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Posts posted by Hyperion321

  1. wow, this is absolutely amazing. This is literally the most epic thread of the last few weeks.


    but seriously dude, take that advice that was offered to you. It's the best you will ever get. The only thing I can think to say now is good luck with RIA.

  2. The Coalition of Ordered Governments, better knwon as COG, is here and ready to kick ass. We are a military based alliance in the Black color. We do accept people of all colors, but we prefer you to change to black if you can.

    Our mission in COG is to build and train the most deadly and effective army in the entire world. So far we have members from \m/, genmay, and FAN - all extremely experience soldiers. Using the wealth of military experience we have, we will train you, arm you, and shape you into a fierce fighting unit. Now, only a fool would only think about killing all the time in a game like cybernations, so we are looking for new people interested in diplomacy, and of course banking. No army can survive with just guns, we have to be able to afford the bullets to.

    The only thing I can ask of you as a warrior of COG is that you are active. The one thing that keeps alliance running is activity. If you don't think you can take 10 minutes out of your day to come on to the forums and chat a bit, then please don't join. If you are active however, then you will be happy to know that you will be rewarded. If you are active on our forums you will be given cash sums to make it worth your while.

    This is a link to our new forums. Forgive how bare they are at the moment, seeing as they are new. But with a little activity, they will have life.


    See you all there.

    that is all.

  3. Good luck man, I would suggest repost more formally after u get website/flag/constitution and flag set up. I do like militarized Alliances ;-)

    PS: This a bad time tho since admin closed down new registrations

    ya I was hoping to pick up alot of GOONS and \m/ refugees that haven't changed out of black yet (after the war of course GOONS, don't go nuking me just yet) :P

    and Ben, after all of the hatred love showed toward you from RIA and other people across Cybernations, I have decided to not recognize you as a COG member. As much as I think you may be a good person, I simply don't want members in my alliance that alot of people hate or don't take seriously. Sorry man, nothing personal.

    And to everyone else, thank you for all of your support and kind offerings. It really means alot that small start up alliances actually have a chance these days. It gives me hope.

  4. thanks man,

    and hopefully who ever joins can help me with the Charter. The more ideas, opinions, and perspectives we put on the table - the better. I believe a charter that is written by all of us will better reflect who we are as an alliance, and where we want to go - other than a singular leader's opinions and goals

  5. I do use IRC, but I am mostly on my old alliances channel. I have yet to write a charter or set up an IRC channel. I want to get a solid base of members before I put in all the effort to get formal documentation underway. I am going to set up some temp forums though when I get home tonight. I will be gone for a while (gotta go to a committe meeting to organize a blood drive) but I might have time to do it tonight.

    and the thing about Green is that it is already solidly dominated by other alliances. Black (since I'm assuming GOONS will go down) is kind of open. Plus it is a cool color :D

  6. Ok I'm not really sure where to put this so if it needs to be closed and moved please let me know (without trolling please :] )

    Soon I will hopefully be starting a new alliance. Right now I am looking for recruits that want to come along with me to start it up. Anybody is welcome, even refugees from the war or people that are left without alliances after the recent disbandonments. The only thing that I ask is that you are active, both on CN and in forums. The key to a strong alliance is activity, so your no good to me or an alliance if you are never on. I will be paying out cash sums of 3 million dollars to reward activity, and of course, leadership positions will also be given to active members.

    In terms of the alliance itself, it is name the Coalition of Ordered Governments, also known as COG (yes, the same one from Gears of War). I hope to make this a highly militarily focused alliance with LIVE-FIRE training and regular drills to keep the army in top form. We will condone tech raiding, but only in the old fashion sense, meaning they must be VERY inactive and un-aligned. I don't want to have to deal with other alliances knocking on my door about my members tech raiding their nations who were only inactive for 3 days. Of course, we will also strive to have strong diplomatic connections as well in order to make sure we don't have to use our military more than we have to.

    I don't have an official flag made yet, but I do have an in-game one chosen. It can be seen on my nation HERE

    Anyway there are several things that need to be done before I can launch this, I'm just looking for people that may want to have a cool new experience on CN to join and be apart of COG.

    Oh, and to the larger alliances: please don't take this as farming your members. I have no intention of stealing people from you. If you have any questions or you want to help me out, you can pm me in game.

    -[ In COG we trust ]-

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