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James Spanier

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Posts posted by James Spanier

  1. Just now, kerschbs said:

    Tsk tsk, everyone is in such a rush. Let’s see where we all are 6-7 months from now. 


    The criticism levied was that a member of my alliance should "do something or go sit in a corner" by someone who spent nine days not doing something yet definitely not sitting in a corner.

  2. 10 minutes ago, A1ph4 0m3ga said:

    Can’t be worse than being in an alliance not doing anything but crap posting. Either do something, or go sit with your pixels in the corner where you belong.


    Worry not, we still have eight days before we've matched your pace.

  3. 56 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:

    It doesn't matter that Polar wanted to roll Doom as long as they didn't follow through? Or you knew they were telling people they wanted to roll Doom even though they never meant it?


    I'm surprised I need to tell you this, but this has been a known known for like two years now. Like, Polar didn't even hide it, they straight up told us (that is, both Argent and RFI) multiple times in the last year alone point blank they wanted to roll Doom (and would if they could). There's even one venue I can think of where DBDC was present when it was said.


    I think that our own recent treaty with them includes the 'oNAP' clause serves as an indicator of our feelings on the subject.

  4. A long time ago (a little over a year) in a backroom channel far, far away, discussion began which laid the framework for the creation of the ultimate treaty in the cyberverse. The project was subject to great expenses of political capital and excuses for missed deadlines for months on end, leading some to declare it nothing but a bottomless pit of resources. Emperor Jason was adamant however: when the treaty was signed, the detractors would be of little concern, and when has become now.




    Project Stardust Accords


    Article I: Peace and Freedom to the Signatories
    Both signatories will hereafter refrain from targeted aggressive activity, internal subversion or espionage of any kind, against the other. Signatories of this pact pledge to practice only respect and good will towards each other. 

    Article II: Securing the Scarif Vault
    Should vital knowledge of a political or military nature come to the attention of one signatory, they are strongly encouraged to share it with the other.


    Article III: Deploy the Garrison
    Should the Rebel Alliance scramble fighters on the Death Star, either signatory may request support in the form of Starfleet assistance, credits, or a motion in the Imperial Senate from the other. It is strongly encouraged for the other signatory to provide what help it can, though both parties accept that this is not an obligation.


    Article IV: You May Fire When Ready
    Should either signatory wish to target another planet with the Death Star, the signatory may ask to use the other's targeting computer, though both parties acknowledge this is not obligated.


    Article V: Target the Base at Scarif, Single Reactor Ignition
    In the event that a signatory is a participant in a conflict against an ally of the other signatory, defensive retaliatory military action may be taken as deemed necessary without necessitating the activation of Article VII.


    Article VI: Death Star II
    Should the signatories feel the relationship between them has changed, the signatories may come together to build a newer and more powerful Death Star at any time.


    Article VII: Careful Not to Choke on Your Aspirations
    Should either signatory become rebel scum in the eyes of the other, this pact will be canceled after 72 hours notice is given.



    Signed for New Polar Order,
    Buuyo, Emperor
    Emperor Jason, Regent
    JayMillz, Minister of Plenty
    Tharu, Minister of Peace

    Signed for Argent,
    Lowsten, The Great and Loveable Emperor of Argent
    trimm, Regent and Curmudgeon at Large
    Legatus, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Clown Appreciator
    King William, Minister of War and Certified Kindergartener
    iamthey, Minister At-Large, Lasagna, and Clown
    IMP REBS, Minister of Internal Affairs and Humanoid Spaceship
    Janax, Dragon Emperor Emeritus and Minister of Communications

  5. 2 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    I was good with dropping the act, you clearly aren't and are just playing "NO U" and we would just be doing that for eternity.


    Yes, I wanted to burn or humiliate CLAWS, my alliance and allies had been on the receiving end of numerous hostile moves made against us. As a result, my personal modus operandi was to look for, or wait for the right moment to seize and give my people the blood of your allies who just wouldn't bugger off and leave us be. They funded Hitchcock, (your initial source of intelligence) and his cold war campaign against us with help from 2 Doombirds. They spun a yarn about how Lucius was conducting espionage against CLAWS because of a single conversation he had with The Dark Emperor who pitched the idea to Lucius and who was literally a member of CLAWS at the time. He was the one offering to be a spy and gather intelligence but TIE were the ones who got punished for simply entertaining a single conversation about the idea? No actual espionage took place, it was just a convenient ruse used to try an bait the rest of us into a curbstomp Then of course there were the rogues that all spawned from CLAWS and attacked COBRA or one of our allies.


    When you're on the receiving end of that extent of hostilities for as long as we did; is it any bloody surprise I (and Boognish) wanted to stick a broken pint glass in their face just once?


    I make no apologies for quietly working to humiliate your ally (who you enabled through all of the above mentioned instances) and eventually succeeding in doing so, because they damn well deserved it.


    You're the one that's crying NAP, I've been real this whole conversation: we reacted to your actions. Justify them as much as you want, fact is you were planning a war. And no, actually, the first piece of intel was Thrash DMing me and saying "hey what if RFI fought Oculus?" and when I called him out on how hopelessly obvious his fishing expedition was he had the audacity to ask me who leaked. THAT was when we knew what was up, before any of Hitchcock's nonsense reached our eyes. 


    Mistakes were made that let you and yours control the narrative despite lying through your teeth at every opportunity, but in the end we're still here.


    So I hope you enjoyed taking that one pound of flesh for the few months you had before NG enjoyed taking all of yours.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:




    Well it's about bloody time you actually did something Will. You've been practically AWOL for almost the entire lifespan of the coalition. When Lex disappeared Kashmir was totally unreachable except for hakai. In a way, hakai practically ran FA for Kashmir without knowing he was doing it because he was our only point of reference with you guys and how can you not like hakai? We had to literally help save your alliance name and protect yo

    ur people who were about to be unaligned because you didn't have an heir assigned. You weren't present or contributing to anything that we did in the server, but as soon as I'm gone you wake from your slumber? Full of plans and taking control yaddayadda.... 


    All you were interested in was merging everyone into another boring amorphous husk- and you got to do that a little bit, some of COBRA joined you and the majority of them didn't. You repeatedly suggested we all merge whenever you did happen to rear your head in the server and then of course you would vanish for the nth time. 


    You say you 'buried Boognish' like it's an accomplishment, but I built the damn thing for all of us. I lead our cabal of micro menaces. We fended off aggressive manoeuvres from giants, we built a name for ourselves and we established ourselves as independents outside of the treaty web. Anyone who wanted to take a shot at us had was constantly second guessing who was part of the group, what our plans were and so on.


    And you? You were nowhere. You played no part in anything that we did together. Realistically speaking? Boognish buried itself, maybe you shut down the server but you didn't bury it. We all played out parts in our downfall, except for you.



    And you openly admitted to us during the peace talks that you had started planning for an offensive against us in November, maybe December either way it was before the NAP expired. Not to mention the amount of s*** we were putting up with from your blocmate constantly trying cause trouble for us. It was pretty clear you or your blocmate wanted us dead and you went along for the ride.


    Pot kettle black Lowsten. 


    Ultimately we are both guilty of plotting against one another, so how about we both drop the act instead? The only bloc I see someone trying to protect is your own.


    You wanted our blood, we wanted yours. You botched the invasion, we got our pound of flesh from the alliance we'd been on the receiving end of hostile manoeuvres for about 8 months in various forms and that chapter of history is now over. I'm not protecting anything, I'm giving a perspective of what happened leading up to and during the eruption of Bicycle War.


    And you were just going to leave out that bit of the perspective about us in fact actually responding to your plotting as early as June because you forgot to mention it and weren't just !@#$%^&*ting again I assume? Give me a break mate, you plotted a war, got caught, got fought. Don't bring NAP-this garbage out, like we're supposed to let you just do whatever you want under the guise of a NAP. I personally pushed for that extension to prevent a war mind you, and there was dialog through each event of your side and CLAWS attempting to instigate conflict over one stupid thing after another. Then come to find out you were plotting the whole time anyway.

  7. 5 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    Nah, if you're talking about Bicycle War? Oculus and RFI participants screwed up the invasion. They violated intelligence clauses in treaties with allies who were also allied to NG. The CB cited intelligence which you gathered to deliberately incite a war- something you had been attempting with support from members of CLAWS/DBDC during the Prohibition Era conflict between COBRA and KNB. This was also a violation of the NAP by the way; the treaty stated that NG and RFI would not engage in hostilities with each other or their respective allies. Funding a proxy to instigate a war against an ally of NG isn't really abiding by the treaty in good faith, is it? You kept at this for a good few months before the Bicycle War finally erupted. While RFI were meant to be abiding by a NAP? Instead of following the diplomatic approach demanded by the treaty; they began planning their attack in November before the expiration of the treaty they claimed NG had violated. The level of irony in that situation is just ridiculous when you think about it.


    It wasn't a sympathy peace, Oculus and RFI AAs knew that if they didn't wrap it up? Then their allies would get stomped on by their mutual allies they shared with NG. Polar did not appreciate their ally getting dogpiled by their bloc-mates and external allies without even a simple heads up beforehand, so they spearheaded the diplomatic effort and helped us sue for peace- or else.


    Meanwhile, we got our pound of flesh from CLAWS (and GATO/Argent I guess, but mainly CLAWS because they actually made the DoW) for a week as a 'tit-for-tat' arrangement in order to close the conflict with white peace when that round expired.


    tl;dr - Your plan failed and the coattails of the alliances you rode on botched their premeditated invasion., violating the  treaty they cited as the CB against NG/COBRA. Oculus and RFI participants knew what the consequences could be if they didn't shut it down. They were saving their own skins.


    What a load of hogwash and you know it. You literally gave us the logs of you and Stewie doing exactly what we knew you were doing, which was the basis for us understanding peace was never an option from you and yours (our understanding that is, not your logs which just confirmed what we already knew). The fact anyone believed your crocodile tears and blatant lies reflects more poorly on them than the people that were right all along, poorly managed intel clauses or not. The curtains closed, you can stop the act now, there's no Bloc left for you to protect.

  8. 14 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:



    If I thought you were actually coming into this thread with any sort of genuine interest in seeing if NG was trying to change, I might respond by asking: why can't both be true? Why is it not possible that NG is choosing to be the better person by not matching pettiness for pettiness (at the time of this post, the top 3 posters in this thread are all outside of NG's sphere, and, in my opinion, have been varying degrees of petty), and also consciously doing damage control? What, exactly, would you expect NG to do if, in your mind, they were being genuine? Almost anything that they say is going to get twisted as some sort of "microaggression" - I mean, I've already had someone tell me that, because Stewie forgot to reiterate that OOC attacks are unacceptable in one post, they felt like his comment that it happened after Johnny's antagonistic comments meant that he was justifying what happened. What are they supposed to do except not only be the bigger person by not responding to the bait, but also play damage control by basically not responding at all?


    Unfortunately, your comment reads less as sincerity and more as acknowledgement that nothing NG could have done would have changed your mind. Honestly, at least folks like BMTH and Masta haven't even pretended like they're giving NG an honest chance, which is a tiny bit more respectable than this nonsense.



    Both can be true, I never said it wasn't possible, or even untrue here. That's why I separated the line about pettiness from the line about sincerity.


    You're right, I don't think it's sincere on an alliance level, and do I read the silence as being unable to not engage at that level rather than a true sense of being bigger. That's why I broke my own silence to make the observation. That doesn't mean I'm right, the same as it doesn't mean you're right because you might hold an opposite opinion to mine. It's up to NG, not you or I, to be the change, but it is all of us that will see the results regardless. I'm happy to be pleasantly surprised, I'm just not holding my breath for it.

  9. 3 hours ago, Canik said:

    Welcome back, Berbers :)

    Yeah it might seem strange but there's probably some reason for it. Good reason, bad reason, a mixture? Probably a mixture. Everything is not always as it seems. One thing is for sure - it takes two to tango and if NG refuses to engage I bet this drama dies down. They'll have been the bigger man. The adult in the room. I believe they can do it, we'll see. If they do that, follow through with the reforms and back their words here with action personally I will give them my sincere thanks and put this behind us. 👍


    There's being the bigger man because you'd otherwise be lowering yourself to match someone else's level of pettiness and simply not engaging because when you do you can't help being petty. Because of that it's hard to distinguish actual change from just keeping your head down in a thread about a recent example where you went too far in your pettiness.


    Relative silence from an otherwise extremely vocal group reads less as sincerity and more as damage control optics.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

    To be clear, I'm not debating the validity of the CB here; I'm actually challenging your assertion that you thought it beneath you or ultimately redundant to actually justify your actions along with your evidence.


    Your position is acknowledged.


    12 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

    It's frankly a bit insulting and counter-productive toward promoting any kind of open dialogue and activity in this world.


    I'm simply explaining one of the "why's" left over from the now completed conflict. Moving forward, the goal is to make sure this conflict doesn't repeat.

  11. 1 minute ago, Kapleo said:

    Lowsten, what you are saying is that diplomacy is not an option anymore. If you feel you have a strong reason to fight us you will use it without explaining anything, or even try to clarify what's going on which is nothing but concerning. 


    The leadership of both sides wants to avoid that sentiment, per the rhetoric of the summit. It's a valid concern, and something I believe will get its due investment with the attention of so many influential sphere leaders working towards it.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Kapleo said:

    Case here is different because Lucius fell into a trap. He told us he was lured into saying those things but we didn't have a way to prove it until later on when TDE himself told me they actually had planned the whole thing. I didn't give him enough credit for that, but it was an honest action. Coming clean I mean.


    The whole situation was bad and everyone involved should feel bad. The fact remains, lured or not, he did it and it was not only rhetorically defended, but it required him to stand his allies down. That's not encouraging to the idea we should have bothered to try and convince people to not defend NG or COBRA in this case, much less hope they stood you all down.


    5 minutes ago, Kapleo said:

    Maybe not yours, but ours could have. 


    Could have, could have not. At the end of the day, it's all hindsight regardless.

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