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Posts posted by Caladin

  1. I was done with this game months ago.

    My only question was how di it.

    I'm really surprised how many cowards cn has .

    Oh, so using tactics for optimum efficiency and to ensure victory is cowardice now?

    Well, in that case I'm going to call you and DBDC the same; you've never stepped up and fought a war that you knew you would lose, unlike every alliance fighting you, and you weren't even willing to fight one on one battles that you would lose; you picked your fights and through quads and other tactics ensured you always left with more tech and land than you started with.

    So, I name you, you and your alliance comrades both in SPATR and DBDC, cowards.
  2. You can think of MONGOLS as armed forces, whereas SPATR proper is civilian population. By attacking SPATR proper Sengoku and company decided to attack peaceful alliance affiliation which wasn't any threat.


    Except Civilian Populations support the war effort; they can be drafted and they can produce tech for the war effort.


    Of course, we wouldn't want to violate international law by indiscriminately targeting civilians, so we are only targeting the factories that could be used to produce and distribute tech. Unfortunately, there is a lot of collateral damage.

  3. You do realize you are in a bloc with more people involved in that war than are in SPaTR? Double points if you can identify them and triple points if you identify the ones also involved in the WTF war that you are currently allied to :/


    Doesn't matter. I only wanted the architects of the war, the people who set up the climate in which such a war would happen. Going after everyone who was involved in that war would be a bit over the top, and something I would have no interest in doing.

  4. However SPATR proper is very peaceful alliance. We never declare war, unless in strict self-defence, as was the case with war against TDO. And most of SPATR nations didn't even launched attacks against them allowing time for peaceful solution. That was in accordance with orders from our Leader Sgt Gus.


    Heh, got to defend yourself against those aggressive Neutrals.


    I've wanted to see you guys rolled ever since that war: I'm only sad that it took this long to happen.

  5. Sengokus lack of diplomacy is more concerning.

    SP&TR was 100% innocent here; and in fact kicked Bones&Co off the AA. If they attempted ANY semblance of diplomacy prior to attacking SP&TR completely unprovoked they would have figured that out.

    This is yet another unprovoked war against isolated AAs committed by Oculus.

    If there was a miscommunication regarding BONES' AA, then that can hardly be blamed on Sengoku; BONES and co have worked very hard over the past years fostering that confusion, and if they wish to prevent it happening again they should clearly state what alliances they are affiliated with and preferably stick to the single AA.


    Given that it is reasonable to believe that BONES is still closely affiliated with SPATR, it is reasonable that Sengoku struck them in the first attack; if the NPO had two AA's, "NPO 1" (SPATR) and "NPO 2" (MONGOLS) then it would be entirely reasonable for an alliance declaring war on the NPO to hit both of those alliances, even if whatever ill deed our esteemed Emperor undertook was only affiliated with "NPO 1".

    Quite incorrect.  We saw similarly sized nations in WTF get smashed.  I have no doubt that Sengoku could war with SPATR for a while, but there will soon come a point when they just are not doing significant damage to the upper tier and will have to build back up, spending billions to get into range and getting beaten down again.  They just do not have the numbers needed.  WTF didn't evne have the numbers needed when it was just the whole of WTF versus Cuba.  
    Sengoku is not capable of defeating SPATR/Mongols without outside help, either nations joining Sengoku or other aa's hitting Mongols/Spatr.  
    It is just as simple as that.  If OCULUS got involved that would be a different story because that entire bloc does have a significant amount of upper tier nations.  

    WTF used outdated tactics, and large parts of their alliance were inactive. I love those guys, but holy shit they could have done so much more in that war.

    Anyway, who knows, perhaps my simulations are wrong and WTF does set a precedent. Maybe Sengoku will be kind and show us.
  7. You saw when WTF tried to take down Cuba, just one nation.  They failed spectacularly  and lost all of their nations willing to  fight him.  Now we get to see just how much it will take to take down Timmeh and Bones.  Though with the current odds Bones and friends will completely decimate the upper tiers of Sengoku.  I just don't see how Sengoku is going to come out on top if this remains as it is.  Sengoku cannot win this militarily without help from allies.
    So this will have to expand in some way for Sengoku to pull off the win militarily, unless a diplomatic solution is found first.

    With the right tactics, it is entirely possible for an alliance of the size of Sengoku to mortally wound BONES and those who fight with him.

    I'm not yet sure if Sengoku are using a variation on these tactics, but it is definitely something to watch for.
  8. What i think everyone has failed to take in to account is that Sengoku did not want this war, most of those who are at war have zero troops and zero tanks, it clearly was a half assed attack, they are clearly waiting on someone from NPO to give the go ahead for spineless people in IRON to take action.

    I do find it funny how so many people are hailing this, and saying go get them yet none had the balls to do anything else but paper support that means nothing, We all know that if this war stays Bone's and Co VS Sengoku, then Sengoku has already lost and their lack of troops clear proves that.

    Anyway good luck all.

    You realise that the primary tactic to use against super tier nations is to sell off your soldiers and your ranks, in order to prevent raiding?
  9. I have been sanctioned for over a year on pink for sending 9mil and 4k soldiers in exchange for 200 tech from a WTF nation that was well below 15,000 ns, I don't think you have a very good precedent case as to the use of sanctions as it is.

    I got sanctioned on Pink pretty much just for pissing Cuba off.

    BONES meanwhile sanctioned hartfw for the nominal reason of 'no sanctions on pink'. I feel that is inaccurate; what he should have said is 'no sanctioning on pink unless it is a sanction that my overlord or I have pre-approved'.
  10. Perhaps that is so, though I would, to some extent, disagree, but the fact remains that extremely few people, possible few enough to make the game unviable, play TE these days; encouraging greater participation is important in ensuring its continuation, and as a bonus more players should mean increased revenue for admin to pay for the upkeep of the servers etc.

    Implementing this would probably see the active TE population at least triple; when I brought Eurasia in from the NPO we easily became the largest alliance in the game, and that was with no real incentive for us to compete - mainly we just wanted a flag, and that we could get just by voting for a senator

  11. The prizes we receive for succeeding in TE are nice; there is no denying it. However, they are nice on an individual level and as such don't encourage mass participation.

    I propose we change this, and make the prizes ones that SE alliances would find highly desirable and thus worth fighting for, while also remaining simple for admin to award and desirable on an individual level - I propose that instead of donations, tech and land are awarded to the recipients of prizes to be distributed as is seen fit by that recipient.

    For instance, the largest alliance at the end of the round could win maybe 5000 technology; a large enough amount that many alliances in SE would be willing to dedicate considerable effort and numbers towards winning, revitalising TE, while also maybe causing some tensions in SE as, say, NPO and IRON's TE alliances fight it out for the prizes.

  12. I would address "concerns" in this thread, but thus far the individuals making snide remarks are not worthy of my attention.

    The concern that I would like to raise and was raised at the beginning of the thread but that you decided to ignore is that the only way to get a result of 89.47% is if 10,000 or more people voted.

    Since we all know SNX isn't that large, there are two possibilities; either, you rigged the election, something that I know is very easy to do with admin powers, or you transcribed the numbers from your forums to here wrong, accidentally or otherwise.

    I won't speculate on the cause beyond that, but I would be very interested in hearing your explanation...
  13. [quote name="Frawley" post="3426329" timestamp="1450419675"]

    Just pipped you, 3590 days, I'd have the 12th oldest nation in the game if I wasn't drunk on collection day :([/quote

    Damn, that sucks :(

    Needed inactivity mode years ago

  14. blink twice if you are being held against your will. 


    No need for that, we know they all are held against there will.

    Free the political prisoners!


    Also, wow. Current nation is almost 1200 days old. Young, and yet I've been here far to long.

    Though, could be older; if I had my first nation it would be around 3560 days old :/

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