. I'd like to see how it works in return, but alas, I cannot.

    But "Free Land" will get another, oh, 10 nukes or so? I'm so looking forward to grinding this pathetic nation under my nuclear boot. We'll see how free they are then, huh?

  4. LOL, actually in that case, those members were from our Banner and nothing to do with Terry. Doubt he knew them. They all joined Illuminati 2 weeks earlier and decided to go rouge as they got bored of playing.

    No excuse. Both sides of the Illuminati, whether it be your incompetant Big Biz side, or the dishonourable TNWO side of things, stonewalled diplomacy. Now you both get to rot, I care not your origin, I only care for your destruction.

  5. The funny thing is that you claim that we are nazis and we are on here spreading our hate. Find one nation that I have messaged and have them provide proof. You cant because it never happened. If we are evil and mean nazis explain why we were in the same alliance and were friends with jews? I will give you and example of someone in Illuminati that treated me with friendly respect and I did the same to him his name is Longbow. If we were such evil nazis there is no way we would associate ourselves with jews so your arguement is false.

    I left the Illuminati because a friend of mine in RL, Airman98 who also isnt a nazi, tried to leave and join the NPO but like Terry has done so many times before he uses you, Slayer99, to threaten us with. I am glad this has happened because for a long time we have had to go along with whatever Terry said if we wanted to survive because he said he could handle you. Because we knew you would never leave us alone to play the game no matter what we say and no matter how many times we apologize for some dumb mistakes that were made when we first created our nations.

    That is no excuse for you to declare fake wars in order to defend The Feather, treasonous cur. May you rot in the Ninth Circle with your brethren who don't know when they're beaten!

  6. So Terry got bored when he told Jables, SirJJ and Jayskate to declare fake wars in order to protect KingOfSparta against Dawny, Emperor Revenge and Harvey? Don't make me laugh.

    EDIT: Watching the IC/OOC...

  7. Well the post is an old post and was locked as it was cast aside as it was me who started the thread.

    None of my gov where happy with the idea at all. Its my fault we are at this point and my fault alone.

    My alliances is suffering for my actions. I have to deal with that as its the last thing i ever wanted

    Your lamenting won't save you. And your nations are preparing to fire nuclear weapons. There will be no forgiveness for that alone.

    OOC: Do the right thing instead of apologising all the time and ask for a lock.

  8. Apparently there are quite the number of Illuminati nations trying to save their hides by showing other affiliations.

    Hence why the Ratpack alliance are going to destruction too. Have fun - because I'm sure M6 Redneck is.

  9. I'm sure the guys that attacked me aren't in here boasting! Since Three nations twice my size couldn't put me in anarchy and I attacked three of your pecker head nations to boot. :P :P Hail Illuminati

    Hey, you're that stupid little boy who decided to make people go to the "Ratpack" AA and attack Masons?

    You've just been sentenced to perma-ZI. No surrender for you at all.

    See you in hell, little boy.

  10. :ph34r:

    So all of you tech speculators will know, noWedge is under the protection of the NPO until such time as he joins another alliance.

    Clarity on such issues is good. Unfortunately, I'd offer to help but I'm kind of rebuilding from that nuke rogue we fought.

    Seriously, folks. Leave him be... let the GGA or any other alliance decide what to do with regards to admission now, kay?

  11. Note to self: Stay on the other side of the sidewalk from Benjamin Smythe :mellow:

    Indeed. Fanatacism is a dangerous thing especially in the minds of the insane.

    Keep that in mind should you ever face me as an opponent. Which is unlikely, I'll admit.

  12. OOC: I'm not concerned about the GPA peace terms. I don't care to re-hash the events leading up to the second FAN war. The thing that concerns me most about the whole FAN situation is that, for all intents and purposes, an alliance is being forced out of the game for completely IC reasons. FAN has never OOC attacked anyone like GOONS, or hacked/attacked CN or alliance sites like /b/. If The Continuum doesn't want FAN to come back as a power, just make it a perma-disband like \m/. ZI the original violators, and after that, let people rebuild and go on their merry way. It is, after all, just a game. It would be a terrible precedent to force FAN out of the game over IC reasons.

    OOC: FAN have OOC attacked me before, so it's not a case of "never", more a case of "isolated incidents". And while I am insignificant compared to the Orders and thusly it doesn't really give precedent to go to war over, the point stands that they supported the member who did so.

    IC: I can tell the GPA from being on the opposite side of the likes of the NPO during GW3 that surrender really is the better option here. You shouldn't care that they will expel you - back in my day as a Legionnaire, surrender meant you were condemned to ZI not by The Initiative but your fellow Legionnaires. Thankfully the GPA do not take such policies.

    I went to ZI because I was fooled by the alliance leadership. Do not make the same mistake that I did over a year ago.

  13. I'm going to add my example to the mix now, and see what your thoughts are on it. Yes, it's an old one. Yes, it's that particular example. You may be tired, but I'd like to hear how you supposedly deal with it.

    Post-GW3 a few Legionnaires went and formed another alliance. We were sick of the Legion and how it had treated the loyal members who tried to restore it to past glories and settle the past once and for all. We formed Kaleidoscope. Shortly after that, FAN decided to tech raid myself and made threats on GunneR as well.

    During that raid, I of course had Sinister6 be quite rude and violent towards me. Personally, I'm happy the little so-and-so no longer has a nation, and OOCly, you might curse at me for this, I believe he should be in a mental institution.

    Then PAW came along, of course. There was the merger. He went rogue and nuked Diamont a few times. But in that, he threatened numerous counts of raping my RL mother and sister, beating the RL version of "Benjamin Smythe" to a pulp among other things. Unfortunately, my laptop died with all the proof around a year ago.

    Do you honestly expect the OOC version of me to accept such abuse? I mean, the Mod Team here told me that we were "both as bad as each other" and failed to intervene. That's in the past now, but still. Unfortunately, he's tarnished the view I hold of FAN along with Diskord for nuking me because a rogue nation nuked him first, and Mpol for agreeing with the nuke roguery of Sinister6. In GW3 the members of FAN that I fought weren't disrespectful (bar Diskord), and nor was anyone else. I held no ill will to them at all until the events after GW3.

    The OOC events have, of course, transpired into the IC realm. I now will relentlessly wait for the day until Sinister6 gets back in range (if he had a nation, he's long gone now as far as I'm aware) and I'll show him, as the Monarch of Diamont, what we do to people who threaten IRL $%&@ of family members. Same goes for the rest of FAN for cheering him on. I'm sorry, but that's how it goes. I have no RL discourse (the Police in the UK tend to laugh at events like this on the net) so my only option is IC vengeance.

    So I rightly ask, why shouldn't I mix the two together in this one instance? I keep IC and OOC separate. IRL I'm a Student living in a run down old house studying Accounting. In CN I'm a Monarch, married to another ruler and have five kids and two cats. The only way those two realities mix is the fact that said other ruler (namely Vanshira) and I are much like Dawny and Atlashill - we're in a relationship. Apart from that, the game and my studies are separate.

  14. (OOC: I roleplay frequently on the Invicta forums anyway... that, and I'm always idling in #Invicta)

    Well, one out of four isn't bad. I still supect the tech raiders of Planet Bob will have their say, with military force... but we shall see how things will turn out for them, though my advice stands that they may need help from one of the four. In this case, the UPN to start off with.

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