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Everything posted by guandi

  1. Peace offers sent to AE targets.
  2. I'm sorry but my music taste is mine. I don't wake up to please you everyday with my music taste
  3. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/117347-apology-to-ae/
  4. Once you apologise in the appropriate location for; rudeness, attacking alliance members, threatening sabotage, ghosting, assaulting Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamander and listening to Bloodhound Hawke we will accept you apology. I apologize for rudeness, attacking alliance members, threatening sabotage, ghosting, assaulting... whoever that is. I will not apologize for listening to Bloundhound Hawke.
  5. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/117346-public-apology/
  6. This is to certify that I, guandi is publicly apologizing for my misdemanor actions against Alternian Empire. Now, end the wars.
  7. AE fails to realize that I'm no longer a three digit NS. I'm a 4 digit NS
  8. There will be no apologies. This war will end when AE's leader sends me a formal request to end the war. That is all. No reps. No bullshit
  9. I am thriving. AE will die. They're probably mocking me on their forums
  10. My nation is thriving right now. We won't run into the dirt. But we'll make sure the other nations that are fighting us, will taste the dirt.
  11. This is just hurting your alliance. Stop attacking me and I'll stop. I was at peace with your alliance until you attacked me.
  12. War will resume tomorrow as soon as I am out of anarchy. You Alternian Empire imperalists.. will die. United Steaks of Bacon is the best Steaks of Bacon Dormin will be my first target as soon as he leave peace mode. Then, I will target Republic City and Daveland. LOLAI and Redblood will follow.
  13. my nation http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=529779
  14. I would do that and I will do that. Your nation is going to get attacked first.
  15. I'll even hire some outsourced jobs in China to build nations and attack you guys.
  16. One simple payment of 6 million 4.5 million could end this but obviously Alternian doesn't want to fork up the money War will continue, even if I have to rebuild my nation
  17. 6 million now or I will keep on fighting you even if you ZI me. I'll rebuild.
  18. If I go into bill lock, I have strong nations who will financially aid me.
  19. I have nations on hand to assist me financially if that happens. I am prepared to fight.
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