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Blog Comments posted by Robbo79

  1. I don't think there is a problem with Games attempting to be realistic.After all its your choice what you buy.

    It is when People confuse their experience of playing Games and blur it with real life that I find strange.

    An example when going to a Football Match, was some Teenagers explaining that the ''Manager should do this and buy this player'' as it had worked for them on Football Manager by the size of their waist's I have doubt that they have had any real experience of Playing the game for a while.

    Also when in forums debating this and that you can quite clearly judge from their post's present and past that a lot of People are basing their experience of a Computer Game when debating on a real life situation.This is extremely common in Forum posts on War or Terrorist situations.

  2. Nobody has or will ever see God so where is the evidence he exists.

    We all began as Space dust and evolution has brought us to where we and all living things on and including the Planet are at this Time,and we will return to a similar state we will only live on through our Cells,Nutrients and Elements being passed on through the food chain through decomposition or as food for what ever fancies us for lunch.

    I have been put in a position where I have died due to an operation and did not see a thing.

  3. God does not need your acceptance. God however desires it. There is no mandate that people believe, but everlasting peace and paradise for those who do.

    We are forced to live with the legacy of religious belief in as the majority of our Laws and Rule's are formed by it.

    But I still think the Bible is a book of tales and legend that was used by,leaders too suppress and force the rest of us to obey them.

    If there is a God why turn up only 2012 years ago when there was 4.5 Billion others to choose from

  4. He would stop Kids getting Aids if he had an ounce of compassion,he should have insured that the non aggressive peace loving religions became the dominating ones around the World.

    Rather than the ones who forced people to believe and who intimidated and persucuted those who did not.

    If I was God I would admit that the Bible ans the other's are all Bollock's.

  5. After major surgery on my bowels in which I needed a Blood Transfusion.I cut out cheap Lagers and Ciders and became a consumer of Real ales and especially Guinness because of it's Iron content.

    Guinness is like soup in Dublin,but is thinner in Britain.

    But they now have introduced a gadget that pierces 1 can and introduces gas to give it a a thicker consistency I cannot see this catching on at busy establishments

    The only way I know of checking if it's kept right from a Pump in a Pub, is the colour of the head the Whiter the better and do not touch a Yellow head.

    Beamish and Murphy's are nice these were a lot less tangy/Bitter but have disappeared from a lot of Pubs largely due to Guinness aggressive marketing.People will not ask for a Stout anymore and just refer to it as Guinness.

    Try the Export bottled version around 7.5%. I believe this popular in Jamaica and Nigeria,it has a thinner consistency,more like an Ale but a stronger taste.

    Lets have a Beer Alliance or Thread where we can,compare,advise,and recommend good Beer from around the World so we can get people drinking proper Beer which is fine in moderation and hopefully they can replace the nasty, Same tasting mass produced crap sold everywhere( I do not include Guinness as one as it's taste is why it so popular and has not changed for a Mass market).

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