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Everything posted by deligo

  1. Talk to us in person on coldfront IRC server at #MCXA Or sign up on our forums and complete the easy application process to become a member of one of the best alliances on bob. We have guides, tech deals, mentor programs and active members who are fun to interact with.
  2. For a good time call visit MCXA. Be sure to sign up for your chance to win a dream membership in an excellent alliance.
  3. By The Way. Bumping this topic Up to the top of the forum for the MCXA helps to Provide a bit of exposure for us and direction for small nations looking for a good alliance.
  4. and a bump for good measure. MCXA≥Bacon
  5. Bump you say? Why yes. we have plenty, Thank you.
  6. http://www.mcxa-cross.com/index sign up or we will not share our subliminal MCXA coolaid.
  7. Want help growing your nation while you feel like you are a part of something great? Sign up and experience it for yourself. Want more fancy typing or proof? MCXA forums
  8. deligo

    Tech bug

    Please help me lose my .74 tech off of my tech amount. It is really annoying and expensive for tech sales. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=253302
  9. Good cake and Hot tushes, ODN sounds pretty kicking to me.
  10. To the top with a top quality alliance. An alliance made from top quality win and runs off awesome? Why, The German Empire of course. Oh!.... and bump by the way.
  11. For every action there is an equal and opposite criticism. In other words, BUMP!
  12. Diplomacy is the art of saying good doggy while looking for a bigger stick. Badda-bump
  13. No second page for the MCXA, at least not for long. This is not a bump.
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