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Everything posted by ComeAndSee

  1. We all know who the clear winners are, the 100k NS nations that get beat down to the 20-50k range with max wonders and 8000 tech and 0 infrastructure then have a party.
  2. I still remember his infamous GATO peace mode speech. o/
  3. Nation Ruler: ComeAndSee Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=456843 Need a 3 BR resource circle on Orange. Let me know which resources.
  4. [quote name='Timmehhh' timestamp='1323519257' post='2872448'] Damn, back then we were significantly bigger then now alliance Nation Strength Nukes KATAR Score FOK 8,201,040 2,705 1,312 [/quote] A lot of alliances were much bigger than they use to, but the game has a habit of shrinking itself.
  5. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&hl=en_US&key=0Agn6uOxqsdwbdFh6SDlpb3c4REdqU0VYdXVNX0VNQ0E&output=html&widget=true Will try and keep it up to date -- not going crazy on keeping the stats updated. Information isn't 100% accurate. No flaming.
  6. [quote] As a rule of thumb, if you made it on your own and it doesn't contain any third-party confidential information, it's yours to make what you want of it (I didn't check it, but I'll assume it contains public alliance data about those times). [/quote] [quote]^Yeah, the data is all pretty public. This is really interesting, thanks OP. It feels like the time from Karma until BiPolar was special in CN due to all the uncertainty, although maybe it just seems that way to me because it's when I started playing.[/quote] It's more or less like you said just a public data collection from the time that was sorted for easy understanding to get the war planners up to speed on events. War is chaos in CN and you have to keep organized and who knows -- there's probably spreadsheets from even further back and ones for both sides on the current affairs. Disclosing new -- current information is a no, no and we all know where that leads.
  7. [quote name='Canik' timestamp='1323469448' post='2871248'] What is KATAR score? [/quote] That is still a secret.
  8. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&hl=en_US&key=0Agn6uOxqsdwbdFhGa1VvUVBLUVVsSzVfUW41UnNkV0E&output=html This spreadsheet is from the C&G vs TOP/IRON war over 600~ days ago which is the root cause of the current war. This was the actual spreadsheet used by the C&G high command and was deemed TOP SECRET at its time, but due to time and the shift of alliances I thought it would be an interesting piece of history for those new and old to look at. The first two columns on the left (IRON-TOP & C&G) were from the IRON-TOP & C/G war and the ones on the far right (NpO and C&G) were from the NpO-\m/ war. This is not intended to be a flame thread nor does it represent my alliance. I release this as a historian so I am responsible because I made it back in the day.
  9. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=393724 Greetings, I have 5 slots open for one cycle of $3mil / 50 tech. I'm a recent reroll and I have 900 days played on my previous nation and I bought over 5,000 tech. I will be reliable. First come , first serve!
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