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Posts posted by Therm

  1. Cause I have nothing better to do.


    Infra Lost  |  Infra Destroyed  |  Tech lost  |  Tech destroyed  |   Land lost  |  Land destroyed

    6522.68     |  8773.73          |  950.75     |  1662.09         |   2902.988   |  4162.242


    My personal totals, as of 9:33pm, last day. Not going to go higher as I'm broke (lel)


    From IRC logs:

    [21:53] <@KingJamesXVIII> Therm, I know you are away, but make sure you give us casualties
    [22:09] <@KingJamesXVIII> You are generally unable to make updates now, right?
    Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 332,449 Attacking + 380,358 Defending = 712,807 Casualties Casualty Rank:
    Ranked #11 of 433 Nations (Top 2.54%)


    I think I did ok

  2. The OP idea is a different system from the current as it uses and adds multiple categories that vary from ns, total destruction, casualties and whatever else to make up points for prize winners. The current rewards of having the highest NS alone may not give you the most points and the prize but I'd assume the top builders that frequently and currently win would still win the prizes so why change something if it improves nothing.



    Then who should win?

  3. When you say "Most of us" are you referring to your aa TPC because that's debatable. But seriously, we know this wont increase most of our chances for capturing flags but no harm in sharing the points around.


    It'd be good to analyze a complete or near complete overview of your proposal with numbers/resources/layout. If the same people who currently win the awards also win them with this system then what reasons would you change it for?


    "most of us" meaning maybe 5 people out 500 each round win flags. Sure, tpc's dominance of flags might be the recent trend, but older players might remember G6/DR/Anonymous and them taking most of rounds like 16-20.



    Whats wrong with the same people who currently win the rounds being able to win rounds under the new scoring system? People who win the current rounds are some of the best builders, and every statistic that we track is aided by building well. You can't get casualties, do damage, or have lots of NS without being able to build correctly.

  4. Most of us wont even be getting any points with those benchmarks so lets just lower that bar just a little, maybe start at say 100k or even 50k casualties gets you a point. But seriously, I'd just use NS, casualties and nation destruction dealt and received just to keep it simple for a trial round but I'm not sure it'll be an improvement on the existing system.


    Most of us don't win flags either, so nothing wrong with a high benchmark for points.

  5. So you get points for things about your nation in various categories - casualties, ns (maybe broken into infra/land/tech), total destruction dealt out, total cash collected maybe (skews wonders but whatever lets throw this in here anyway), etc


    every nation gets "points" based on how well you score in various categories, and prizes are given out by whoever has the most points.


    i'm not actually sure if scoring should be based on benchmarks (ie 300k casualties gets you a point, 400k gets 2, 500k gets 3, etc), or based on relative to others (most casualties gets 5, 2nd most gets 4, etc) (numbers can be scaled)


    also not sure if prizes should be given out on benchmarks (10 points = x donations) or top scoring guys get prizes


    also not convinced this is even a good idea, but hey its a new idea

  6.  eh, keep the SDI around, it's a part of the game for a reason.  kindof a !@#$ investment in TE, those slots really could be used for better...


    the amount of luck involved with SDI is just stupid, would be so much better if it would say, block the first nuke on every given day



    ^I have more tech than Kurdanak and he steals the DA's. Not to mention the spy ops he does without telling you.  <_<


    A deep knowledge of mechanics is the difference between the good players and the best players. I guess I have to take you off my list    :awesome:

  8. I like the idea of the start up cash being 10 million bucks for the next round.

    I also like raising the requirements for getting nukes. The 200 tech and 1,000 infra that Komplex suggested above seems about right.

    Not a big fan of doing mandatory peace for the first 5 days. Let each ruler decide how long they want to stay in peace mode and don't penalize people until after 5 days if you are going to let them stay in peace mode the whole round. Just my 2 cents but letting people stay in peace mode the whole round would be a very bad idea. Unless the penalty made you lose money after day 5.

    Not make less money but to actually lose money.


    As far as the SDI matter why not just remove the 3 satellite and 3 missile defense improvements it now requires to purchase it and instead make each one of those improvements increase your odds of blocking nukes.

    Start out the SDI at 50% odds instead of 60% odds of blocking and let each satellite and missile defense up your odds say 2 % each.

    Thus purchasing all 5 of each would give you a 70% chance of blocking a nuke.

    If you do that it might be a good idea to bump up either the SDI price, the improvement price or even both.

    imo it would be pretty sweet if you actually needed cruise missiles to block nukes. Taking 1 away from you whether you block the nuke or if it gets through.

    Lower the maximum amount of cruise missiles you can have in your possession to 10 to make things even more interesting considering your opponent would still be able to steal them in a spy mission.


    A 60 day round definitely gets my vote and starting the new round a day or two after this round ends would be plenty imo.


    ugh, please no. less defensive wonders, more offensive wonders. MP price back down to 5m and removal of the SDI from TE please? 

  9.  Or just do 5M? A big problem this round for me was building at random without guides, at least with 5M we all have guides to build to make the round more interesting and more even. 


    I would argue that a) your guide is extremely flawed fundamentally given past experiences and that b) a guide isn't needed once you conceptually understand what makes you big. That being said, please don't increase the startup money to 15m. This round I was able to forgo an early buildup, get an MP 3rd wonder and completely and utterly wreck everyone in my NS range.


    Also (this is more directed @admin), keep in mind that the starting money and round length may influence donations for some people. a $30 donation is huge on 1m startup, worth maybe 4 days at 5m, and (to me) not even worth considering buying on a 30day/25m round.

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