So, I've been playing Hearthstone for a few months now. The release of the latest expansion, Goblins vs. Gnomes, has really altered the game a lot and made a lot more deck ideas viable. Cancer Hunter has slowly stopped being the only thing you run into, and there is a much more diverse hero selection going on these days.
No, I'm not that crazy guy that spends a ton of money on packs. That's insane. I'm mostly free to play, with the exception of the Naxxramas Adventure which was my Christmas present to myself. My favorite decks to play are Druid, Shaman, and Paladin. Overall though, I don't really dislike any class, save those few which I don't really have all the cards available to build a viable deck.
Anyone else play? Anyone interested in setting up a duel now and again? If anyone is interested, feel free to add me (Scourge#1725)
If enough people are interested, I'll put together a little tournament.
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