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Posts posted by Mompson

  1. Yes and no. No because Im not talking about an "issue".... "issues" have resolutions. Im more talking about blatantly obvious, that everyone acts like everyone else does not see. There is no real "issue" with this. Anyone with half a brain to FA on Planet Bob knows what this is and why this is. It would be more refreshing if one of the principles would man up and say it.

    Can you tell me what the plan is? I just sign things when they get to my desk. Who is TOP?
  2. Also, TLR aiding IAA (who didn't really fight all that much in the end) caused Legion to be aided? I'm not sure how that defeats the argument that Legion couldn't get it done by itself, unless you're just looking for an excuse.

    You're implying (and RV is outright saying) that Legion needed the aid to win. I was showing you that we were literally asked in public by the other side. It was a reactionary move, not one that Legion asked for.
  3. Also, Legion got aidbombed. And couldn't properly deal with a war that was very heavily in their favor due to the incompetence/inactivity of alliances not named NSO.

    Your memory seems to fail you when it comes to the reason why Legion was aidbombed.

    This ought to help your memory
    In addition to this Asgaard and RoK were aiding as well.

    And these stats are particularly interesting don't you think?
    Pre-War NS (for NS lost)
    Legion 6286416
    Tetris 1060161
    BTA 732659
    IAA 1740229
    NSO 2710425
    NsO 712053

    Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvhBDJVbPEMSdDJIY1E0U1lwZ2s5NVlXU1pjQ0JBc0E&hl=en_US#gid=0
  4. And here we have a BiPolar denier.

    And here you have someone who can't comprehend what I was referring to despite the fact that I even bolded it for him.


    Let me make it easier for you.


    Polar has taken responsibility for BiPolar.  That is a fact.  Rayvon's claim that we still blame NSO for what happened is absolutely false.  If he wants to think we still blame NSO behind closed doors, it's his choice.  But the world is moving on, and clearly Rayvon is not.

  5. 3 AA's*

    I won't speak for NG and VE, but we're not stuck in a rut, we just don't buy into Polar's absolution at the hands of others (this 'Grudge War' you whine about not going your way while telling us to shed our diapers) while you continue to blame us for the incident that created all the troubles between our two alliances.


    It's been hashed a million times, but you believe what you want to.

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