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Lord bagel

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Posts posted by Lord bagel

  1. So I finally read the OP and noticed something.
    Clause 3 is worded in such a way that, should any alliance declare a war in the next three weeks, Polar, Fark, Sparta and MHA may re-enter without violating the letter of the agreement.
    Go ahead. Read it again. I'll wait.
    See what I mean?
    Now, I know someone is going to chime in with, "Yes, but the spirit of the agreement is...." And all I can say in reply is spirit be damned. I know what it actually says, and what it says is that if any alliance declares on any other alliance in the next three weeks, the four alliances above can re-enter the war.
    Do I believe this will cause a problem in the next twenty-one days? No, I do not. But I hate reading badly-worded anything, and whoever drafted this needs a clip in the back of the head. As does everyone who signed it without actually reading it.
    Alright, with that out of my system....

    I'm pretty sure Pingu is supposed to go over all ODN treaties and agreements for this very reason
    There are various ways of experiencing fun in this game.
    One persons idea of fun may mean constant war, anothers may be constant peace and building.

    War is very over rated in this game. It takes me all of 5minutes to run all my ga's and air attacks on my phone at work. More if my planes keep getting shot down. And since I'll likely never be able to grow to over 50k ns I'm more than content to stay in the bitch tier and just run rampant for a month or so a year and then go back to tech farming
  3. Pay careful attention to Himes posts, if he doesn't include the words "good" and "respectfully" that means she doesn't like you. Lol

    Lord Bagel
     So I guess the correct answer is trust Cuba at his word as he must do with me and be prepared to repay a broken word if it comes. Perhaps this answer was above your pay grade to understand. :facepalm:
    Hmmmmm That join DBDC idea becomes more and more appealing all the time.
    Dame Hime Themis

    right in the feels :(
  4. I hate literally everything about this post.
    My word is my bond, and my 'spat' with SPATR was a test of that word.  We told our allies that if a DOOMBIRD hit WAPA, we'd nuke them.  There is no major drama remaining between SPATR and DBDC, and it surely has nothing to do with a lack of leadership or control.  
    More on topic, if I told Hime I'm not interested in war, then I mean it.  There's no reason to question it beyond that.  DBDC are not my pawns to command in some grand chess match.  We are all super tier nations with different ambitions working towards goals.

    I trird my best to not suggest that you will renege on your word, because I'm sure that you won't. It's the more volitile members that i think Hime has to worry about. Sorry if that was not made clear.

    I'm sure that you will publish those who break rank accordingly, but at that point the damage will have been done. Which means that Hime's plan can in fact be boiled down to "pray it out and hope for the best". Any attacks won't come from, nor will they be sanctioned by, Cuba, but i think it is inevitable that one will happen
  5. Lord Bagel
     So I guess the correct answer is trust Cuba at his word as he must do with me and be prepared to repay a broken word if it comes. Perhaps this answer was above your pay grade to understand. :facepalm:
    Hmmmmm That join DBDC idea becomes more and more appealing all the time.
    Dame Hime Themis

    You are trusting Cuba at his word. I won't doubt that the two of you have a very good relationship, but i think the recent SPATR spat shows that Cuba might not have as much control of DBDC as we might think. Setting aside the whole morality (for lack of a better word at this hour) of concentrating super teir nations in one alliance like that, there are serious risks involved with concentrating that much firepower in one place. Cuba is a strong leader, of which i can't argue against, but he has a pack of wild dogs on a leash. Right now they do as he says, but if a few of them gets tired of raiding defenseless neutrals and "tiny" 150k ns nations and will start to test their limits.
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