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Posts posted by LynnCreed

  1. I'm gonna add levels and such and balance it out sometime during the week. There's the problems mentioned above and then there's the money issue. military items shouldn't cost so much. not even the spies cost as much as these ships.

    Thanks Mr. Mod! I like Jackson better on Stargate but you probably already know he's better. :-P jk. :D

  2. Okay, we all know that a Navy would be too much like the cn air force for it to be any fun, right? well, what if a navy could do something other than what the air force does, which is take out infra and tanks? since it's banned to make a navy suggestion i figured I would post this here. i know it's a good rule to keep the n00bs from posting 15 navy threads a day but i didn't think there could be any harm in discussing ways to make a good navy suggestion.

    *Edited to include specifics. Not done editing though.*

    Obviously all details are subject to tweaking by the admin to make coding easier. The details are there to make the Navy more interesting but aren't essential.

    Navies will have mostly indirect military objectives (in other words they’ll be used to defend against planes, blockade trades, etc instead of directly damaging the foe’s nation). Navy ships (except carriers) will have the same base costs and strength as Planes. Why? Several reasons:

    Smaller nations won’t be able to afford a Navy if costs are too high, plus they’re balanced so that they’re about as powerful as (or less than) the planes anyway. There’s also three different classes to buy, so it will take most nations a while to get a full Navy and Air Force even with the costs as low as the planes. Plus it’s easier to code that way.

    Because of the multiple ship classes, the max number of Navy ships will be 70 (80 with Water or something appropriate). Like tanks, ships have to be deployed. Each attack (up to 2) will consist of all deployed ships. Since this would make each attack very powerful, all above-water ships are vulnerable to bombing. Which enemy ships get sunk will be determined at random but will be effected by things like defense level.

    Suggested complementary Improvement: merchant ships, add a percentage of income, up to 2 and you need a Harbor

    Maintenance: $200

    100 infra, 10 tech, $10,000 Strength 1

    200 infra, 20 tech, $15,000 Strength 2

    300 infra, 30 tech, $20,000 Strength 3

    400 infra, 40 tech, $25,000 Strength 4

    500 infra, 50 tech, $30,000 Strength 5

    600 infra, 60 tech, $35,000 Strength 6

    700 infra, 70 tech, $40,000 Strength 7

    850 infra, 85 tech, $45,000 Strength 8

    1000 infra, 100 tech, $50,000 Strength 9

    Submarines: Submarines can be used to sink enemy battleships OR (would need a box to check before clicking ‘Attack’) to blockade enemy trades. Successful attacks sink enemy ships and successful blockades will cancel the effects of one resource at random per attack on next tax collection (if collection takes place the following day). In addition, a deployed submarine collects additional intelligence on the nation it is deployed against. Everything the war screen doesn’t already tell you – such as the fighter versus bomber make-up of a nation’s air force, for example – a deployed sub would. Submarines also have double the infra defense tanks do.

    Cruisers: Can missile foe’s nation directly, but only does up to 5 infra in damage since its attacks will be limited to the coast line. Can also attack other ships (again, would need a check box). Cruisers will also act like defensive Fighters, and will shoot down incoming planes (maybe missiles too?).

    Destroyers: Can be used to sink/defend all other ships. They’re the Fighters of the Navy.

    Carriers: Carriers’ levels reflect defensive levels. In addition to their normal attributes, each level of carrier adds 2% to aircraft strength. Level 1 gives 2%, level 2 gives 4, etc. Having carriers in more than one level is not cumulative, (you’ll get the bonus for the highest level) nor does it matter how many in that level you have. Having a level 9 carrier will also give you a +5 aircraft limit. Must be deployed to receive bonus, and because they are so powerful each level costs $10,000 more than normal (in other words level 1 would cost $20,000). Other than that, no real military value. Having more than one per level really just helps make sure you don’t lose your bonus easily.

  3. PHPBB forums are better then Invision. You get to edit every line whenever you want and there is a huge repository of changes on PHPBB's site.

    Oh, and ProBoard doesn't sound like a nice name for the newbs...

    It sounds like a place for professionals to use, not a group of players in a game.

    Proboards is easy to use. that's why i like to use it. what's PHPBB? I've tried making an Invision forum before but it confuses me and I was told I need to know a lot of html to get it to work for me, so i gave up b/c i don't know html, or at least not a lot.

  4. I'm pleased to announce the genesis of the Trade Circle Project (see link for more details). (this is my project, not a project by my alliance, and as such anyone is allowed to join, even people in enemy alliances) The Trade Circle Project is meant to help people get better, long-term trades no matter which alliance they're in or what resources they have. We have codes in place to prevent anyone but staff members of the project from seeing who is in which circles, and a lengthy, somewhat difficult process to become a staff member of status high enough to see them, so your information is secure with us.

    Here is the current copy of our Treaty (we're open to suggestions on how to improve it), which we encourage alliances to sign (there are minor privileges given to alliances who do so). However, individual nations may apply as well:

    Concerning Alliance Membership: ANY alliance is free to join the TCP reguardless of current military conflict or alliance affilliations. TCP members CANNOT be prevented from trading with members of enemy alliances (unless they're from different color spheres; see SECTION I, Concerning Discrimination Prevention), and any alliances pressuring members not to trade with any other alliance or member will be removed from the program.

    Concerning Consequences for Violation of Terms: In signing, the alliance recognizes that the TCP may expell any of their members if they are caught violating the Terms without compensating that alliance or member for lost trades. Alliances MAY make an appeal for their member, but the TCP is not obligated to re-instate membership.

    Concerning Alliance Wars: While nations may not drop trades because their alliance is at war with another trade circle member's alliance, they MAY declare war on someone within their trade circle, so there is no reason for TCP to interfere with war politics. In signing the Treaty, alliances agree not to pressure or insist that their members drop trades with nations in enemy alliances.

    Concerning Leadership Privileges: Being an alliance leader does not entitle you to information about the trade circles your members are in. If you want that information, apply to become a staff member (though it will take you a long time before you'll be promoted to where you can deal with the trade circles) or ask your members.

    Concerning Information that Alliances ARE Entitled to: Alliances are entitled to know why/if their members are banned. However, this information is only given if requested.

    Concerning Alliance Expulsion vs Member Expulsion: Alliances may be expelled from the TCP if the staff feel that they are a threat to the program or a significant number of members in a given alliance violates the terms. They may also be expelled if their leaders violate the terms. If an alliance is expelled its non-violating members are not required to quit. If an expelled alliance does not wish its members to be here any longer we are not required to expell them or inform you if they remain with the program. We are also not required to inform you when members of your alliance have been expelled (that doesn't mean I won't tell you if you ask, it just means I'm not gonna make sure to pm you about it unless you do ask).

    Concerning Alliance Privileges: Alliances get some minor privileges that individual members don't:

    *For every alliance that signs the Treaty, once 5 members from that alliance join the TCP they will be allowed to post in the recruitment board.

    *At 15 TCP members, an alliance will be given priority for Harbor Aid.

    *More privileges may be added upon suggestion.

    (This does not mean you can have your members join for the bonuses and not join trade circles. Doing that would be an abuse of the system and may result in expulsion. When multiple alliances make the priority list we'll provide finances for Harbours at our discretion, most likely in accordance with which alliances made the list first.)

    Note that you can't even see the trade circle boards until you're accepted into the program and masked. this is for extra protection of our members.

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