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Vladimir Stukov II

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Posts posted by Vladimir Stukov II

  1. We, assorted peoples of the yellow sphere, at times a thin and dispersed culture, do hereby rise together to enter into the bonds of sodality and friendship that cannot be broken or weakened by any force, natural or artificial. Through times of drought, peril, famine, blight, war, or hatred, we do swear that we shall be the first to aid our bretheren, the last to leave them. By the means of our lifeblood and our sacrifices, we strive to maintain those duties demanded of all alliances of nations: to our people, to our friends, and to all those who seek peace and liberty throughout this Planet. May all alliances of the world join us in rejoicing our establishment, and may all enter into similar friendships with their peoples and the other peoples of Planet Bob.

    By this word, we do hereby announce the creation of Alpha Omega. May it last forever!

    Everyone is welcome to stop by our forums at http://z3.invisionfree.com/AlphaOmega and our IRC channel #AlphaOmega on esper.net.

    Here's to a bright future! :cheers:

    Our Charter:

    Article I.


    Nations wishing to join Alpha Omega must meet the following requirements:

    a.) Nation is engaged in no wars.

    b.) Nation is not a member of any other alliance.

    c.) Nation must fill out form including but not limited to:

    Leader Name:

    Nation Name:

    Nation Strength:

    Past Alliances:

    The Recruitment Director or Triumvirate may modify this form to fill the changing needs of the application process.

    Article II.

    Alliance Structure

    A. Government

    The Triumvirate

    The Triumvirate may make any and all decisions for the alliance. The Triumvirate is the final authority on all internal and external matters. The Triumvirate may appoint members to any position and create or destroy departments as they see fit. Triumvirs serve for life or until resignation. Should a Triumvir step down the remaining Triumvirs will appoint a replacement.

    Advising Officers

    The Triumvirate may appoint any member to the position of Advising Officer. These members serve as advisors to the Triumvirate and the rest of the government. These members may be dismissed by the Triumvirate at any time.


    Directors are the heads of the various departments that the Triumvirate has created. Directors are appointed by the Triumvirate to command their specified department. The Triumvirate may replace a Director at any time.

    B. General Assembly

    1. The General Assembly is the body of Alpha Omega. Upon making 25 posts and being in Alpha Omega for 2 weeks without questionable incident, a member may be admitted into the General Assembly. At times the Triumvirate may have the General Assembly vote on certain matters.

    2. The general assembly shall vote on issues regarding internal affairs and the condition of the membership. This vote can be initiated by any General Assembly member. They shall prevent the abuse of power through a 80% dissent of an action taken by the triumvirate, taken in a 72 hour poll

    Article III.

    Expulsion and Impeachment

    A. Expulsion

    A member nation may be expelled from Alpha Omega at any time at the discretion of the Triumvirate. Reasons for expulsion may include but are not limited to espionage, rogue attacks, membership in multiple alliances and the unauthorized use of nuclear weapons.

    B. Impeachment

    For a Triumvir to be impeached if one of the following must occur:

    1.) The 2 remaining Triumvirs must initiate a General Assembly vote. In order for the motion to pass at least 70% of the General Assembly must be in favor of the impeachment. The voting period must last exactly 48 hours. If the vote fails the Triumvir will stay in office.

    2.) Should a Triumvirate member act in an arbitrary manner without the knowledge and agreement of his colleagues or the General assembly, or act in a manner unbeffiting as to the leader of Respectable Union of peoples, The General Assembly may move to impeach the Triumvirate member by an 80% no confidence vote over the course of 72 hours. Should the support be met, the two remaining triumvirate must declare their own lack of faith in the Triumvirate member, at which point, the defendant shall be ejected by the triumvirate.

    Article IV.

    Charter Amendments

    In order for this charter to be amended the Triumvirate must initiate a General Assembly vote stating the proposed changes. The vote must last exactly 72 hours. The amendment will pass if a 75% majority of the General Assembly votes in favor. If 75% of The General Assembly does not vote in favor the amendment fails.


    Vladimir Stukov II, Triumvir

    Czar Aleksander, Triumvir

    Mad Mike, Triumvir

  2. Im sorry but from what I have seen of you from the past I am hard pressed to believe that you wouldnt make those comments in a serious manner. You did what you always do this time you have to pay. Learn your lesson and move along.

    lcdt and serious? You obviously haven't been around him enough lol.

  3. Why are people trying to paint ApocalypseNow with the same brush as lcdt? lcdt deliberately insulted someone who he knew had problems. AN did not know lcdt had problems and furthermore, insulted him only because he was angry that lcdt had done this to bros. There is no comparison here.

    Omfg have you even read this thread? Show me where lcdt deliberately insulted Bros? Also lcdt never knew of bros problem untill this whole debacle happened.

  4. I can't believe some of the people on here. You make it sound like lcdt just comes in and starts making fun of bros medical conditions. Bros was the first one to say "lol". I do not understand how lcdt replying "lawl" is an attack at bros. Maybe lcdt did not know how to respond? Do you guys actually think he had something against bros and wanted to make fun of him? Although lots of us know lcdt is a joker and we think he is an idiot for it, he does not go around making fun of peoples serious problems. It sickens me to see everyone get so offended easily by something that was obviously not meant to be mean. YOU are the people that make everyone uncomfortable and afraid to offend disabled people when around them.

    Everyone should take machiabelly's advice. He is the smartest man I know on CN.

    I have as many, and I think some of the same, disabilities as Bros...and I think this is extortion and using your disability as a big stick against someone you don't like.

    If I said "yeah I have Muscular Dystrophy, makes me weak like a little girl LOL"

    Then you said "LAWL little girle"

    I would realize that I had started general tomfoolery at my own expense.

    Bros...the real world is much crueler then here, you must have learned that by now, and if you haven't then you will. You also won't get to punish everyone who makes a "cripple" joke. I hope you aren't taking out RL frustrations in your life on someone IC just because you can.

    This is a perfect example of why people think disabled people get undeserved special treatment.

    If I ever wished someone to die because of a statement on the internet, I would seek anger management.

    The F perjorative really bothers me, but I guess it would be pretty useless for me to call for apoc to be banned for his obvious OOC attacks.

    Might truly does make right.

  5. I DON'T like lcdt, but he has talked about having bipolar disorder before a couple of times (when he had nothing to gain from it like he does now).

    Again I DON'T like lcdt but this conversation seems really tame compared to many irc conversations I have seen in many different channels. In fact in those very logs lcdt is only like the third or fourth most offensive person in there.

    It seems Apocalypse was mad because lcdt "lawl'd at epilepsy" (<ApocalypseNow> you lawl'd at epilepsy) but if you read the logs bros "loled" before lcdt "lawl'd" when discussing his condition.

    [19:24] <bros|avay> lcdt94 - seizures lol

    as opposed to:

    [19:25] <bros|avay> epilepsy

    [19:25] <lcdt94> lawl

    By bros "loling" at his own seizures, it opened the door for lcdt to erroneously believe that bros was just making it up. Think about it, everyone believes lcdt is making up his bipolar disorder, why can't lcdt have believed bros was making his disability up especially after getting this answer:

    [19:24] <bros|avay> lcdt94 - seizures lol

    If I saw that I would assume bros was joking, much in the same way when someone jokingly makes fun of someone's mom on irc and the person comes back with something like "My mom just died a month ago :(", makes them feel bad for a second and then says "just kidding".

    This just seems like extortion of lcdt because he is in a small alliance and bros is in a bigger one, because bros is popular and lcdt is disliked by many (including me).

    For example where is the "apology money and tech" for the logs below?

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:28] <ApocalypseNow> seriously what the $%&@ is your problem

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:29] <lcdt94> i haz a mental condition

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:29] <lcdt94> that causes me to act this way

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:29] <ApocalypseNow> seriously i can't freaking tolerate people making fun of bros that way

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:29] <ApocalypseNow> get off the freaking internet !@#$%^

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:29] <ApocalypseNow> go and kill yourself

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:29] <ApocalypseNow> trust me nobody would care

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:30] <lcdt94> i didnt make fun of him, but w/e

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:30] <ApocalypseNow> you freaking owe bros an apology, and in it, tell him that you are a big i am lame, and i'll forgive you

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:31] <lcdt94> k, point out a specific example of me making fun of him

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:31] <ApocalypseNow> [19:25] <&bros|avay> [19:27] <lcdt94> take roids LOL

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:31] <ApocalypseNow> real funny i am lame

    [19:37] <ApocalypseNow> [19:32] <ApocalypseNow> he was born that way and is sick all the time, you're just a i am lame who thinks he's tough crap because he's on the internet

    Once again I dislike lcdt but he is getting a raw deal here. Apologizing is one thing, extorting money/tech is different.

    Having said all that if you guys march on TRUS, PURGE would be glad to help :)

    Making fun of homosexuals and telling somebody to kill themselves on the internet is better than someone saying "take roids lol"? Seriously this was blown way out of proportion. It is the internet and people are always saying things that another group of people find offensive. If you have a problem with something somebody is saying you should query them and tell them you are uncomfortable. Telling someone to "Go kill themselves" is not the way to handle this situation.

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