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Posts posted by Alex0827a

  1. I got to know Frank from about the time he started playing CN... Great guy, invited me to join The Borg about a month before it was created, hung around Bio's forums even when he knew they were dead just talking to Satan and myself and playing our little counting game... Imma miss that guy :(

  2. I, Alex0827a of Arcean Empire, surrender to Non Grata. Mostly because I was just ghosting App, but I've also come to like a couple of them (cheers Spearo, thanks for the casualties :) ). And all I really wanted was to get nuked :P

    And cheers to NG as a whole for having reasonable conditions for exiting the war. Yay ghosting ^_^

  3. [quote name='Viluin' timestamp='1340865746' post='2999204']
    Your top two nations are very lucky that I'm pre-occupied.

    Know what you're getting yourself into when you attack nuclear rogues. :smug: It's not like we surrender.
    Oh, lookie here... You've got a defensive slot opening up tonight, maybe NpO will let BlackWolfe have some fun and you can show him how lucky he's been so far ;)

  4. I know my alliance (Bio) is just a micro fighting another micro, but here's how I see it - Peacemoding is a legitimate strategy if you don't do it too excessively (though I'd laugh if an alliance went 100% peace mode to prevent anyone from attacking them). That's been fairly established in this topic. But I've always thought that to gain and maintain a reputation as good allies and someone that other's hesitate to war with, you have to go balls-to-the-wall in war. Granted, the alliance we're attacking doesn't have anyone in my range or the 32k guy I'd work with. But the only member of our alliance in peace mode is in peace mode because he's making about a 2,000 mile move and can't be active during that time. That's as close as anyone can come to saying, essentially, "Come at me, bro" when at war. And the nation in peace mode? Yeah, he's about 7k NS. If their top nation would clear his slots, our top two would be on him and maybe send him down to my level (which would make me extraordinarily happy by upping my casualty count). But I guess the whole point of this rant/ramble/whatever you want to call it is that when war comes your way, don't run and hide, or that'll give you a reputation that won't wear off anytime soon. Face it like you mean it.

  5. [quote name='porksaber' timestamp='1340908319' post='2999489']
    Nuclear Fire is cooler. I hope Nuclear fire wins. Also, I don't like this announcement and I've never heard of you.
    lol if I cared if you'd heard of Bio, I'd cry because you haven't. As it stands though... Nope, don't care, and can't forsee a time when I will :)

    <3 Bklein ^_^

    o/ Micro Rage :P

  6. [quote name='Phaedron' timestamp='1340860435' post='2999129']
    Our micro rage will beat your micro rage any day.

    Many thanks and well-wishes to Bio -- happy hunting!
    I love this :P Micro rage ftw!

    Also, Viluin, clear out your slots so our boys can knock you down to my level (or just get a 35k-ish rogue, that works too if you want) :v Casualties > Infra

  7. [quote name='Garion' timestamp='1339154530' post='2979316']
    Congrats to our allies in Sparta :) and to their new allies :)
    Wait... So now I'm indirectly allied with my clone in RnR? Yush! [img]http://www.seeirah.com/vb/images/smilies/yush.gif[/img]

    Also, congrats to App and Sparta :P

  8. [quote name='VladimirLenin' timestamp='1338337731' post='2974233']
    Lol ok. Why do I get the feeling this will go as follows:

    "We're just gonna do this thing ex post facto and then go ahead and enforce it as if it was there all along."
    Something like that, except nobody's threatening PROIS atm so that first bit seems a tad irrelevant :P Also, I love your avatar too <3

  9. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/3/34/BIOFlag.jpg[/img] [img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/1/14/Kaskus500x300.png[/img]


    [center][size="6"]It's A PROIS!!![/size][/center]

    Article I: Parenting

    Bio and Kaskus agree to provide protection and guidance as necessary to PROIS.

    Article II: Helping The Parents

    In the event that Bio or Kaskus is engaged in a defensive war, PROIS may, if requested, aid them in their war.

    Article III: All Grow'd Up

    Should PROIS become large enough to stand on its own without a protectorate (based on the agreement between Bio, Kaskus, and PROIS), this protectorate treaty may be upgraded at the discretion of the parties involved.

    Article IV: Run Away From Home/Kicked Out Of The House

    Should either the protectorate or the protectors decide that this arrangement isn't working well, approporiate measures may be taken, including the modification and/or cancellation of this treaty.

    Signed for The Biohazard Corporation,

    Alex0827a - Big Scary Boss Guy
    Ajax - Little Scary Boss Guy
    Osko1337 - Herping and Derping All Day Long
    President of UI - Blows Sh*t Up

    Signed for the Peoples Republic of Independent States,


    Signed for Kaskus,

    Lord Caparo
    Suryanto Tan

    o/ PROIS
    o/ Kaskus
    o/ Bio

  10. For the record, The Biohazard Corporation is joining Kaskus in that protection of the Peoples Republic of Independent States. Partially because we're bored, partially because we're treatied to Kaskus. Okay, so we're mostly doing it because Tetris herped up a derp that, were we in the same situation as PROIS, we wouldn't like to see happen. But yeah, take it how you will.

    Sorry this came up so late, I just got back from dinner after work :P

  11. [quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1337776276' post='2971050']
    There's no destruction going on anywhere, not as I understand the situation. There's an AA that doesn't function, one of the members of that AA has gone to war. The rest of the AA are being told go find somewhere else to live because their roof has fallen in.
    Then check that alliance's war screen.

    Also, good show Kaskus, makes me proud to be treatied to you :wub:

    o/ Kaskus

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