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Asriel Belacqua

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Blog Entries posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. Asriel Belacqua
    I have decided, this, the 21st of July, 2009 that I will start roleplaying in all IC forums. Not to the point where I just post things like "HAI THAR" or whatever, I mean RP as in what I did in the IAA celebration thread.
    This has come about in a way to make myself feel better about the quality of posting that goes on, as I am now doing something about it. Even if others will not go as extreme as I, and I do not expect them to, the "o/" responses are not making me feel good.
    It has also come about to make the game more interesting for myself.
    Yes, this thought it random. It's 3:30 am and I haven't slept in like four days. Give me a break.
    ~Asriel Belacqua
  2. Asriel Belacqua
    Well hello readers/investigators/whatever you may call yourself upon stumbling into this humble blog of mine. Now, I know what some of you are thinking (or, at least, I hope I do), which is something along the lines of: What the heck is this? Why am I here? Why should I come back? and all sorts of other questions along those lines.
    Well, to be honest, this is exactly what the title says, it's my thoughts. That could mean on an issue, a war, or just something you've probably never heard of. Why are you here? Well, I don't rightly know, though I hope you'll stay, as I hope to be writing some interesting things in this blog. Why should you come back you say? Well, hopefully because it's interesting. If it's not, then I do not want you to feel as though you've wasted your time, but I would like you to keep coming back, so the choice is yours.
    Now for who I am, though you probably don't care. If you don't, skip a few paragraphs to the end. Anyway, I am Asriel Belacqua, former member of the NAAC during GWIII, then joined LIH->The Intelligentsia->Browncoats (left before they became "stupid")->HPS. Now that the boring part is over, I also see myself as a retired member of CyberNations. Why you ask? Well, because I sit in the NAAC alliance, but in Peacemode, and am free to do whatever I like, though I prefer to do nothing. I don't participate actively in politics much, though I do keep up on them as best I can.
    Anyway, I will call it like I see it, hate me for it, like me for it, but it's who I am, and any comments are appreciated by everyone (yes, even hate-mail). I know I make mistakes, and laugh if you like, I'll probably laugh too, because, face it, falling on your face is funny! I AM biased, anyone who tells you they aren't is an idiot, because you are always biased (unless you just state constant statistics, but even which stats you choose is a bias).
    To those who take the time to read my ramblings (and put up with my color) thank you so much, I know that I'm just an idiot on a computer somewhere, and so I tell you, take what I say with a grain of salt.
    Thank you again for reading, hope to see some comments and such soon, and expect more from me, your friendly neighborhood crazy-geezer!
    -Asriel Belacqua
  3. Asriel Belacqua
    I come here today, at 2:00 a.m. (amazing, it's earlier than my normal 3:00 a.m. thoughts. I'm getting better) to discuss with anyone and everyone a subject that is brought up often in people's thoughts. This is the subject of "Should I do what's right, even if it's hard, or say screw it and just do what's easy for once?"
    As much as I'd like to say doing what you feel you "should" is easy, it is not always so. Many people ridicule those who feel are doing the right thing. They ridicule the decisions, stomp all over them, and obliterate any reason to do that right thing. They can take away many things, and make you hurt in many ways. There is one thing they cannot take though, and this is your integrity. If you always do what you feel is right, through thick and thin, many people will come to respect you, even if they do not respect your decisions, they respect the fact that you stuck with them through to the end.
    There are always people who disagree with you, and they will be loud and obnoxious about said disagreement. These are not the people you should listen to though, except in that you should hear their complaints in order to be sure that what you are doing is right. The people you should really listen to though, are the quiet ones. The ones who say little. This is because it is not what they say that matters, but what they do not say.
    If anyone ever feels like they are alone in the cause they believe in, don't ever sit down and let the pressure of the world keep you down. Stand up, and surely you will find someone else who is standing up. You have a much better seeing distance standing up than sitting down, so the chances are much better.
    Find that someone. The one who might end up carrying you if you are no longer able to crawl.
    ~Asriel Belacqua
  4. Asriel Belacqua
    Many people lately have been talking about change, the change Karma will bring, the change Karma won't bring, the beginning of this, the end of that, and the list goes on, and it's almost confusing to many people who haven't been around for very long.
    If you do not want to hear my opinion, do not read further, if you don't mind, then continue.
    I am here to say that I believe the change is good. I believe that a new, and Golden Age of Cybernations is upon us. By Golden Age, I do not mean an age where nations that have gold as a natural resource become more popular, no, though that might happen, I don't know.
    No, by Golden Age I mean that I believe with all the changes that are to come, more people will join the game, and a population boom, of sorts, will occur. I believe that (following the trend of former wars) many new and unique alliances will form, and some people even deciding to revisit old ones, or return to unaligned status just to make a statement. I believe that this will become the age of choice.
    Starting with the Vox Populi movement, we have watched as Civil Rights and Personal Freedoms across CN have been expanded greatly, and have turned from a ban on open speech, to everyone demanding they have their say. Even I, have become more vocal (and have started this blog!).
    Criticize me all you want, it is just my opinion, and I could very well be wrong, stupid, or otherwise.
    - Asriel Belacqua
  5. Asriel Belacqua
    Warning: I know this may seem arbitrary, though, seeing as it's 3:00 a.m., I wouldn't be surprised by the amount of randomness in this post.
    On Alliances:
    I recently joined the IAA, which stands for the Imperial Assault Alliance. I'm pretty sure many, if not all of you have heard of it, but I digress.
    (Bear with me, it's not a recruitment blog here) I really like the IAA, and many members, even with the recent drama (See: Balsamic Vinegar, AKA Youmaka, and his ex-wife Rebecca), though I have to say, that retirement was definitely better.
    While I know that many would say "But the fun part of CN is being in the politics and getting to know people" etc etc, I do know this, and I do enjoy meeting new people, but let me tell you about "retirement."
    While in "retirement" you don't HAVE to do anything. Anything you do is because you want to, with no fear of harming other people's pixels. You can still go on IRC and have fun on forums, but you don't have to worry about the "dull" side of things in CN, and can have more fun creating drama.
    It's a bit like going rogue, except, you are not leaving the game, and are still "playing by the rules" of alliances, in that you aren't just declaring on everyone and nuking them, though I guess you could...
    Anyway, in closing, I know it's not much of an article this time around, it's late (or early), give me a break.
    Just want to say, thanks for reading, and, I love alliances, I just like being free too. Maybe some of you should try it out.
    ~Asriel Belacqua
  6. Asriel Belacqua
    Well, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, and at that, most of it has been random. For this, I apologize. I did it for specific friends and people, or just because I felt this would be a quieter place to put my thoughts down where I could look at them later.
    So, in this entry, I guess I will say that if you have a request for a discussion, or a topic for me to write about, or just talk in general, leave a reply here and I will do what I can.
    ~Asriel Belacqua
  7. Asriel Belacqua
    Well folks, it's finally happened. I am re-retired. Back in NAAC, and man I am here to say it sucks. Not the retirement, nor being in an alliance, just the in-between. The time I'm at now. Where you feel bad for your former alliance, but are hopeful for your new one.
    Well I am here to say folks that you can't have regrets. You made a decision for a reason, and good or bad, you have to stick with it. Why? If you go wishy-washy, you won't ever be able to trust yourself, nor will anyone really be able to trust you.
    Stick to your values, but don't go back on a decision you have made. No matter how bad that decision may seem in hindsight.
  8. Asriel Belacqua
    Hello, friendly neighborhood Asriel Belacqua here, with another thought.
    I was talking to a good friend of mine earlier today, and she said that she was having trouble, due to some things that happened as a result of actions she took in this game. The things that were said were OOC, based on IC action, and were not only hurtful to her, but also to me, that anyone would say that to a good friend of mine.
    I am willing to bet that if you got to truly meet this person, you would know that you were wrong for saying what you said. This goes for everyone you insult. I have insulted many people before, only to find that I am actually a big fan of their's. A little bit of investigating goes a long way.
    If anyone out there is having a bad day, or a bad week, month, year, or whatever, know that you have friends, and people who are willing to be your friend, or help out with whatever it may be that you are going through. There are many people who have, and will have the same experience as you and know what you are going through.
    Tuning out, weaker than normal,
    ~Asriel Belacqua
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