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Blog Entries posted by Scourge

  1. Scourge
    Everyone is just dying to see what FAN is going to do next. Since the common notion is that we all get popcorn and wait for the entertainment, I thought you all would love some quick and easy ways to spice that popcorn up!
    All of these recipes are courtesy of The Popcorn Board. Visit their website if you want to learn more about popcorn, see more recipes, or laugh at their insane graphics.

    I hope you enjoy these. I know I will.
  2. Scourge
    So, I've been playing Hearthstone for a few months now. The release of the latest expansion, Goblins vs. Gnomes, has really altered the game a lot and made a lot more deck ideas viable. Cancer Hunter has slowly stopped being the only thing you run into, and there is a much more diverse hero selection going on these days.
    No, I'm not that crazy guy that spends a ton of money on packs. That's insane. I'm mostly free to play, with the exception of the Naxxramas Adventure which was my Christmas present to myself. My favorite decks to play are Druid, Shaman, and Paladin. Overall though, I don't really dislike any class, save those few which I don't really have all the cards available to build a viable deck.
    Anyone else play? Anyone interested in setting up a duel now and again? If anyone is interested, feel free to add me (Scourge#1725)
    If enough people are interested, I'll put together a little tournament.
  3. Scourge
    Hey y'all,
    With the recent theme of the NPO - DK PIAT, we'd like to invite you all to come on over to the CyberNations subreddit. A place where the points don't matter and you're possibility of getting a ban hammer is greatly reduced. We're working on sprucing the place up a bit, and would love to see you there!
  4. Scourge
    This Week on Faux News
    Monday January 27th, 2014
    Lannister Unhinged?

    Image Courtesy DeviantArtAuthor of the CN Blog Series Accuses Community of "pathetic attempts to silence free speech"

    The Lannister News Network this morning issued a new report claiming that recent blog posts were made by members of the CN Community in an attempt to lower the visibility of LNN's programming. The author and founder of the Lannister News Network, Tywin Lannister, accused several members of the community of participating in a campaign against "free thought and intellectual speech" using what he defines as "blog spam" to remove his latest blog, Talking Points Memo: Farrin's PR offensive, from the list of most recent blog posts. We caught up with Mr. Lannister in #polaris on the Coldfront IRC network and sought out the basis of these radical accusations. Mr. Lannister was combative throughout the interview, and refused to answer several questions. He provided no evidence to support his claim that these recent blogs were anything other than a coincidence. Instead, Mr. Lannister provided this comment:

    Now, while I have my doubts as to Mr. Lannister's ability to predict the future, I'll save those for another day. When pushed as to why these recent posts were defined, in his views, as a campaign against the Lannister News Network, Mr. Lannister appeared to contradict the LNN report, instead stating:

    We apologize to our younger viewers that we were forced to censor Mr. Lannister's comments. Faux News is committed to family friendly programming, and that language is not tolerated on our network.
    We asked Mr. Lannister about the importance of having the LNN appear in the most recent blog posts, and we also asked him about alternative viewing methods. In response, Mr. Lannister accused the other blog posts of lacking in relevance:

    We again apologize for Mr. Lannister's vulgarity in this interview.
    Now, Faux News investigated Mr. Lannister's claims that recent blogs were "garbage" and "lulz", and determined that only one was even close to fitting that criteria. We caught up with the author of that blog, BringMeTheHorizon, and asked him about Mr. Lannister's radical accusations:

    Now, I read Mr. Lannister's program frequently, and while I don't always agree with the content I respect his right to say it. We here at Faux News hold freedom of speech in the highest regard, and that is why we decided to investigate this issue. However, our investigation can reach no other conclusion that Mr. Lannister is simply attempting to stir up among his readers a sensation of mistrust and outright hatred towards those who LNN opposes politically. There is no evidence to support any sort of conspiracy against Mr. Lannister personally, LNN, or any of LNN's individual programs. We suspect that the influx of alternate community content simply made Mr. Lannister nervous, with the possibility that viewership to his blog would drop without the free exposure being listed in the most recent blog posts provides.
    You decide! Vote in the poll and let's hear your thoughts on this issue in the comments below. Were the recent blog posts created to reduce viewership of LNN?
    We leave you now with our final thought:

    Faux News is an Independent Production
    Faux News, because pixels.

  5. Scourge
    Like many of you, I live in a part of the world that is experiencing record low temperatures this winter. We've had an abnormal amount of wind here, and quite often that has knocked out internet access, power, or drifted the roads over. None of those things phase me too much, after all, living in relative isolation from other households, one prepares for these events. Driving isn't a problem, even in my little coupe, unless the other drivers make it one. There is plenty of gas for the generator, and plenty of food in the pantry.
    It's easy during this time of year to become even more isolated than one already was. No one wants to venture out into subzero wind chills and interact with humanity. Hell, I don't even like interacting with humanity in the summer time. Summer, when instead of cursing the wind, one revels in the cool comfort as it wraps around them. Eventually our desire for human contact takes over, as mine did, and instead of the relative comfort of home one finds themselves trekking again out into the wintery abyss.
    My journey took me to see a film, Gimme Shelter, starring Vanessa Hudgens. You can follow the link to view the trailer, or to learn more about the film. For me, it was the perfect winter movie: dark, raw, emotional. I was brought to tears throughout the film. That was awkward, given that the only other patrons were a young couple, doing things young couples do in movies. But I'm getting sidetracked; what I mean to tell you is that this movie is perfect viewing for those of us who lose humanity over the winter months. Be prepared, however, to have it all come flooding back.
    One last thing to share with you all, and that is a poem I found. While I'm taking it from The Pocket Book of Verse (1956 New York, N.Y.) it most certainly did not appear there first. Thus, someone with a more complete library than the meager collection of used and discount books that I have collected over the years may be able to piece together a more complete edition. I suppose I could just Google it, but where is the fun in that?

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