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Asriel Belacqua

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Posts posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. OOC: I have to agree with the OP.

    I always find it funny when someone says something along the lines of (and I know, sometimes you DO know the person in real life, in which case, it changes the situation a little): "Oh my! Someone who I have no idea who he/she really is/how old he/she is, or even if it's a person called me stupid! I am so offended I am going to go cry a river now."

    Seriously, unless you know the person in REAL LIFE (which DOES NOT include internet life), you really shouldn't be offended because, if you think about it, even if it is a real person behind the words, you never know if that's how they really think about you. IC, or OOC, you still don't know. So, really, you are being offended to the point of crying, by a bunch of PIXELS!

    Sorry to those who consider this a flame, but, this is how I really, truly feel. (Or, if you want to take my view on it, I may not really think this way, may not even really speak English... Take it how you want)

  2. As a few have said before I am now, the nuke thing is a lot because of GRL or Global Radiation Level. This was a part of the game when nukes weren't used as often and it would affect a nation tremendously. It would lower income by a certain amount for every nuke thrown around. Of course, people started getting mad when lots of nukes got thrown around and then nukes started getting thrown around less and the no-nuke first strike policies started coming in. A lot of the bigger/older alliances may hold to this as 1) it is a way to make yourself look better, and 2) It may come from the days of GRL.

  3. Isn't that a good thing?

    I personally would love if they started throwing money at me.

    also, we aren't totally nuetral, just, nuetral in this conflict as we aren't really tied to anyone as of yet.

    @sargon: You want some more rum? Stop by our forums. We are practically made of rum. Though, if you don't like the decorations don't start a fight with anyone because it wasn't our fault. ;)

  4. During Great War III, that statics showed that Legion lost 1 million NS in the first 2 days. The second million NS they lost came after the next 2 days. I would have to say that since GOONS have lost about 2 million NS in 5 days, they aren't proving to be much more efficient than Legion was in GWIII.

    Except for the fact that a lot of people are targeting all of the GOONS that they can.

    I'd say they are doing pretty good considering that the whole side is outnumbered 2:1 NS wise and like 3:1 nation wise.

    Of course, this is only my opinion and not my alliances and you shouldn't take it as such.

  5. Very good flag.

    I think ours is better though. But, I think that may be only because I must say that to make myself look cooler. :blink:

    But seriously, 5/5 on the flag. Very nice. I like it.

    Hope ICE works out for ya guys.

  6. <joking> I have 2 questions. Why are Browncoats up there on a DoW poll?

    and 2, why have 9 people (including me) voted for them?</joking>

    Anyway, now back to reality.

    I wish they could have more options because there were a lot of cool DoW's, even if alliance ones are normally relatively boring compared to individual.

  7. I don't think so Jim. I think that, while bigger alliances will only get bigger, smaller alliances are getting more recognition, and will continue to get more as they become more relavent in major wars and major things.

    Even though small alliances are still picked on, that is a given. That will always happen. There is always some turd out there who thinks that "might makes right" and will use that to his/her advantage. But, I think, that people who think like that will become less noticed and less relavent.

  8. Hiya Browncoats, save us some rum for the victory party ;)

    o/ Scarlett Johanson!

    We have plenty. Feel free to stop on by during the war even.

    Also, @whoever said "DoN's FTL:

    In case you haven't noticed, small alliances who declare nuetrality in very large wars, tend to do better/not disband by the end of the war.

    Just FYI. Bigger alliances can do whatever the heck they want, they are big enough to sustain themselves most of the time, even after a major war. Small alliances, cannot.

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