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Everything posted by Chickenzilla

  1. Hail the Entente!!! We shall rise up to our rightful positions as top gainers tomorrow
  2. DavidK came to VE... We should be coming back up soon.
  3. Moth, noone can beat the RIA... Go back and count how many 0s you have trough all the sanction races ever. I bet it's in the 20s...
  4. Every person who has ever updated the sanction race, is a true CNer. o/ Sanction race updaters. Also, o/ NATO and your predicted growth.
  5. Virida is indeed a very sexy alliance... #10 here we come!!!
  6. Nonsense, VE passed GGA. And what's this about NATO?
  7. NPO gets #.5 They are just that good.
  8. Trust me, I've been through a merger....what Viridia is going through is nothing like a merger. And VE is too sexy for anyone to quit lightly.
  9. lol up to 19.32 already... you missed it by about 2 minutes Logan...
  10. VE is still taking on them roids... o/ Viridia
  11. Sorry, 18.4. And VE shall be shooting up sometime...
  12. Man... 19.40 now...too bad, missed that score by like 5 min... also, 100,000 views.
  13. What about the GGA? They are green.
  14. Blue/Green is where it's at my friend.
  15. On the contrary, read all 101 pages, that's all that happens, and Moth talking about RIA's uprising.
  16. VE should hit top 12 at this rate. o/ *Chickenzilla crys at Atlantis' death some more.
  17. Well, anyone who thinks VE is trying to TAKE score should know that no one recruited these Atlanteans. They all decided to come to one of their greatest allies, one of the only ones who always stood by them. VE, GR, and Vanguard. The only alliances to consistantly o/ Atlantis announcements, never troll them. That is why 30-40 active members joined VE.
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