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Everything posted by anamu7tram

  1. [quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1306253957' post='2717470'] This guy joined the AA in April of this year. The Resistance has, for all intents and purposes, been dead for months. This is not the same alliance. [/quote] why are you insisting that we have been dead? we merely stayed in the game and kept out of the forums. i sense bitterness in your voice...
  2. [quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1306254037' post='2717472'] Who are you? You certainly weren't around for the actual alliance. [/quote] i wont go into details of who i was or who am i, but i could tell you that i was a high ranking officer in The Resistance and due to my strong but impulsive and sentimental love to The Resistance i was crushed and i just deleted my nation and only came back recently after a Real life incident that reminded me of the days of glory.
  3. [quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1306239761' post='2717428'] Your signature says ''The Resistance spokesman, co-leader and Soldier.'' So, you're the co-leader of a leaderless alliance? [/quote] our idea of a leader differ from conventional wisdom.
  4. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1306224545' post='2717358'] Ha. Everybody knows resistance is futile. Or useless, depending on which form of poetry one prefers. [/quote] Not our Resistance we survived what would make other collapse in an instant!
  5. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1306215108' post='2717308'] Rise from the ashes! I'm 1/2way impressed that you recruited people, but you realize that you and them are all on black, and tR was an orange alliance? [/quote] ''was'' until we regain our previous size we settled on mixed colors.
  6. [quote name='ty345' timestamp='1306236314' post='2717400'] Umm... I was gov in TR, and I've never even heard of you. Good luck? [/quote] oh how nice is it to see the members that left us (sarcasm) thanks for everyone support! especially the international!
  7. Happy 5th Cyber Nations birthday! wow i dont even think ill be alive in 5 years.
  8. [quote name='Newhotness' timestamp='1306208217' post='2717263'] wait, so is this supposed to be like the Gramlins thing where you take back something thats yours after someone killed it off? if so, then no one should have a problem with what youre doing since they all hailed them for doing the same thing. Sure it looked a little better when they did it, but its still the same concept [/quote] killed? nay! THE RESISTANCE was always in motion! even when tough times try to crumble us we RESIST!
  9. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1306207109' post='2717251'] We ate tR a long time ago buddy, sorry. I guess that makes you the vomit. [/quote] vomit? You said it! our flesh is so tough and bitter that not even you could eat us...
  10. [quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1306206349' post='2717248'] Riiiiight. [/quote] i cant but sense doubt in your voices FINE! but rest assured ladies and gentlemen in the following events that will unfold will show our Resistance for what it is a RESISTANCE!!!
  11. [quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1306205616' post='2717241'] Didn't you disband a few months back? Merging FnKa and MOON together was such a bad idea... [/quote] disbanded but the true followers stayed...
  12. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1306203585' post='2717220'] You should go for ten threads in one night. [/quote] good idea
  13. we the Fearless Fighters of The Resistance announce on this historical moment that the momentum of our sacrifices and determination kept The Resistance alive. at long last! we are standing on our bloodied feet to show the world that our dedication to the cause of The Resistance has not been lost and we are back! from the dark corners of betrayal. we have been Betrayed but! not! destroyed as our power does not lie in guns and Regiments but in the spirit of our people...
  14. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1306202258' post='2717209'] Are we [i]sure [/i]this is the same resistance that was around last year? [/quote] oh off course it is! you could check our alliance seniority times as well, we The Resistance as i will repeat are an Immortal organization that will live through our love for it.
  15. [quote name='Chaoshawk' timestamp='1306201204' post='2717199'] Heard you disbanded, good luck in rebuilding your losses. [/quote] that's preposterous! we have been Betrayed! we would never disband as we are a leaderless decentralized Alliance. these so-called loses are nothing more then dead cells that our body didnt need. goodluck to you too.
  16. The Resistance is penetrating the darkness of time to rise over the ashes of destruction to achieve the impossible to triumph in the face of danger to stand bloodied and wounded but Honorful! we have been betrayed,left to die,thrown to be eaten BUT nay!!! we survived the challenges,regrouped ,rebuilt and we are here rising stronger then ever before. am taking this glorious moment to announce to all our friends and enemies that we have been awakened!
  17. The Resistance is an old alliance rising from the ashes of time to grip the world with its mighty hands! Brothers in arms grab your weapons and join us or let them rust in your alliance.
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