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Asriel Belacqua

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Posts posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. Nice Shodemofi. I always liked you the most. (sorry other NPOers. :wub: )

    See, if all the unaligned agreed with Walford, I MIGHT consider him a totally worthy representative, but, seeing as how if you are unaligned, and chances are you don't care about what goes on in the forums, you probably don't even know Walford exists, or that this convention exists.

  2. I'm sure that those planning to attend wish to know just what they are attending.

    I know they do, what I was agreeing with is why does the NPO concern itself so much with this even if they know they aren't going to participate. I know they wish to point out flaws and save us all a little trouble, some may be trolling, whatever. I don't care. What I am saying is, the NPO has clearly stated its position many times in this thread, which is for those who wish to participate, but continues to post in here about how/why it will fail, and other such things.

    TO NPOers: I am not saying that you should stop posting in this thread altogether, I am just wondering that if it is considered a waste of time to the NPO why they would concern themselves so much with it?

  3. Hmmm, hopefully by answering these question you or someone will have a suggestion to which alliance is best

    1) 100 or less

    2) I'll be on everyday, a couple hours through-out the days

    3) I'm cool with everybody

    4) Not sure yet

    5) Not sure either

    6) Random playing

    Everybody got good alliances, thats why its hard for me to choose, but I will choose by today, thanks for those who's helping me.

    I won't tell you to join my alliance, but, I will say that you might want to consider it.

    We have around 30 members, always looking to grow. Known on other games as some of the coolest people in the game. We also like to just hang out and become good friends.

    If you wish, check out our forums here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/Browncoats

  4. I know it has been pointed out before, and has been pointed out many times before. But, obviously, it needs to be pointed out again:

    I'd like to point out that the point of this thread is for those that are willing to particiapte say so. If the NPO does not want to particiapte than they can just not post, right? Please point out the fault in my logic. And, please I do not intend to insult.
  5. @Bama:

    I think the POW stuff won't be dropped, but I don't think it will be "This is how you have to do it." I think it will be more of a suggested set of guidelines that people should follow by to be considered honorable. I would like to see the domino effect be put in though and all the other things you put into your comment. I just think that POW stuff should be discussed to a certain extent as there are some alliances who treat POW's like their own little war training ground.

  6. Asriel Belacqua decides to join in the conversation.

    "Even though there have been very excellent arguments on both sides, that is, participating, and not participating in this convention, the alliance known as the Browncoats, wishes to support the Odinhike Convention, and sends me as their representative to it. To all those alliances who wish to say that this is a futile attempt, I wish you well, but, I also wish for you to remember that it is you who, and your decisions that will make this convention either work, or fall apart like the many before."

    Asriel steps aside to let others talk.

    Tl;dr: The Browncoats wish to join the Odinhike Convention and are sending me as their rep. That is all.

  7. 32,000,000 in a single day.


    There could be 200,000,000 casualties by Sunday night

    Not sure if it's already been said but, anyway:

    TheDave (The post HAS NOT been edited... so the information hasn't been changed as of my post now) said on the 12th that the war could pass GWIII casualties by Sunday night. Well, I will have to congratulate him because his prediction came true. Either that was a really good guess, or he took the time to calculate the losses per day and then figure it out.

    Either way, good job TheDave.

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