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Status Updates posted by DustyCloud

  1. YEAH




    YOU, ME,


    YOU, ME,


  2. Gravedigs=bad. You might want to stop that. :v:

  3. Nevermind. No matching nation OR ruler. :P

  4. Hehe, looks like you've got a fanboy. :D Look up Kamikazeknight0. He's got the same picture as you, and the same nation as you, only with an uppercase S. :D

  5. I'm gonna miss you Roz. :( T-T

    Please try to repeal the ban soon!

  6. Who are you and why are you viewing my account?!

  7. :D Congrats, come have a drink on me at the bar.
  8. Only 30 view away from the lead! You're almost there!

  9. HAHA! Up 75 in 2 hours! You will have more views than admin a matter of hours. >:D

  10. What Comrade Yev said. >:D You will take admin's spot whether you like it or not!

  11. Eh, I don't know about him, but the guy I'm talking about has flat ironed hair down to his shoulders.

  12. Don't deny it, you know you love it. >:D

    looks like a guy at my school, but tanner and smiling.

  13. You can pick all the shards of your mind that you want, but Avatar E's haricut is still kick-ass.

  14. Props to the guy who's not afraid to speak his mind.


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