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Posts posted by Ovidsidios

  1. Edit: Anyway, can we please not make this thread about BFF/FEAR/Chaxgate and keep it about the alliance declaring existence here? 


    It would be wildly immature to simply say that "Deebo started it..."


    But he totally did  :rolleyes:


    Deebo, of all the ex-BFF gov (that didn't go on to re-form Wolfpack or FEAR), you and MoSW are the two that I still have a great amount of respect for. Rather than telling the alliance "hey, we disbanded, go get absorbed by INT" (without consulting the alliance, might I add; I was still a member of BFF when that happened, and found out about it via the forum post), you two stuck around and attempted to get things fixed.


    Also, obligatory Chax is evil, for reason of mentioning my name in an OWF post...causing me to come back to this awful, awful place.



    Oh, and Marx, our signing with TORN had nothing to do with the war; we just wanted some distance from BFF till things cooled down, and TORN was always a good ally to us in FEAR; it would have been difficult to sign with almost anyone else while still achieving that distance. It's almost a shame to see so many of GOONS so hostile toward FEAR, when we were allies not long ago; the people haven't changed, just the AA. Ah well, such is life under the treaty web.


    C'est la vie indeed


    It's amazing how breaking off and signing with our enemies just before the war could be construed as FEAR being extremely opportunistic.


    Be that as it may, I believe our absence from the war or any other act (aid) should have been enough to substantiate thedon's statement. I guess not...

  2. Please, continue to pretend like you have a brain cell. Those who killed the alliance reside in a specific re-branded alliance.

    At this again are we? Shit happened, Deebo, and sorry you're still sour. No point in rehashing old wounds, so why keep doing it? It only shows a depth of maturity (or lack thereof) to throw rocks at others. Especially since on numerous occasions these certain "specific re-branded" members have made attempts to make amends.

    Please stop dragging others through the dirt because you can't move on...

  3. I'm not gonna argue the right or wrong of those discussions, but I checked my logs when I saw this and those are pretty much in context. The discussion started about right around the start of those (at least on voting). I'm pretty sure the before and after those posted logs was just the typical dick jokes and Deebo-based insults. 



    So we weren't making a decision based on the news you provided us about NEW's entrance into the war, their complete disregard for our alliance/treaty clauses, and so that meeting just completely happened out of the blue and for no apparent reason. And I'm not arguing the right or wrongness of those discussions either (in fact after this post, I'm not going to address this issue any further), but I share the following sentiments:


    Log dump in a treaty thread, that's classy.


    If you haven't anything nice to say...

  4. remember when BFF and NEW were at odds with each other? neither does anyone in FEAR

    [14:06] <@DarkFox> we should do the voting now that we have all had a good chance to think over the options
    <@DarkFox> I'm all for cancelling on NEW now, if they hit NPO
    stick to the deal as long as nothing else happens. If someone hits NEW
    we fuck them up
    [14:07] <%ovidsidios> what were the options again
    04[14:07] <@SniperJoe> That's what me and Chax wanted as well.
    [14:07] <@johnap88[BFF|DoD]> i vote Option 2, cancel on NEW, honor MD but not MA
    04[14:07] <@SniperJoe> [15:05] <&Chax[BFF]> Option 1, cancel on NEW flatout for violating article 2
    04[14:07] <@SniperJoe> [15:05] <&Chax[BFF]> Option 2, cancel on NEW, honor MD but not MA
    04[14:07] <@SniperJoe> [15:05] <&Chax[BFF]> Option 3, cancel on NEW, honor MDAP and go limited against NPO
    04[14:07] <@SniperJoe> [15:05] <&Chax[BFF]> Option 4, same as above but not limited
    04[14:07] <@SniperJoe> [15:05] <&Chax[BFF]> And option 5, keep the treaty
    01[14:07] <&Chax[BFF]> that
    [14:08] <%ovidsidios> Option 4
    01[14:08] <&Chax[BFF]> Joe, Fox and I are option-3
    [14:08] <&Turetel[BFF]> option 4
    01[14:09] <&Chax[BFF]> Donald?
    [14:09] <@SniperJoe> Dunno if he's around.
    06[14:09] * &Turetel[BFF] slaps TheDon125 around a bit with a large trout
    [14:09] <@DarkFox> Johnap
    [14:09] <%ovidsidios> don't you mean a herring?
    06[14:09] * &Turetel[BFF] slaps johnap88[BFF|DoD] around a bit with a large trout
    [14:09] <@johnap88[BFF|DoD]> i said i vote Option 2, cancel on NEW, honor MD but not MA
    [14:09] <@SniperJoe> He already voted
    01[14:09] <&Chax[BFF]> what was his choice, SJ?
    [14:09] <@SniperJoe> 2
    [14:10] <@SniperJoe> He just said fucker
    [14:10] <&Turetel[BFF]> lol
    01[14:10] <&Chax[BFF]> ahh
    [14:10] <@DarkFox> what did he vote?
    [14:10] <@johnap88[BFF|DoD]> it was right before you posted the options
    01[14:10] <&Chax[BFF]> yeah I texted him
    01[14:10] <&Chax[BFF]> "paging doctor faggot"
    [14:11] <@johnap88[BFF|DoD]> look, most defiantly cancel on them, just saying i picked 2
    [14:11] <@johnap88[BFF|DoD]> option 2*
    01[14:11] <&Chax[BFF]> sec
    [14:11] <@DarkFox> for the record though, I still dont like the limited war bullshit
    01[14:11] <&Chax[BFF]> calling our ombudsman
    01[14:11] <&Chax[BFF]> this is what he's here for
    [14:11] <@SniperJoe> Me neither
    [14:12] <@SniperJoe> But if we go back on it now we look like indecisive and erratic jerkoffs
    [14:12] <@SniperJoe> To the whole world
    [14:12] <%ovidsidios> you see the thing is though SniperJoe
    [14:12] <@johnap88[BFF|DoD]> im ready to pull out my fucking handgun to blast this computer in half
    <@DarkFox> i am more worried about the lack of warchests on some
    of our nations. Even this tech raid will fuck them up
    [14:12] <@johnap88[BFF|DoD]> if you dont make ur fucking minds up
    01[14:12] <&Chax[BFF]> Okay
    [14:12] <@SniperJoe> lol
    01[14:13] <&Chax[BFF]> Silly Walker has voted
    01[14:13] <&Chax[BFF]> He will confirm it later if you want, but he has voiced support for Option 3.
    01[14:13] <&Chax[BFF]> That's two triumvirs, MoI, and Ombudsman
    [14:13] <@SniperJoe> good
    01[14:13] <&Chax[BFF]> I believe that is our option, then.
    [14:13] <%ovidsidios> so much better than the elders
    01[14:13] <&Chax[BFF]> yes
    01[14:13] <&Chax[BFF]> now
    <&Chax[BFF]> despite personal opinions on this matter or how
    we think the vote should have gone, it is crucial that BFF gov be
    unified and supportive of this
    [14:14] <@DarkFox> I envy you for being able to post that cancellation. Fucking hate NEW
    01[14:14] <&Chax[BFF]> lol
    [14:14] <@johnap88[BFF|DoD]> i wanna post it
    [14:14] <@johnap88[BFF|DoD]>
    01[14:14] <&Chax[BFF]> lol
    01[14:14] <&Chax[BFF]> I've got it written up

    Para, I've never been at odds with you, but you're single minded, "hate all people of FEAR" is really getting annoying.

    These logs are so out of context their presentation is laughable. Yet simultaneously and overwhelmingly so, it is depressing that you forget this entire conversation was contingent on the information that Chax presented which further lead to the whole BFF/NEW fiasco that ultimately spelled the death of the bloc as a whole.


    You're only purpose for doing this is derisive at best, and I can not say I reserve any more respect for you in having done so.

    EDIT: Oh that's right, you weren't even present during the conversation. I wonder who you got these from...

  5. Researchers at Pikeville College, Kentucky, (in between drunken brawls with Federal revenue agents) announced a major discovery yesterday, asserting that an alliance previously thought to be extinct had in fact been cited rooting through a dumpster behind a local KFC restaurant. Though disheveled and having what the scientists termed "crazy eyes" , the local BFF population appears to have stabilized and appears to be on the road to recovery. Whether poisoned moonshine stills were responsible for the demise of this once numerous species could not be confirmed at the time of publication.


    In light of this, a Geneva convention is being held in Little Rock Arkansas to see what to do with these rowdy bastards fine group of specimens.


    Welcome back; HOWL



  6. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1358214382' post='3076497']
    Well, I guess I would just point you to Chax's post.

    Which is funny, because people don't seem to be reading the 10 pages of "that's already been said" history. You should have hyper-linked. Not because it would have been easy, but because some people like shiny things...

  7. [quote name='infinite desire' timestamp='1358211628' post='3076474']
    ...Chax has his right to a fair investigation....

    Not only is that being ensured but it is promised to him. It's funny that most critiques touch on making rash decisions, as if Sniper Joe's original post was just that. Chax may have been unawares of the machinations in progress, but most everyone on the OWF are also unawares and everything is being done to afford him what he most deserves. Once the train gets rolling, the truth will be revealed and hopefully justice will be served. In the meantime, conversation throughout this thread is media at best and will be taken as such.

  8. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1358196991' post='3076303']
    Just saying there's reasonable doubt SniperJoe. I'm inclined to believe Chax was up to some shenanigans. I'm just saying you guys are doing a pisspoor job of convincing anyone that likes to use their brain with what you have given. You seem to believe that since you gave us a tiny snippet of Chax changing a few words but hardly the meaning of some logs that we should believe everything you say about the guy....it may work on some mopes but you'll have to do better for most others.

    Changing a few words is pretty drastic itself. Then those very few words that he changed, he later used to fuel his own personal agenda. What is being provided here directly refutes what Chax provided early, hence why what it is only a "tiny snippet". Had Chax given more, then more would have been shown to disprove it. No point in showing 2+hours worth of dialogue if the kernel of the issue is 10 minutes worth of exchange.

  9. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1358196130' post='3076290']
    Now, with everything clarified is BFF and INT resigning the treaties they canceled because Chax manipulated the information? I (can only) hope so.

    As of now no verifiable decision can be provided on the subject.

    However, it may be in the best interest of the parties involved to abstain from treaty talks, and continue things as were their intentions (treaties remain cancelled). What the future holds for anyone, no one can say. But at my table, NEW is always welcome. A sincere, and most heartfelt apology. I understand that is hard to read behind a screen of text, and in the end only my actions will be able to prove those words. I hope if ever that day comes, I will not forget what I have spoken, as we often forget ourselves.

    [i]EDIT: [/i][quote name='D34th' timestamp='1358196777' post='3076299']
    There never was much hope. Just a fool's hope...

    I stand corrected

  10. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1358194430' post='3076263']
    Nobodies denying that they should have contacted you. But you chose the most extreme option, rather than working with them to resolve it while maintaining a friendship (one sided it appears), NEW would Burn down to the ground for you, they obviously wouldn't have that kind of friendship returned. You acted rashly, you should have found an alternative option than outright cancelling on them. What's happened here is a friendship is ruined, because you chose to drop them instead of working with them to keep a friendship alive, not only that, the manner in which they were treated with the backroom chats with the people that were going to roll them was despicable and !@#$%*. If they ever deal with you again and strike up a friendship, it will only show their quality they have as human beings.

    You speak in hindsight, and that is disappointing. That you speak so unempathetically is all the more saddening. Their is, was, and has yet to be discovered so much to this situation that you are now blindly assuming the role of vindicator as we did not too long ago. What's more is you are forgetting to understand that it is we who are bringing this to light, we who are working our hardest to get to the bottom of this (not excluding the works of others who are working as equally hard with us). You think that we harbor some malice in our mechanics, and confuse our fervor for truth as zealotry in our wants. Which is far from the case. As to the makings of our responses to each other's call is neither in your power to predict nor to determine.

    Seeing your absolute wanton stance on the matter, I don't see speaking to you yielding anything more useful than salt to a wound.

    [quote name='Spaarlaamp' timestamp='1358195390' post='3076278']
    So BFF is throwing Chax under the bus to avoid a war with NG and NSO..? Ok..

    We are following the constructs of our Charter. What war will come we have yet to determine. We must be steadfast in our efforts, but hope is a flickering luxury at the moment.

  11. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1358193156' post='3076244']
    I'd be surprised if they even entertained you. Your government acted rashly and dropped them like a hot brick, fair weather friends almost. Considering the length of your so called friendship, is quite shocking. Instead you acted upon 1 mans words and followed it blindly and discarded them like trash. This has now caused a knock on affect and INT (which we already know are fair weather friends) dropped them as well, (no surprise there).

    As i said before, I'd be surprised if they even bothered with striking up friendship, when clearly it was one sided to begin with.

    From what I understand, the act of aiding Kaskus without the proper notification would still be a violation of our article 2, and as such a nullifying of our treaty. The continuation of the cancellation would have nothing to do with the fabrication of the logs.

    What is at fault here is the general tone many members took that was directly attributed to those fake logs, namely that NEW had no consideration for us and was going to drag us into a war. For that, the act of one man (and not just any man but a high ranking government official) with the proof he provided was enough to spur such a tone.

  12. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1358192248' post='3076234']
    That will be an interesting conversation.

    They would be mugs to even converse with your government.

    Not necessarily, from what I understand the strength of this evidence comes from the cooperative work of BFF and NEW's members. I do not wish to imply we'll buddy buddy up as we were before, but there are many good people in NEW and many good people in BFF, and to let the actions of one man ruin the friendships of many is silly. We do not have to be allies, this is understandable, but I hope we do not become enemies.

  13. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1358190881' post='3076215']
    I took an ally at his word and feel betrayed. I'm not afraid to admit when I was wrong and I want to thank Rob for helping prove this lie.

    We all feel the same. I'm hoping we will be able to rectify the situation, not only with those members of the OWF who stood on the forefront of that heated debate, bit most importantly with NEW.

    But this is politics. I'm just glad we were able to discover this before things got too out of hand. A lesson learned, now onward into the future.

  14. [quote name='Namayan' timestamp='1357782605' post='3073509']
    I find this odd that GPF, particularly markfrancos, did not uphold his word as within his power vested upon the GPF Charter. He pardon all coup plotters as proof [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114663"]http://forums.cybern...howtopic=114663[/url]


    It's funny because that thread proved the complete opposite. Allies can trust that GPF is a complete push over and will heed to the disgruntled cries of the masses. For the coup, I endorse a ZI had that been the original punishment. You fought against the powers that be and you lost.

    However, by the sound of things, GPF is going back on its word. And if things clear up to prove as such, I hope our leaders will reconsider the punishment to befall Bernkastel.

    Although Bern, you can come off as a dick sometimes.

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