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Everything posted by ericcarlson

  1. [quote name='steodonn' timestamp='1351558295' post='3046544'] I'm calling it a false religion but I think all religions are false expect voodoo they got real life zombies [/quote] You sir I can respect.
  2. In many posts and messages Igumen has shown that he is intolerant of any non-Christian religion. Frankly I find this to be a problem that could only grow into a religious war if we do not come to a peaceful agreement now. I feel that any non-Christian government is not safe with this Igumen and his nation around. Please note the International Armed Forces Group accepts every religion. This includes Christianity. To call the IAFG a anti-Christian group would be false. -ericcarlson of Ingeria
  3. [quote name='Igumen' timestamp='1351554109' post='3046521'] ericcarlson: You cannot get anywhere by fighting the Cross of Christ. If you declare was against a nation carrying the Cross whilst following the false religion of Islam then your efforts will be fruitless. Looking at Caucasia, I can see that this nation is trying to exist as a simple nation united by blood under the banner of Christ. Therefore the Free Land of Cathari has sent military aid to Caucasia in order to dissuade Ingeria from her destructive ways. Your nation is of Arab ethnicity. The Arabs were worshiping the Word of God, that is Jesus Christ, long before they worshiped the falsified "word of God" called the Qu'ran. They apostatized, but as a strong ruler you can at least bring your nation to repentance, convert to Christianity, and turn away from your war against the self-declared Christian nation. God save us all. The Igumen of Cathari [/quote] Excuse me, are you calling Islam a false religion? I support every religion myself but I am Islamic. To call a religion fasle is very immature and unjust. Good day to you.
  4. This is a prime example of what our group is trying to stop. The IAFG would be more than happy to help you in your struggle.
  5. Recently a war was declared on the nation of Sanquid because of a communication problem. The war was unjust and goes completely against our ideals and morals. We are working on restoring our honor. We are made to preserve freedoms and liberties to our nations.
  6. [quote name='Thom98' timestamp='1351546304' post='3046475'] upon further review I take back my above statement, even with the sarcasm, you don't have a chance. Looking at your AA war page, 3 of 4 of you all raided 1 guy. That in of it's self isn't all that bad, however seeing how your target is 17 days inactive, it's not even a tech raid, just a waste of resources. [/quote] There was a communication problem between a few of the nations in this alliance the raid is going to be called off shortly. Thank you for your comment so I could explain the reason.
  7. War has always been an option but I did not think it would happen so soon.

    1. Winner12345


      Please peace out all wars please.

  8. [quote name='WarriorSoul' timestamp='1351482696' post='3046262'] This has to be the 5th alliance in the last month that Winner12345 has had a part in. This is the kind of person that really makes you grateful for the fact that you have more than 7 brain cells in your head. [/quote] He has? Why did he leave the other ones?
  9. [center][size=6][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Thank you to [center]Winner12345 and his commitment to this alliance.[/center][/font][/size][/center]
  10. Color: Alliance Name (International Armed Forces Group) - #International
  11. We will widely use the irc chat on channel International New site will be up by 31-Oct-2012 site can be found at http://ingeria.yolasite.com/
  12. The Ingeria Deceleration of Rights [center]Declaration of Rights of Ingeria[/center] · Every man and woman above the age of 16 is an adult citizen who is covered by these rights · Every man and woman is allowed to own a fire arm after going through the appropriate process to obtain said fire arm (this right may be restricted to those who have been convicted of a crime) · The media is allowed to report any information that does not threaten the safety of the nation of its allies · People are allowed freedom of speech and religion · In times of war, economic failure, etc. the military can take control of the government and disable this document for an appropriate time · Any man or woman is allowed to run or work at a business · One cannot be arrested without reason · The practice of any religion is allowedDeclaration of Rights of Ingeria · Every man and woman above the age of 16 is an adult citizen who is covered by these rights · Every man and woman is allowed to own a fire arm after going through the appropriate process to obtain said fire arm (this right may be restricted to those who have been convicted of a crime) · The media is allowed to report any information that does not threaten the safety of the nation of its allies · People are allowed freedom of speech and religion · In times of war, economic failure, etc. the military can take control of the government and disable this document for an appropriate time · Any man or woman is allowed to run or work at a business · One cannot be arrested without reason · The practice of any religion is allowed
  13. [right] [/right] [center]International Armed Forces Group[/center] 25-Oct-12 Ingeria Mission Statement: “To defend our allies from attack and support them in time of need.” 1. Defenses · We will only attack as an alliance if a nation or alliance threatens or attacks an ally · Allies must message other allies before declaring war on another nation · Strong militaries are encouraged but should only be used if absolutely needed · If an ally invades a nation and another ally or allies think it is unreasonable a vote will be polled and if it is declared unreasonable the ally that started the invasion will be attacked by the alliance · Nuclear weapons are important to have but should not be used without consulting the alliance first 2. Government · All governments must allow the use of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons · All governments must have a military · All governments must be willing to improve infrastructure · All governments must have a tax rate over 15% · No Anarchies and Tolerant States are allowed 3. Religion · All religions are accepted · This is made of mostly Muslim nations 4. Economy · All nations must be willing to aid each other · A average or strong economy is preferred but weak economies are allowed · Trading is strongly enforced This Document May be Changed at Any Time Any Questions Please Message Ingeria’s ericcarlson [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XQTV5VQu_ho/UIoXHlZ78iI/AAAAAAAAAAg/-THhytJiMq4/s320/Flag+copy.jpg[/img] [img]file:///Users/Eric/Desktop/Cyber%20Nations/Flag.jpg[/img]
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