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Asriel Belacqua

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Posts posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. Has anyone from IS actually said the reason for war? I see tech raid being tossed around a lot, but it doesn't appear to be true.

    My ears are open.

    I have a few logs of King Xander from IS saying that it is, in fact, just a raid, if you are wondering, then again, I have seen so many contradicting views, I am starting to get confused myself.

    Logs (last night):

    [00:18] <~KingXander[iS]> its not a war

    [00:18] <~KingXander[iS]> its a raid

    [00:18] <~KingXander[iS]> pm for peace, etc etc

    Also, reading this quote, and researching it, I have found it to be true:

    (Note also - the IS attack is not a raid. It's not in line with either IS raiding guidelines or standard raider practice.)
  2. If you are so eager to attack them why don't you?

    I have never said I want to attack IS. I was saying others are, and it's fun watching IS basically dodge the fight.

    If I wanted to fight IS, I would. I stayed in "NAAC" for 6 months (before karma war, but after IV-GATO war) and fought NPO because I wanted to (stupid? yes, but you can't say that I didn't fight against insurmountable odds, like, you know... 950 to 1). Yeah, I was basically a rogue, but everyone I fought and I had a good time, few PMs shared here and there, a little bit of jokes, some songs, etc. It was jolly-good fun. Now though? I have other plans right now, and it doesn't really involve attacking anyone, I am instead just commenting on how, in my personal opinion, this is a bad showing by IS, and that it is funny that they are dodging people who are asking them to come out and fight them.

  3. Instead of asking IS to attack them, why don't they just skip that step and attack IS? Hmmm, I wonder why...

    Difference is, IS is the one basically saying "they made fun of us/said they were going to do something so we attacked them preemptively," these guys are saying, "so it wasn't just that they aren't protected? ok, well then, show us the same amount of courage and attack me."

    Which you have yet to do. They don't have to prove anything, I know a lot of the people who are asking you too, and they have jumped into the fire before, the question is, will you?

  4. God forbid those people asking for a fight actually become pro-active and attack IS. Pretending to be a big bad guy and ask for someone to fight you on the OWF instead of doing it yourself? Fail bully behavior.

    Calling someone out, in terms of "are you willing to get into a real fight?" and "haha I just beat the crap out of you, but it was a raid, so it's all good, but wait, it wasn't but, oh well, your small anyway." are two different things entirely.

  5. I am personally enjoying the fact that so many people are actually ASKING IS to come and attack them, and yet not a single person in IS has done anything about it, nor, I think, will they do anything about it.

    This is what you call "bully behavior." You find someone less fortunate than you, beat them up a few times, expect to get away with it, yet when someone who might or might not be more fortunate (in terms of ability to fight/whatever) calls you out and asks you to take them up on it, you tuck your tail between your legs and run away from that person, while still insulting the one who is less fortunate than you.

    You've lost any respect I could've had for you.

  6. Keep throwing your weight around IS. Eventually you'll end up hitting someone with possibly.. HIDDEN TREATIES and then you won't be so happy, will you?

    I do not agree with everything CG does, I do not agree with everything anyone does, but, honestly IS, I prefer CG's movements a lot more than I would like yours. Also, just to be clear, according to King Xander, the reason for this "not war" was "Maim kill burn steal peace"

    He expected to kill, steal, and then get peace. I will not post logs here, but I do have them. Thank you, that is all.

  7. There is a history problem here.

    There were no 'Khans' in the Hunnic Empire.

    The Huns, historically were a more European Barbaric Tribe, with some corners of their empire reaching the middle east and asia under Attila The Hun, but to me it looks like your alliance should be called 'The Mongols'

    OOC: One problem with your "history" mate. This is Cybernations politics and history, not RL politics and history, so your attempt at tearing this alliance apart has only resulted in you going severely OOC like I have just now. There has yet to be a Hunnic or Mongol alliance in CyberNations until this one IIRC. As such, the history you are referring to does not actually exist in the politics and history that you should be referring to in this section of these forums. In the future, I suggest either making your post one with OOC tags or refraining from posting things like that at all because, as I said earlier, they do not exist in an IC sense. /OOC

    To all those that are tearing this alliance apart, I must say, you are sad indeed. Why not welcome this alliance with open arms and see what it grows into before judging and tearing it apart?

  8. Asriel walks up slowly to Ghengis Khan II and shakes his hand.

    Welcome to the world of alliances Ghengis Khan, and to the rest of the great Huns who have joined you.

    This world is a dangerous one, which I hope does not find you too stressed. When the going gets tough, be a good Hun and scare it away, and don't give up on anything.

    Congratulations on your achievement (successfully existing and making it this far) and here's to many more days of the Huns on Planet Bob.

  9. I got 30k start up aid and thought it was a fortune :lol1:

    Back then it was a fortune!

    I'll join in 4 days, good lord I've been here too long. :o

    I got 200k start-up aid and thought I was quite fortunate.

    I was offered 100K and thought I was in the richest alliance ever. :P

  10. I do find it a little funny that if you look at most* of the old nations, they all have a relatively small national strength. Compared to other nations of course.

    Like the one guy said, most of us just do not care about Nation Strength. I have been over 20K strength several times (no I didn't buy wonders any of those times because I didn't care about it. :) I think I might this time though, just to add a plottwist!) and I know others have been there more than I, and it doesn't matter. People come and go, infra jumps up and jumps down, but one thing remains constant, and that is that a day is a day, and there are friends in this game that give you reason to play it.

    Nation growth has really inflated as the game has gotten older. We all hail from an era where 3 million aid packages were unheard of unless they were trained from a lot of nations. These days 3 million is chump change.

    Also this. Back "then" if you saw a "recruitment aid package" it was "up to 500K!" and that was a big deal to have 500K recruitment packages. Now if you even think about sending 500K you are considered an idiot, because 3mil is nothing.

  11. Personally, I think it's fairly pathetic if you need to be dominated by some "evil power" to find the motivation to do anything in this game. There's plenty of things going on - if you're incapable of reading the subtle motions then go find some work to do in your alliance. Strengthen your borders, build your nations, and improve your allies. If there's one truth that remains constant, it's that there's always killing to be done. So you might as well be ready for when the time comes.

    I am going to quote this man, because he has spoken what I feel.

    I like evil hegemons and the fun they bring, but if that's the only reason you play a game, why not play a "Viva la Resistance" game based on the French resistance in WW2, in a way that never actually ends?

    I hate to be harsh, but, I have suffered through something similar many times on Bob. After I left Browncoats, I got bored with the game, it felt like there was nothing. I sat there for 2 months doing basically nothing, and then I thought, "Hey, why not do something FUN for once?" So I joined NAAC again (even though it was dead and still technically at war) and had a lot of fun doing propaganda, wars, and other things. When I could no longer do that, I decided to make my IC persona become insane (while still helping out my friends). That made that time most enjoyable. Now that the time for that is done, I am having fun building alliances, allies, friends, and spamming on some good ol' forums.

    You may not find those things fun or interesting, but I do (I don't spend very much time on this game, so I can pretty much find anything that's "Fun" for me on it).

    The point is, find something you enjoy doing, or a goal you want to accomplish (maybe becoming the next evil overlord? I hear there's a spot open.. :ehm: ) and work towards it.

  12. NPO was at about 90 if I recall correctly.

    Also, lolNone

    Ah, my mistake. You see, last time I saw NPO's score, it was around 60 or 70 but that was months before the recent war. I wasn't very "politically active" in CN during the time between around december until now, so, it's been hard finding all the history (though I did keep track of threads, I didn't keep information like stats).

  13. Im only two years old so i came to crash your party and trample on all the old peoples' lawns

    I am going to quote my Nation Bio here: "826th oldest nation, and only getting older. So, you young whippersnappers, GET OFF MY LAWN!!!! :("

    As it says there, 826th oldest, I watch that number go down almost daily, and am saddened, as it means that there is another old player who has left the game.

    Nation Created: 8/29/2006 5:48:25 PM (1,083 days old).

  14. War is necessary for people who ask for it.

    o/ NSO and our Dark Lord!

    I believe someone already mentioned it, but, if asking for it makes it necessary, then I believe that it was necessary for RAD to do it to the nation that ASKED for it?

    I don't support either side, just want to get my facts straight.

  15. I am going to present a revolutionary idea, for this one (kidding about the revolutionary, I'm sure others thought of it and use it as their idea, if so, credit goes to them for sure).

    In this game, a nation is a sovereign nation. 100%. They join an alliance and in that process sign a treaty with that alliance that basically amounts to an MADP with certain guidelines and rules (ie: tech. raiding or no tech. raiding, etc) the nation agrees to follow these rules, and in turn gets protection, trades, etc, from the alliance.

    But, this nation can, at any time, choose to do whatever it pleases (because it's free to do that). If it does something against the treaty it signed with the alliance of nations though, it tends to kill the treaty between that one nation and the alliance.

    Where am I going with this? I'll tell you.

    Since the nation has now broken a treaty (or it may not have, but it probably did), and did it of it's own accord, it is the nation's responsibility, since the treaty it signed with the alliance would now be void. Some could argue that it is the alliance's job to prevent this, and it most certainly is, but if it doesn't prevent it, the nation breaks the treaty and it's like the cancellation clause on all the other treaties we sign here on planet bob.

    Should the alliance negotiate for the nation? Depends on what the nation did. The alliance always has the option, just like they have the option to "force" them off the A.A. (force in quotations because you can't really force them to leave).

    Anyway, what this all means is that I am for trying to punish the individual responsible as long as there's no good reason to go further.

  16. I really think the dislike of ODPs is ridiculous. I personally don't think anyone should be obligated to defend another alliance if that alliance deserves what it gets. It happens from time to time and I see nothing wrong with that as a contingent written into treaties. It also can allow a group of 5-6 alliances to not be steamrolled and not lose honor if the alliance being attacked asks them to stay out for whatever reason. Holding an MDP makes defense mandatory even if it is suicide and they don't want the help. It really has to do with the character of the alliance you are signing with. An ODP is probably more binding to some than an MDP is to others. I think MDPs are generally counterproductive to everyone in all honesty. MADPs are just madness.

    I agree with this man here, and here are my reasons:

    1: I treat ODPs like MDPs, always. I only ever sign them with people I would die 1,000+ times for, and when that check gets cashed, you better believe I'm there with the money. The reason I do ODPs instead of MDPs though, is let's say that you have a 300 member alliance that you signed an ODP with, 20 of them decide to go out and spy on everyone (including gov't) and "forget" to tell you. They of course get rolled, you look at the evidence, and know that they are in the wrong. Well, then, you don't HAVE to defend them for an unjust cause. Though you can still help with the aiding process after they are done getting rolled. It gives you an option, whereas an MDP gives you the option, but in the form of "hey, let's cancel and look like jerks."

    Yes they are redundant with your sovereign rights as an alliance. I agree with that. But I think having it in paper for the world to see is a nice way of saying "Hey buddy, we got your back, and just to keep us honest, we're going to tell 28,000 leaders about this awesome friendship."

  17. I like how our alliance attacking other alliance consists of ONE war declared by ONE person.

    I'm pretty sure if we were hell-bent on starting a war we would have brought out more people than ONE person.

    The key word in that quote I have bolded for everyone to see.

    I am not what you call a "fan" of RV's, and thought that tF might have been a respectable alliance until these last few events.

    RV has just won points from me, a possible medal or 17, and tF has lost any respect they could have had.

    Your guys in FA need to learn something.

    By the way, yes I do support FAIL and GDI in this endeavor.

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