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Lord Hershey

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Posts posted by Lord Hershey

  1. mgF0mOF.png

    The Palaven Government has ordered three of four Airbus A400M Atlas military transport aircrafts from Luke Air Force Base in Arizona to be fueled, to be equipped with sixty tons of humanitarian aid, and to lift off at 0800. The target is yet undetermined but the designation is in Ukraine and the primary objective is to relieve Ukraine's citizens with humanitarian aid due to the Black Sea Blockade imposed by the Babylonian Empire.

  2. mgF0mOF.png

    The Palaven Government plans to construct series of military installations including an armory, two barracks, and an airfield surrounding the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System to ensure that the generating system is well-protected from domestic threats as well as international threats. The Government intends to develop electromagnetic shields for its sensitive sites, should foreign nations or terrorists decide to disrupt the Palaven Empire's power supply by means of nuclear weaponry and electro-magnetic pulse devices.







    Announcement #4 - June 17th, 2014


    "The Palaven Government is contributing $5 billion to expand the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in Nevada, which is located forty-five miles southeast of Las Vegas. This cash infusion will result in expanding Ivanpah's generating system from five square miles to fifteen square miles. With additional ten square miles, this will bring up to total of one thousand and two hundred megawatts on daily basis. One thousand and two hundred megawatts means it is able to provide power up to nearly four hundred and twenty thousand homes. This is a monumental victory for environmentalists as the Government is committed to reduce its foreign oil dependency overseas."


    - Doctor Merkwürdigliebe, one of three main economic advisors to Lord Hershey and a guest to Palaven News Network




  3. "The Palaven Government is concerned of Babylonian Empire-Ukraine situation and feels that this situation can be solved diplomatically, given that those two nations are signatories of the European Community. The actions that are occurring under those members do not seem to follow with the agreement both members signed."

  4. ftWJfiL.png


    Announcement #3 - June 16th, 2014


    "As the owner of the Palaven News Network, I am apologizing to noble citizens of the Palaven Empire for myself and my staff being unable to present credible and unbiased news yesterday due to being overwhelmed by unverified reports regarding the disappearance of the Hawaiian people. Some people like to term the disappearance, 'The Hawaiian Rapture.' As some of you may know, Principality of Tikal, the United States of America, and multiple nations blockaded Hawaii to force Hawaii to concede to Tikal's demands. The Palaven Government did not approve Tikal's decision to issue an ultimatum and politely reminded the Tikal Government that it should not actively play a role as World Police. 


    The Palaven Government is currently investigating the technical causes of the Hawaiian Rapture that led to millions of Hawaiian and Polynesian peoples to disappear without a trace. The Government refused to make a speculation about what exactly happened over there. Regardless, the tragedy of this is that millions of Hawaiians vanished within a moment's notice and left their islands unsuitable for life, at least temporarily.


    That is all I know for now and in addition to compensate for our noble citizens' grief due to lack of news yesterday, I would like to present you Officer André Nowzick, a high ranking officer of the Palaven Intelligence Service to keep you tuned about the Palaven Empire's intentions in the future."


    - Donnie Azoff, owner of the Palaven News Network





    "Hello noble citizens of the Palaven Empire, I'd like to thank Mr. Azoff for allowing me to be a guest of the Palaven News Network. Unfortunately, as my employer has instructed me to not reveal any classified information that may be used against the Empire, otherwise, committing such offense is treason by death, heh. What I do know is that the Government has been quietly manufacturing its navy in multiple undisclosed locations so the Empire can use its navy to deter aggressors from the Pacific Ocean.


    As of this morning, Operation Dusk was a magnificent success as counterinsurgent forces disrupted a string of illegal drug manufacturing operations outside of Hermosillo in Northern Mexico as an effort to reduce the Sonora cartel's main source of income and its morale. There were virtually no casualties sustained by the counterinsurgent forces and there were dozens of Sonoran members captured and were shipped to an undisclosed location for interrogation, including Sonora Cartel's associate, Gabriel Iglesias. The Palaven Intelligence Service feels that Iglesias will provide the Government some crucial information regarding the cartel's other operations. That is all I have for now to inform our noble citizens of our valorous service to the Empire. In Lord Hershey We Trust!"


    - Officer André Nowzick




  5. "The Palaven Government is notified of Principality of Tikal Government's issue of ultimatum to the Hawaiian Government and considers the ultimatum somewhat justified, given the Hawaiian Government's recent questionable motives. The Government would like to politely remind Principality of Tikal Government that it should not actively play a role as World Police and suggests that there be some form of an international governmental organization or council, similar of the old United Nations, to handle similar situations like the Hawaiian ultimatum."

  6. ftWJfiL.png


    Announcement #2 - June 14th, 2014


    "The Palaven Government finds news about Hawaii and Greater Russia making a stand against Imperium of Japan to be disturbing. While we do not have all of information at hand regarding what led to this almost-imminent conflict. We strongly encourage all parties to prevent a conflict involving endless innocents being consumed by war by agreeing to a peaceful solution. In addition, the Government is aware of the heightened activities of the Americans at Naval Station San Diego and is urging its citizens to remain calm."


    - The Palaven Government


    "On unrelated news, Northern Mexico celebrates its first day of entrance into the Palaven Empire by sending what's left of its fleet consisting of seven destroyers and one frigate to join with the Palaven First Fleet at San Nicolas Naval Facility to bolster the Empire's national naval security. One Palaven Legion, sent by the Empire, has arrived and has set its camp up outside of Hermosillo. There are multiple unverified sources that the Palaven Legion itself, is actually not a Palaven Legion but rather an unidentified unit specialized in counterinsurgency sent by the Government to deal with numerous Mexican drug cartels that have been plaguing Northern Mexico for decades. !Viva Palaven¡"


    - Arturo Mendez, the Spanish Language News Anchorman






    "Three hours ago, two Palaven Legions have finally arrived safely at Camp Navajo to increase Arizona's defensive capabilities and to improve relations with their new natural citizens in Arizona. The Palaven Government also has pledged to allocate approximately $250 million designed to reduce tuition costs for all students in financial need throughout all universities in Arizona. The Government argues that this financial aid will allow the Arizonan economy to reap benefits greatly in long term." 


    - Jack Lime, the Arizonan News Anchorman



  7. So, uh, here's a very basic point buy system for consideration if there's still interest in moving away from basing everything on the in game stats of our nations. As a disclaimer, all numbers are pulled straight from my ass, and are simply used to demonstrate how such a system would/could work. :P

    So, let's say that nations start with 100 points in the system. They get to buy a few different things.

    For example:
    Tech Year: Starts in 2000, goes to 2013. Each year costs 5 points.
    Aircraft: 2 points buys a squadron. 4 points buys a stealth squadron. All squadrons are the same size.
    Navies: 5 points gets an escort group. 15 gets a carrier group. Define groups as whatever we want (carriers are not supers, and come with aircraft).
    Soldiers: 2 points buys 50,000 soldiers toward your cap.

    And so on. Lets people build up a nation how they want, while still keeping things relatively balanced.


    I like the idea behind this, though, there needs to be additional or extra points that have to be earned for achievements and such, that, I think, may complicate things, given that this system is well balanced.

  8. "The Palaven Government permits the Principality of Tikal to establish a SOSUS in its territorial waters as long as

    it has access to data emitted from the Pacific SOSUS and the Central SOSUS.


    In addition, the Palaven Government requests access to the Principality of Tikal's SOSUS technology to study its environmental

    impact of marine life in the Pacific Ocean."

  9. "Dear, King Karl Gustaf of Sverige and Princess Cloe de LaQueu of France,


    Thank you for your generous invitation to your Royal Wedding. However, with my heavy heart,

    I must respectfully decline your invitation due to more pressing needs. 


    I realize it is customary to send a representative in my place to your wedding,

    but I am not going to do that because in my opinion, it is meaningless. Instead,

    I offer you a month vacation (could be your honeymoon) in Napa 

    at absolutely no cost. We, the Palaven Empire, will foot the bills

    so please, do not worry about the cost of your elegant taste.


    I wish you all of the best at your wedding and hope your joy

    being together prosper for all eternity.


    - Sincerely,



    - Hershey, Lord of the Palaven Empire



  10. ftWJfiL.png


    Announcement #1 - June 13th, 2014


    "¡Atención! The Lord of the Palaven Empire, Hershey, is asking your atención for a few moments to listen. Please go on Channel 49! ¡Vamos! Garcias, noble citizens!"

    - Arturo Mendez, the Spanish Language News Anchorman



    "Greetings, noble citizens of Palaven! First for all, I thank you for your complete and utter faith in me by electing me to be the Lord of the Palaven Empire as long as I am fit of leading a glorious empire.

    Unfortunately, I cannot always deliver you good news, as some of you may know what those disturbing news are. Recently for the past 24 hours, Cascadia and Plains Federation have annexed Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, and Colorado unexpectedly. While we do not know true reasons for those such annexations, it is speculated that Cascadia and Plains Federation may be conspiring together to strategically surround our empire. As result of that, our empire is in jeopardy.

    ... Or it could be merely a coincidence, I do not know the answer to that part since our government has no formal or informal relations outside of the United States and Hawaii.

    Because of lack of relations with Cascadia and Plains Federation, some of the Baja Californian and Southern Californian officials have been informing me that they're very concerned of their Hispanic brothers and sisters living in Arizona and some portions of Northern Mexico. The Hispanics are already pleading for help and are fearing that their lives may be in jeopardy by foreign powers who may not be fond or intrigued of the Hispanics' prideful culture. With my heavy heart, I cannot allow that to happen and therefore, I, the Voice of the Empire, accept the formal requests made by populations of Arizona and Northern Mexico to join the Empire. 

    As of a few hours ago, I have decreed that two legions and one legion to be routed to Arizona and Northern Mexico, respectively, to protect our new natural citizens.

    That is all, noble citizens of Palaven and thank you for your time."

    - Hershey, Lord of the Palaven Empire





    "As a representative appointed by Arizona and Northern Mexico,

    I am confirming that Arizona and Northern Mexico are

    to join the Palaven Empire after

    Lord Hershey's public announcement.


    In Lord Hershey We Trust!"




    - Rodney Ruxin



  11. "Hi Mr. Kalakani, 

    it's been a privilege to meet you, I am André Nowzick, an officer of the

    Palaven Intelligence Service.

    Would you like to come into the government limousine over there with me

    to discuss the prospects of our foreign relation?

    … And oh hey, welcome to San Francisco."


    - Officer André Nowzick


    "The United States will be withdrawing all military personnel currently deployed throughout California. In concern to the naval base, the US is willing to pay any amount the new government believes is appropriate. The naval assets which were deployed to deal with the Hawaiian intrusion will continue to their destination, as they will be permanently assigned to Naval Base San Diego. The Marine brigade stationed there already will remain there as well."


    The Palaven Government permits the United States to lease Naval Station San Diego if the United States agrees to follow

    under three conditions:


    1. The United States agrees to protect the Pavalen Empire in the Pacific Ocean and to patrol 200 nautical miles off coast of the Empire. In addition, The United States will also arrest (or to destroy, if necessarily) vessels unauthorized by the Empire or the United States.


    2. The United States agrees to invest monetarily to stimulate the local economy by a sum of $500 million annually.


    3. The lease will be nullified if the Palaven Empire feels that it does not share common interests with the United States.

    The United States will be given 72 hours notice to leave Naval Station San Diego after the lease is nullified.


    Hawaii would be interested in opening an embassy in the Palaven Empire ASAP, and potentially providing military advisers to assist in military organization and acquisition.


    Additional, Hawaii has our own indigenous small arms production and produces STINGER BCU units to power any STINGER MANPADs you have in service available for sale.


    The Palaven Empire hereby accepts Hawaii's offer of establishing an embassy in San Francisco, California.

  14. "The United States of America welcomes the new government of Palaven Empire. The US Government currently has military forces in California and is willing to leave or remain those units at the discretion of the new government. We would like to know the possibility of maintaining Naval Station San Diego after the pullout of American forces."


    - Secretary of State Alisha Taitt


    The Palaven Government thanks the United States of America for the recognition of its sovereignty and for protecting citizens of

    the Empire. The Government politely requests that the American forces leave its territory. However, the Government is willing to lease Naval Station San Diego for the right price.


    HIPACOM notes Hawaii still has two battalions deployed In Los Angelos and San Diego for regional stabilization, pending Change of Command by United States military forces. Jurisdiction of San Diego and Los Angelos, along with the greater California area, must then be determined by the United States.


    The Palaven Government acknowledges the Hawaiian military presence in the Southern California and

    thanks the Hawaiian presence for regional stabilization. The Palaven Government sends

    one of its Palaven Legions to protect its citizens.

  16. ftWJfiL.png



    The states of Nevada, California, and Baja California have been forged to create the Palaven Empire to

    strengthen by means of economically, politically, and militarily in response to a complete financial meltdown

    by the old United States of America.


    Noble citizens of the Palaven Empire has proudly elected Lord Hershey as savior and voice

    of the Palaven Empire for all eternity.


    In Lord Hershey We Trust!

  17. I'm not sure how to respond to Sir Kindle's allegations. I did what any reasonable man would do. I was informed by GPF that Sir Kindle has repeatedly attempted to poach members from GPF and has threatened with force. GPF was more than nice to let this slide away after allowing my government officials to verbally warn Sir Kindle that his poaching attempts must stop and that it wasn't an appropriate and legitimate thing to do in the world of CN. Then GPF bought up to my attention again that Kindle poached again for the second time, and with evidence this time. At that point, I was getting tired of dealing with Kindle and was considering the prospect of dropping the protection status with HRE.


    Then another poaching attempt was initiated by Kindle, but not GPF, this time, it was on TPC! At this point, it was clear that HRE has to be dropped so DS did and gladly informed GPF that HRE is all theirs. Here is the log of a TPC official conversing with Sir Kindle right under the spoiler tag:


    Keep in mind that Doom Squad's protectorate policy in raiding a protected AA is automatic for nullification.



    17:42 SirKindle - I didn't see that. The room booted me.

    17:42 SirKindle - I'm sorry friend.

    17:43 Erakian - ok

    17:43 SirKindle - initionation first? I don't believe in that.

    17:43 SirKindle - Spelling?

    17:44 SirKindle - Sorry I didn't do spell check

    17:44 SirKindle - Anyways

    17:44 SirKindle - You be the cheif of this, and KOTS will support you.

    17:44 SirKindle - money, warriors, and deals...

    17:44 Erakian - what is KOTS?

    17:45 SirKindle - Here is your chance "brother"

    17:45 SirKindle - KOTS are the first 10 nations who started.

    17:45 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    17:46 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    17:46 SirKindle - Knightly Order of the Traveling Star

    17:47 Erakian - I thought you had some big secret or something

    17:47 SirKindle - Well there are a few. Here is one. be patient.

    17:48 *** Sir joined #cnknights

    17:48 Sir - Why are you rude?

    17:48 Sir - It's me Kindle, not sure why there are two names.

    17:49 Erakian - Probably just a glitch

    17:50 Sir - Tell me what kind of man you are. Alexander the great was 22 and took the world (spelling). What will you do on planetbob? bow to Cnaed? I am not saying make war. I am saying take hold (spelling).

    17:50 *** Sir quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    17:51 *** Sir joined #cnknights

    17:52 Sir - I keep getting kicked out. Can you please chat on AIM?

    17:52 Erakian - Once again, we do not consider Cnaed a god or anything, he however has done good things for TPC and TAE

    17:52 Sir - Haha

    17:52 Sir - He ruined TAE, and TPC looks like females (spelling)

    17:52 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    17:53 Sir - AIM?

    17:53 Erakian - What if there were females in TPC, are you being Sexist?

    17:53 Sir - sorry

    17:53 Sir - We have females in HRE

    17:54 Sir - I ment something else I'm sorry friend

    17:54 Sir - we are not bad people

    17:54 Erakian - Well than think before you say/type something

    17:54 Sir - I feel that was disrespecrtful.

    17:55 Erakian - what was>

    17:55 Sir - ^

    17:56 Erakian - As in what you said?

    17:57 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    17:57 SirKindle - Oh

    17:57 SirKindle - Well.

    17:57 SirKindle - You asked if I was sexist.

    17:57 SirKindle - Seemed like a punk move.

    17:57 SirKindle - Like a loaded question.

    17:58 Erakian - Well you keep calling TPC a bunch of females/gay

    17:58 SirKindle - You clearly knew I didnt mean it that way.

    17:58 SirKindle - in life

    17:58 SirKindle - things happen

    17:58 SirKindle - now i know cn, basically is bs

    17:59 SirKindle - but its cool, i have fun with it, and im sure you do too

    17:59 Erakian - I do enjoy CN

    17:59 SirKindle - here is a chance. your getting it

    17:59 SirKindle - oppertunity knocks brother

    17:59 SirKindle - but once

    18:00 SirKindle - I offer you great things.

    18:00 SirKindle - if you have the balls, now consider alexander the great, caesar, and charlemagne

    18:00 *** Sir quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:01 Erakian - See this is my main objection to this, when we said no, you taunted TPC you have called us names and your virtually stated that you wished to attack us more or less, I know if I say no now, the same thing will happen, so why should I accept when you will treat us badly if we say no

    18:02 SirKindle - Listen man, I had to test.

    18:02 SirKindle - It wasnt anything personal.

    18:02 Erakian - Test what?

    18:02 SirKindle - If you honored pride over pixels.

    18:03 SirKindle - We cant just let anyone into KOTS

    18:03 Erakian - at the same time, why should I accept when I am happy at TPC?

    18:04 Erakian - You clearly have tried this with other members of TPC, so why should I believe your intentions

    18:04 SirKindle - Well, we had to try first. We have a motto:

    18:05 SirKindle - Cnaed is actually 18#

    18:05 SirKindle - He has past lives he doesnt reviel

    18:06 SirKindle - We like nordic alliances, thats another reason we tried.

    18:06 Erakian - Is KOTS is about the first nations of CN, Cnaed joined in 2010, the first nations were in 2006 and there are many before him and many after

    18:06 Erakian - So I dont know how he is 18

    18:06 SirKindle - We are not racist, but we certainlt are pro-white.

    18:07 SirKindle - He must not be telling the truth.

    18:07 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:07 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:08 Erakian - We are not racist, but we certainlt are pro-white. Technically just saying that is sort of racist, considering that I am Portuguese and not technically considered white (dark european olive skin)

    18:08 SirKindle - I get kicked sometimes. I will return. You be here 20 mins?

    18:09 SirKindle - port is white, your visigoth

    18:09 SirKindle - your blood is german, visigoth

    18:09 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:09 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:10 SirKindle - The arabs didnt have sex

    18:10 SirKindle - Show YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U1v01SGtGE)Getting info...

    18:11 SirKindle - my grandma is from spain. On my mom side.

    18:11 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:11 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:12 SirKindle - Didn't get last message. Was booted. Please send again.

    18:12 Erakian - Just saying, while I am majority Portuguese I also have Jewish, Moroccan blood

    18:13 Erakian - so by saying you are Pro White, you are virtually saying that you only like people of White Ancestry which in this day and age, is just plain racist.

    18:13 SirKindle - My best friend is Moroccan.

    18:13 Erakian - yet you said your pro white...

    18:14 SirKindle - Well you take and twist my words anyway you want. I mean I am pro white HRE. Isnt HRE white?

    18:14 SirKindle - I'm trying to be historically correct

    18:15 SirKindle - You want to mock me?

    18:15 Erakian - "We are not racist, but we certainlt are pro-white."

    18:15 SirKindle - Like I said my best friend

    18:15 SirKindle - and my wife is mexican

    18:15 SirKindle - so how am i racist?

    18:16 SirKindle - call now and she will talk to you. you want her number !@#$%^&?

    18:16 Erakian - putting that aside, why should I join and be disloyal to TPC

    18:16 SirKindle - Good Q

    18:16 SirKindle - See you are smart

    18:17 SirKindle - That was a stupid strawman argument

    18:17 SirKindle - (spellings)?

    18:17 SirKindle - It's not being disloyal.

    18:18 SirKindle - It's actually being loyal.

    18:18 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:18 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:18 Erakian - how is leaving TPC being loyal to TPC?

    18:18 SirKindle - ?

    18:19 SirKindle - Didnt get last message (spelling)?

    18:19 Erakian - you said its not being disloyal

    18:19 Erakian - its being loyal

    18:19 Erakian - how is that being loyal to TPC

    18:19 SirKindle - Because your looking out.

    18:19 SirKindle - If you care

    18:20 *** sir joined #cnknights

    18:20 sir - i keep gettings booted

    18:20 sir - talk to me on aim

    18:20 sir - Matatyahueques@aol.com

    18:21 Erakian - just stay here

    18:21 Erakian - its ok

    18:21 sir - I want to talk. not get booted

    18:21 sir - Just do it

    18:21 Erakian - nty, easier for me atm

    18:22 sir - Are you going to be Imperator Augustus?

    18:22 Erakian - No

    18:23 sir - Do you want a war?

    18:23 Erakian - No

    18:24 sir - Why?

    18:24 Erakian - A war in the end, doesnt benefit anyone

    18:25 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:25 *** sir quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:26 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:26 SirKindle - Was booted

    18:26 SirKindle - Fill me in.

    18:27 Erakian -  A war in the end, doesnt benefit anyone

    18:27 SirKindle - Show YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E647_Uw9-Ek)Getting info...

    18:28 SirKindle - Benifits me.

    18:28 Erakian - look, I do not wish to be Imperator Augustus

    18:30 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:31 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:31 SirKindle - Then war.

    18:31 SirKindle - War to the knife

    18:31 SirKindle - .

    18:32 Erakian - That shows the immaturity on your part, so your virtually bribing me, I join you leave TPC alone, I stay its war

    18:32 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:33 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:33 SirKindle - Good luk.

    18:34 SirKindle - luck

    18:34 Erakian - So I take it you wish to attack?

    18:34 SirKindle - (spelling)

    18:34 SirKindle - No

    18:36 SirKindle - \TITLE: Los Terricolas-La carta

    VIEWS: 1443233

    FAVES: 0

    RATING: 4

    RATERS: 1500

    UPLOADED: Desaafrodita

    TITLE: Los Terricolas-La carta

    VIEWS: 1443233

    FAVES: 0

    RATING: 4

    RATERS: 1500

    UPLOADED: Desaafrodita

    18:36 SirKindle - perdoname

    18:36 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:37 *** Sir joined #cnknights

    18:38 Sir - Show YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwwI53esU9M)Getting info...

    18:38 Erakian - Anything else before I leave

    18:38 Sir - You won't join us?

    18:39 Erakian - No

    18:40 Sir - Then we fight. Tell Cnaed I love him.

    18:40 Erakian - So your going to attack TPC

    18:40 Sir - I kill all you punks.

    18:40 Sir - : )

    18:40 Erakian - So your saying if me and Cnaed werent there youd leave TPC alone

    18:41 Sir - I'm sayings

    18:41 Sir - If you don't take over we attack.

    18:42 Erakian - Look, you do realise how stupid that is, if I were to take over, you would be offending your future leader, so thing is, by actually threatening me your virtually making it look like your really desperate for someone to take over

    18:42 Erakian - I do not at all wish to leave HRE, I am 100% happy at TPC and will continue to serve them with pride.

    18:42 Sir - Sometimess

    18:42 Sir - In life

    18:42 Sir - Things seem weird

    18:43 Sir - But there reason behind thew madness.

    18:43 Erakian - Sometimes in life, I do not really care about threats

    18:44 Sir - You like TPC? So much? You will die for them rather then have them live?

    18:44 Sir - It's not threat.

    18:44 Sir - Promise.

    18:44 Erakian - Let me guess its a promise

    18:45 Sir - dont guess

    18:45 Sir - Why dont you want to be king?

    18:46 Erakian - Mate, there are some people in the world that are loyal to the alliance they serve, I would honestly rather serve TPC and be loyal to them even if it results in my CN nation being destroyed than serve as king for HRE an alliance I barley know and honestly doesnt appeal to me in any way

    18:46 Sir - Then

    18:47 Sir - Your an idiot, and I'll enjoy rocking yur allaiance.

    18:47 Sir - You my friend

    18:48 Sir - Made a huge CN mistake. Yoyu could have been on point

    18:48 Sir - but instead you $%&@ed your alliance.

    18:49 Erakian - Really? How so, by leaving I would be making them 1 member shorter of an active and committed member

    18:50 Sir - You got an offer.

    18:50 Sir - You said no.

    18:50 Sir - Now you die.

    18:50 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:51 Erakian - Just noticed you attacked a TPC nation,

    18:52 SirKindle - Yes

    18:52 SirKindle - And we will attack more.

    18:52 SirKindle - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=533996

    18:52 Erakian - If this is how it is, then you are going to regret this conversation, for you know have shown to me your intentions and it gives me a pretty good idea what your upt to

    18:53 SirKindle - $%&@ YOU

    18:53 Erakian - No thanks

    18:53 SirKindle - hey

    18:54 SirKindle - Sure you don't want peace?

    18:54 Erakian - Peace being I have to join you?

    18:54 Erakian - NO!

    18:54 SirKindle - So war?

    18:55 *** Sir quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:55 Erakian - I don;t want to join an alliance that uses threats against a member of TPC (whom is currently a government member) and then bribes him into putting TPC in a situation of war if I do not leave, you are showing that you do not care for TPC or myself at all, in a matter of fact, this has just made more or less realise how idiotic this whole conversation was,  

    18:56 Erakian - I could have spent my time doing something more productive than to be just lashed at with threats towards TPC

    18:56 SirKindle - Your not KOTS material.

    18:56 Erakian - I dont care tbh

    18:56 SirKindle - hmmmm

    18:57 SirKindle - Message your guys

    18:57 SirKindle - You loose.

    18:57 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:57 *** Kindle joined #cnknights

    18:58 Erakian - So all your hate is now towards me I take it

    18:58 Kindle - Nah

    18:58 Kindle - I dont have hate. Hate would suggest I am the founder. I believe in a higher power.

    18:59 Kindle - Make peace now.

    18:59 Erakian - Look, I wish to end this conversation, there is obviosuly nothing coming from it,

    18:59 Kindle - Or we rock TPC.

    18:59 Kindle - ha

    18:59 Erakian - So wait, you want me to Leave TPC or Stay and you declare

    18:59 Kindle - Why you say "Look"

    18:59 Kindle - ?

    19:00 Erakian - *war

    19:00 Kindle - I want you to merge your alliance, and take over.

    19:00 Erakian - ... No,

    19:00 Erakian - *Its not My alliance,

    19:00 Kindle - Yes it is.

    19:00 Erakian - No one

    19:01 Erakian - No one "owns" the alliance

    19:01 Erakian - We are all apart of the alliance and are equals

    19:01 Kindle - Show YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvYIpa1Ulvw)Getting info...

    19:01 Kindle - Real equals are in the HRE.

    19:01 Erakian - So, if there isnt anything else you want to say I am going

    19:01 Kindle - Don't !@#$@#$ lie to me.

    19:02 Kindle - Last thing.

    19:02 Kindle - We will, We will, Rock you!

    19:03 Kindle - ?

    19:03 Kindle - You wont answwer?

    19:03 Erakian - Very original

    19:03 Kindle - yeah?

    19:04 Kindle - what is?

    19:04 Erakian - Bye, I am ending this conversation

    19:04 Kindle - Ha

    19:04 Erakian - No point in me wasting my timekian - ok

    17:43 SirKindle - initionation first? I don't believe in that.

    17:43 SirKindle - Spelling?

    17:44 SirKindle - Sorry I didn't do spell check

    17:44 SirKindle - Anyways

    17:44 SirKindle - You be the cheif of this, and KOTS will support you.

    17:44 SirKindle - money, warriors, and deals...

    17:44 Erakian - what is KOTS?

    17:45 SirKindle - Here is your chance "brother"

    17:45 SirKindle - KOTS are the first 10 nations who started.

    17:45 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    17:46 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    17:46 SirKindle - Knightly Order of the Traveling Star

    17:47 Erakian - I thought you had some big secret or something

    17:47 SirKindle - Well there are a few. Here is one. be patient.

    17:48 *** Sir joined #cnknights

    17:48 Sir - Why are you rude?

    17:48 Sir - It's me Kindle, not sure why there are two names.

    17:49 Erakian - Probably just a glitch

    17:50 Sir - Tell me what kind of man you are. Alexander the great was 22 and took the world (spelling). What will you do on planetbob? bow to Cnaed? I am not saying make war. I am saying take hold (spelling).

    17:50 *** Sir quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    17:51 *** Sir joined #cnknights

    17:52 Sir - I keep getting kicked out. Can you please chat on AIM?

    17:52 Erakian - Once again, we do not consider Cnaed a god or anything, he however has done good things for TPC and TAE

    17:52 Sir - Haha

    17:52 Sir - He ruined TAE, and TPC looks like females (spelling)

    17:52 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    17:53 Sir - AIM?

    17:53 Erakian - What if there were females in TPC, are you being Sexist?

    17:53 Sir - sorry

    17:53 Sir - We have females in HRE

    17:54 Sir - I ment something else I'm sorry friend

    17:54 Sir - we are not bad people

    17:54 Erakian - Well than think before you say/type something

    17:54 Sir - I feel that was disrespecrtful.

    17:55 Erakian - what was>

    17:55 Sir - ^

    17:56 Erakian - As in what you said?

    17:57 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    17:57 SirKindle - Oh

    17:57 SirKindle - Well.

    17:57 SirKindle - You asked if I was sexist.

    17:57 SirKindle - Seemed like a punk move.

    17:57 SirKindle - Like a loaded question.

    17:58 Erakian - Well you keep calling TPC a bunch of females/gay

    17:58 SirKindle - You clearly knew I didnt mean it that way.

    17:58 SirKindle - in life

    17:58 SirKindle - things happen

    17:58 SirKindle - now i know cn, basically is bs

    17:59 SirKindle - but its cool, i have fun with it, and im sure you do too

    17:59 Erakian - I do enjoy CN

    17:59 SirKindle - here is a chance. your getting it

    17:59 SirKindle - oppertunity knocks brother

    17:59 SirKindle - but once

    18:00 SirKindle - I offer you great things.

    18:00 SirKindle - if you have the balls, now consider alexander the great, caesar, and charlemagne

    18:00 *** Sir quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:01 Erakian - See this is my main objection to this, when we said no, you taunted TPC you have called us names and your virtually stated that you wished to attack us more or less, I know if I say no now, the same thing will happen, so why should I accept when you will treat us badly if we say no

    18:02 SirKindle - Listen man, I had to test.

    18:02 SirKindle - It wasnt anything personal.

    18:02 Erakian - Test what?

    18:02 SirKindle - If you honored pride over pixels.

    18:03 SirKindle - We cant just let anyone into KOTS

    18:03 Erakian - at the same time, why should I accept when I am happy at TPC?

    18:04 Erakian - You clearly have tried this with other members of TPC, so why should I believe your intentions

    18:04 SirKindle - Well, we had to try first. We have a motto:

    18:05 SirKindle - Cnaed is actually 18#

    18:05 SirKindle - He has past lives he doesnt reviel

    18:06 SirKindle - We like nordic alliances, thats another reason we tried.

    18:06 Erakian - Is KOTS is about the first nations of CN, Cnaed joined in 2010, the first nations were in 2006 and there are many before him and many after

    18:06 Erakian - So I dont know how he is 18

    18:06 SirKindle - We are not racist, but we certainlt are pro-white.

    18:07 SirKindle - He must not be telling the truth.

    18:07 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:07 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:08 Erakian - We are not racist, but we certainlt are pro-white. Technically just saying that is sort of racist, considering that I am Portuguese and not technically considered white (dark european olive skin)

    18:08 SirKindle - I get kicked sometimes. I will return. You be here 20 mins?

    18:09 SirKindle - port is white, your visigoth

    18:09 SirKindle - your blood is german, visigoth

    18:09 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:09 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:10 SirKindle - The arabs didnt have sex

    18:10 SirKindle - Show YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U1v01SGtGE)Getting info...

    18:11 SirKindle - my grandma is from spain. On my mom side.

    18:11 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:11 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:12 SirKindle - Didn't get last message. Was booted. Please send again.

    18:12 Erakian - Just saying, while I am majority Portuguese I also have Jewish, Moroccan blood

    18:13 Erakian - so by saying you are Pro White, you are virtually saying that you only like people of White Ancestry which in this day and age, is just plain racist.

    18:13 SirKindle - My best friend is Moroccan.

    18:13 Erakian - yet you said your pro white...

    18:14 SirKindle - Well you take and twist my words anyway you want. I mean I am pro white HRE. Isnt HRE white?

    18:14 SirKindle - I'm trying to be historically correct

    18:15 SirKindle - You want to mock me?

    18:15 Erakian - "We are not racist, but we certainlt are pro-white."

    18:15 SirKindle - Like I said my best friend

    18:15 SirKindle - and my wife is mexican

    18:15 SirKindle - so how am i racist?

    18:16 SirKindle - call now and she will talk to you. you want her number !@#$%^&?

    18:16 Erakian - putting that aside, why should I join and be disloyal to TPC

    18:16 SirKindle - Good Q

    18:16 SirKindle - See you are smart

    18:17 SirKindle - That was a stupid strawman argument

    18:17 SirKindle - (spellings)?

    18:17 SirKindle - It's not being disloyal.

    18:18 SirKindle - It's actually being loyal.

    18:18 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:18 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:18 Erakian - how is leaving TPC being loyal to TPC?

    18:18 SirKindle - ?

    18:19 SirKindle - Didnt get last message (spelling)?

    18:19 Erakian - you said its not being disloyal

    18:19 Erakian - its being loyal

    18:19 Erakian - how is that being loyal to TPC

    18:19 SirKindle - Because your looking out.

    18:19 SirKindle - If you care

    18:20 *** sir joined #cnknights

    18:20 sir - i keep gettings booted

    18:20 sir - talk to me on aim

    18:20 sir - Matatyahueques@aol.com

    18:21 Erakian - just stay here

    18:21 Erakian - its ok

    18:21 sir - I want to talk. not get booted

    18:21 sir - Just do it

    18:21 Erakian - nty, easier for me atm

    18:22 sir - Are you going to be Imperator Augustus?

    18:22 Erakian - No

    18:23 sir - Do you want a war?

    18:23 Erakian - No

    18:24 sir - Why?

    18:24 Erakian - A war in the end, doesnt benefit anyone

    18:25 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:25 *** sir quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:26 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:26 SirKindle - Was booted

    18:26 SirKindle - Fill me in.

    18:27 Erakian -  A war in the end, doesnt benefit anyone

    18:27 SirKindle - Show YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E647_Uw9-Ek)Getting info...

    18:28 SirKindle - Benifits me.

    18:28 Erakian - look, I do not wish to be Imperator Augustus

    18:30 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:31 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:31 SirKindle - Then war.

    18:31 SirKindle - War to the knife

    18:31 SirKindle - .

    18:32 Erakian - That shows the immaturity on your part, so your virtually bribing me, I join you leave TPC alone, I stay its war

    18:32 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:33 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:33 SirKindle - Good luk.

    18:34 SirKindle - luck

    18:34 Erakian - So I take it you wish to attack?

    18:34 SirKindle - (spelling)

    18:34 SirKindle - No

    18:36 SirKindle - \TITLE: Los Terricolas-La carta

    VIEWS: 1443233

    FAVES: 0

    RATING: 4

    RATERS: 1500

    UPLOADED: Desaafrodita

    TITLE: Los Terricolas-La carta

    VIEWS: 1443233

    FAVES: 0

    RATING: 4

    RATERS: 1500

    UPLOADED: Desaafrodita

    18:36 SirKindle - perdoname

    18:36 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:37 *** Sir joined #cnknights

    18:38 Sir - Show YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwwI53esU9M)Getting info...

    18:38 Erakian - Anything else before I leave

    18:38 Sir - You won't join us?

    18:39 Erakian - No

    18:40 Sir - Then we fight. Tell Cnaed I love him.

    18:40 Erakian - So your going to attack TPC

    18:40 Sir - I kill all you punks.

    18:40 Sir - : )

    18:40 Erakian - So your saying if me and Cnaed werent there youd leave TPC alone

    18:41 Sir - I'm sayings

    18:41 Sir - If you don't take over we attack.

    18:42 Erakian - Look, you do realise how stupid that is, if I were to take over, you would be offending your future leader, so thing is, by actually threatening me your virtually making it look like your really desperate for someone to take over

    18:42 Erakian - I do not at all wish to leave HRE, I am 100% happy at TPC and will continue to serve them with pride.

    18:42 Sir - Sometimess

    18:42 Sir - In life

    18:42 Sir - Things seem weird

    18:43 Sir - But there reason behind thew madness.

    18:43 Erakian - Sometimes in life, I do not really care about threats

    18:44 Sir - You like TPC? So much? You will die for them rather then have them live?

    18:44 Sir - It's not threat.

    18:44 Sir - Promise.

    18:44 Erakian - Let me guess its a promise

    18:45 Sir - dont guess

    18:45 Sir - Why dont you want to be king?

    18:46 Erakian - Mate, there are some people in the world that are loyal to the alliance they serve, I would honestly rather serve TPC and be loyal to them even if it results in my CN nation being destroyed than serve as king for HRE an alliance I barley know and honestly doesnt appeal to me in any way

    18:46 Sir - Then

    18:47 Sir - Your an idiot, and I'll enjoy rocking yur allaiance.

    18:47 Sir - You my friend

    18:48 Sir - Made a huge CN mistake. Yoyu could have been on point

    18:48 Sir - but instead you $%&@ed your alliance.

    18:49 Erakian - Really? How so, by leaving I would be making them 1 member shorter of an active and committed member

    18:50 Sir - You got an offer.

    18:50 Sir - You said no.

    18:50 Sir - Now you die.

    18:50 *** SirKindle joined #cnknights

    18:51 Erakian - Just noticed you attacked a TPC nation,

    18:52 SirKindle - Yes

    18:52 SirKindle - And we will attack more.

    18:52 SirKindle - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=533996

    18:52 Erakian - If this is how it is, then you are going to regret this conversation, for you know have shown to me your intentions and it gives me a pretty good idea what your upt to

    18:53 SirKindle - $%&@ YOU

    18:53 Erakian - No thanks

    18:53 SirKindle - hey

    18:54 SirKindle - Sure you don't want peace?

    18:54 Erakian - Peace being I have to join you?

    18:54 Erakian - NO!

    18:54 SirKindle - So war?

    18:55 *** Sir quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:55 Erakian - I don;t want to join an alliance that uses threats against a member of TPC (whom is currently a government member) and then bribes him into putting TPC in a situation of war if I do not leave, you are showing that you do not care for TPC or myself at all, in a matter of fact, this has just made more or less realise how idiotic this whole conversation was,  

    18:56 Erakian - I could have spent my time doing something more productive than to be just lashed at with threats towards TPC

    18:56 SirKindle - Your not KOTS material.

    18:56 Erakian - I dont care tbh

    18:56 SirKindle - hmmmm

    18:57 SirKindle - Message your guys

    18:57 SirKindle - You loose.

    18:57 *** SirKindle quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

    18:57 *** Kindle joined #cnknights

    18:58 Erakian - So all your hate is now towards me I take it

    18:58 Kindle - Nah

    18:58 Kindle - I dont have hate. Hate would suggest I am the founder. I believe in a higher power.

    18:59 Kindle - Make peace now.

    18:59 Erakian - Look, I wish to end this conversation, there is obviosuly nothing coming from it,

    18:59 Kindle - Or we rock TPC.

    18:59 Kindle - ha

    18:59 Erakian - So wait, you want me to Leave TPC or Stay and you declare

    18:59 Kindle - Why you say "Look"

    18:59 Kindle - ?

    19:00 Erakian - *war

    19:00 Kindle - I want you to merge your alliance, and take over.

    19:00 Erakian - ... No,

    19:00 Erakian - *Its not My alliance,

    19:00 Kindle - Yes it is.

    19:00 Erakian - No one

    19:01 Erakian - No one "owns" the alliance

    19:01 Erakian - We are all apart of the alliance and are equals

    19:01 Kindle - Show YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvYIpa1Ulvw)Getting info...

    19:01 Kindle - Real equals are in the HRE.

    19:01 Erakian - So, if there isnt anything else you want to say I am going

    19:01 Kindle - Don't !@#$@#$ lie to me.

    19:02 Kindle - Last thing.

    19:02 Kindle - We will, We will, Rock you!

    19:03 Kindle - ?

    19:03 Kindle - You wont answwer?

    19:03 Erakian - Very original

    19:03 Kindle - yeah?

    19:04 Kindle - what is?

    19:04 Erakian - Bye, I am ending this conversation

    19:04 Kindle - Ha

    19:04 Erakian - No point in me wasting my time



    In addition, Sir Kindle has made false claims such as this one with a different alliance:




    TL;DR Don't waste your time reading Kindle's posts, in fact, I'm about to block his posts from now on and I highly encourage you all to do the same.

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