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Everything posted by Opportunity

  1. If RageQuitassman holds their balls that tight, so be it.
  2. Looks like RageQuitassman is holding VE and Co. by the balls. Everyone else is getting white peace and admission of defeat.
  3. Apparently Nordreich is now the single cog in the wheel of peace for this entire war. We seem pretty relevant, since NPO can't even get peace unless little ole Nordreich surrenders to ragequitman.
  4. It was implied that the Polar/TOP coalition is being stopped from white peacing with us because DoD demands a surrender. You're saying this isn't true? What others specifically? Name names. Put it out in the open.
  5. Then have the entire coalition white peace out with us and let us continue war with DoD. If Bassman wants to continue his hissy fit/rage quit over us not prioritizing him for tech deals during war time, so be it. Don't hold up peace negotiations over Bassman's ego, though.
  6. Truth. We extend a(n) white olive branch of Nordic, snowy peace.
  7. Looks like the Polar side is eager to have us peace out quickly. We're just dandy, thank you.
  8. No one has claimed that NoR is "winning the war" at any point in time. What was said is that singling NoR out doesn't make much sense in context. Nordreich entered on an MDP with Non Grata. We caused more damage than we took, and we committed to staying in the war as long as NG needs us. We are honorable like that to our friends. Those were our only two objectives: cause lots of damage and stay in the war as long as needed. We accomplished our objectives, so it is quite impossible to say we "lost" anything outside of contextually being on the losing side of the war. Attempting to force NoR to surrender individually, rather than as part of a coalition acceptance of defeat, is something that will not happen. We will not leave the war until NG has left the war, period. And I do not believe this will happen outside of a full coalition admission of defeat (nor should it). That's my final word on this derailed topic.
  9. So, you have singled out NoR for special treatment and refuse to end the war without an individual surrender?
  10. As a person who has never been a member of NoR in any capacity, let alone government, just how do you propose you would have "made" NoR surrender?
  11. The coalition which we were de facto a part of by joining the war on an MDP may have lost, but NoR itself did not lose. We did exactly what we promised to do. As such, anything other than admission of defeat as part of a broader coalition announcement is entirely unacceptable.
  12. Surrendering to our lessors is always dishonorable.
  13. Surrendering as an individual alliance is something that would be crippling, destructive, and harmful by its very nature to our alliance.
  14. Proud of my alliance mates this war.
  15. All they have to do is change sides and honor their treaty with NG.
  16. It is a preemptive aggressive war with the goal of neutralizing competition. The NpO/TOP side are the imperialist aggressors working to create a power bloc that cannot be easily contested.
  17. Of course YOU would say this. You wouldn't make it public before rolling another sphere. The terms you want to impose on NPO set you up for the next aggressive, preemptive war very nicely. Other spheres should be paying close attention.
  18. Depends on what you think I want to happen globally because of this war. I won't get into that, but I do think the Polar side's resolve in general will collapse far sooner than this side.
  19. Eventually one of those alliances is going to get pissed at another and change sides. NPOs odds look better the longer the war goes on.
  20. This is why I think NPO should keep fighting this war. I can't see an alliance of IRON, TOP, VE, Umbrella, NpO etc. sticking together for too much longer.
  21. IRON, Umbrella, TOP, NpO all on the same side of this war... NPO neutralized. The world is going to be a very interesting place.
  22. Who's to say NpO and TOP aren't planning a preemptive aggressive strike on other spheres once they neutralize NPO? They pulled out some chat logs from 6 months ago to justify this war, no telling who they are coming for next.
  23. Oh, so you mean NpO and TOP aren't trying to create a unipolar power structure?
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