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Vladimir Stukov II

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Posts posted by Vladimir Stukov II

  1. [quote name='Krashnaia' timestamp='1322785160' post='2858653']
    Congratz to both alliances
    o/ USN
    o/ RIA

    BTW, a MDP doesn't means that if party A is attacked, party B must inmediatley declare on their agressors. It means that if party A is attacked [u]AND[/u] he requests party B to counter, party B must comply. Notice the fact that, since no one at NpO complaints about RIA, NpO is likely to NOT have asked RIA to enter the conflict, yet.

    Of course, do not let facts stop your trolling. The OWF would be a very boring place if you do so.


    Boy, you and your whole crappy bloc really deserve each other.

  2. [quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1322781403' post='2858565']
    Or perhaps RIA is having an absolute hoot watching a whole raft of you get your panties in a bunch, a sort of pre-match entertainment before they enter the war at a date of their own choosing.

    Yea, I always enjoyed watching my allies get stomped. It's great entertainment watching their nations burn day after day knowing I could step in at any time and give them a hand.

  3. [quote name='Left_Behind' timestamp='1322724682' post='2857990']
    That isn't new at all. Ever since I've been apart of this world the wars have been based on destroying a hated alliances, in fact it should be the fuel that drives politics. I'd prefer if you guys used a better CB then getting your feelings hurt two years ago but thats just me.

    Yea... A better CB like, "OMG POLAR SPIED ON US!" I'd like to think this is an improvement over the manufactured CBs that were so common in the past. Can you tell me a better reason to declare war than to destroy an alliance you despise?

  4. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1322719430' post='2857860']
    Congratulations, you made friends and no waves while your chosen rivals basically stood still. Thrilling. This isn't even necessarily a criticism of TOP, just of the idea that somehow launching a war like this is either setting a positive precedent or in some way positively altering norms or whatever. Have fun and at least we're finally getting this out of the way but, eh.

    Well please take over an alliance and thrill us all with the new excitement you will surely bring. :rolleyes: Did you ever think it's practically impossible to go back to the way things were? It's just the stage we are at in this world and the only thing left to do is try to destroy the alliances you hate. Sure beats trying to maintain the status quo or w/e else there is to do.

  5. [quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1322597581' post='2856024']
    If this war was going to be over in a few days I could understand the rush. Even if they declare sometime in the next few weeks it will still be well within the early days of the war no?

    NpO won't have a nation above 10k ns in a few weeks, besides those in peace mode...

  6. [quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1322588698' post='2855893']
    When I quit, I'm going to take the three or so months to unload all my tech and whatever portion of my WC that I can to the rest of my alliance. I'd rather keep my alliance strong than ruin someone else's day.

    Good idea! Send your tech out to people who are just going to go inactive and delete anyway. :P Better to destroy other people while they still care about this game.

  7. The only down side is losing full access to your community, but this isn't so bad when you start spending most of your time in OT areas and could really care less about what is happening in the game. The politics in CN these days bore me and I just want to have some fun while blowing !@#$ up and collecting my new favorite stat, casualties.

  8. [quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1322342449' post='2852856']
    Good Morning TOP. It is a beautiful day. I am not sure why it took you so long, it seems you could have done this a long time ago when most of you where actually in our range.... Your lack of courage cost you true revenge.

    Good Luck, Have Fun and Die.

    You mean when they were paying reps? Or when you were getting beat down by VE? This is the first real chance they have had to beat you down.

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