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Posts posted by Therm

  1. [quote name='andyt2k' timestamp='1352389617' post='3050127']
    So you're asking the question becaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuusssse?

    Also there's a nuke limit so people have to rebuy the nukes during war time and that they can't just keep boosting their NS as well, so you can't have 150 nukes, recover your warchest and just not worry about buying any again

    not to mention that 150 nukes would be 225k ns given current formula

  2. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1351652614' post='3046853']
    Not that they arent willing that they cant.. You guys have like 25 nations over 2k infra.. like 8 over 3k .. We have 0.. No one can touch you guys with the infra. I hope Steve doesnt let you leave this war and that you burn for the rest of it :)

    I think I speak for all of TPC when I say

    Come at me, bro.

  3. [quote name='SwazzTE' timestamp='1349745097' post='3038813']
    Right now, I am a senator on team white. 25 people have voted in all and one senator needs 30 votes to issue a sanction. So... this is pretty much impossible. Nearly 70% of all teams have less than 50 people and yet to even create a team message one senator needs 25 votes.

    I think the requirement for senators to take action should be reduced dramatically and based on a percentage.

    For example, a senator must have 10% of the total nations on a team's votes in order to be able to do anything. This way, the senate election will actually mean something.

    50 nations = 5 votes needed for sanctions, team messages

    You need 30 votes over 3 voting periods. Thats geting 10 nations to vote for you.

  4. I would like to start by saying that Darnussia is not me, nor my multi.

    I am however guilty as charged with impersonation and popping in to your war channel, and realize that it violates the values of TPC as well as the sovereignty of Hellas. It will not happen again.

    For the future, I would like to ask that if you are to accuse me of being multis, to please check IPs before making such accusations. You've had all the evidence you've needed for a week now :|

  5. Proposition: Buff defeat alerts to do far more damage than they currently do.

    As of now, I believe the damage is around 2 GA's worth of infra/tech damage, modified by the belligerent with the highest tech, and 600k cash.

    What if we changed it to say, 6 GAs worth of infra/tech damage, and 600k cash? (Or, 2 * number of current wars infra damage. So fighting 6 wars = 12 GA losses of damage), and perhaps increase monetary loss too.


  6. GRL awhile ago was changed from a 30 day average to a 15 day average (not entirely sure if that was the exact change, but it was lowered).

    However, GRL in TE typically still stays >10 for the entirety of the round past day 15.

    Suggestion: Change GRL to use a smaller period of time, perhaps 5-7 days.

  7. Actually, I just looked at the nuke screen. Cat, wtf?


    [quote name='Asa Phillips' timestamp='1345773919' post='3024694']
    CAT is on board with the rest in regards to RE, including TFK, peace for all or peace for none.

    BUT... Let it be known now, if the usual low blows from RE occur once again as they have EVERY TIME in the past where attacks are made after an agreed upon peace time? You may as well do your best keep us in anarchy for the rest of the round. It will no longer be tolerated, and any RE nation in range, not just the offender, will pay the price for such poor sportmanship.

    To further clarify low blows? I mean peace offers being sent by CAT nations, only to be met with attacks from RE nations after the agreed upon peace time, and then followed up with peace offers from the offending RE nations.

    Funny you mention that.

  8. [quote name='Mandystalin' timestamp='1344332954' post='3019484']
    If that is the case, then they really need to alter the Information Index, which simply states that 'Improvements are stackable'.

    Also, how do they then work out which multiplier comes first for those that have unequal effects?

    Again with barracks and guerilla camps, one boosts soldier efficiency by 10% and one by 35%

    So (assuming one of each) does it:

    1) take the base figure and increase by 45%
    2) take the base figure and increase by 10%, then increase that figure by 35%
    3) take the base figure and increase by 35%, then increase that figure by 10%

    Quickly checking the maths, assuming an efficiency of 100:

    1) = 145
    2) = 148.5
    3) = 148.5

    So it is irrelevant which way round 2) and 3) are... and I assume they don't use 1)?

    Case 1 you are adding percentages. I don't think any percentages in CN go by addition. Cases like 2/3 will always be equal due to the commutative property of multiplication.

  9. [quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1342286501' post='3010153']
    We have started the war with us having 25 nukes and our opponents 31.

    Now we have 28 and they have 22, even though we have used also against the pseudo rogue. So the blitz and spying has worked.

    We have started the war with 5 of our nations already in anarchy and we have now 14 nations in anarchy (9 nations have been anarchied because of the war - 2 of them been anarchied by the pseudo rogue nukes), while our opponents have now 22 nations in anarchy.

    As for the cops etc., dear ever Casey, please try to put aside personals!

    Calling your non nuclear skirmish a pathetic excuse for war is not being personal. Its a fact.

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