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Posts posted by Luckao

  1. If there is affection it is for the beauty of your prose as I am taken by another. I just enjoy watching you tear apart the ones that come so ill equipped to a battle of wit. There is a sort of morbid beauty in watching minds be sundered, especially when it is the minds of those I do not particularly appreciate because of the realities of this worlds geopolitics. You have such a graceful edge with your words.

    Personally, I don't think there is going to be any kind of revolution in regards to global affairs. Ecclesiastes 1:9.. that's all which needs said there.


    What a lady killer.

    Yes, I do subscribe to the notion that my written exposition is indeed academic in technique, and to surmise otherwise is plain ridiculous. There is a marked difference between supposed academic prose and prose written in academia. You gloat that my posts are bloated and indecipherable but fail to understand the purpose of scholarly writing. Academic writing is writing done by scholars for the consumption of other scholars. The typical topic of deliberation among the scholastic community is stepped in formality and odious conversation. The archetypal academic author unconsciously writes in  verbose and ambiguous syntactical structure and  embellished diction.


    Many scholars promote the image of legalese print precisely because they are aware it befits the style of their abstruse prose. All academic writing is eventually criticized as pompous, or objective, and entire online articles are dedicated to the exposure of the strangely strict writing style. Nothing is written academically solely to impress or state prestige; that is simply the way of [our] literal expression. You must learn to cope with that fact, Luckao.


    Also, a person cannot legally file a restraining order against an institution of higher learning or any corporate body herein the United States,  Lodging a complaint enough to file a restraining order is exclusively opposite the citizens of the nation. If you are an engaged in a relationship with another person that you do not wish to contact I encourage you to seek aid from the city authority, 



    Unsubstantiated conclusions, pointless links, incessant, vapid babble, and, to conclude, an inexplicably rigid approach to humour.


    I keep thinking that each new post of yours can't possibly be more worthless than the last.  You're really knocking it out of the park.

  3. There was a thread on the GPA forums about making a flag.  They got caught up in a discussion about what the bird used actually was.  Some speculated that it was an infected pigeon, whereas others thought it might have been a dove with a personality disorder.  True story.


    I suppose they never came to a conclusive decision, which leads us to this.

  4. You're not sure?  Okay, I'll tell you.  Your posts are verbose, not to mention extremely turgid.


    You bothered to critcise certain members of this forum in another post on this part of the board, citing certain flaws of theirs as one of the reasons that make you wonder why you ever signed up.  You're no different, really.  Since starting to post regularly, all you've succeeded in doing is rapidly cultivate an unsavoury image for yourself.  Reaffirming your position with additional nonsense isn't going to do very much to persuade people that you're worth paying attention to.

  5. As I didn't post yesterday, I will also be posting two today to compensate.  Here we go with our first entry:


    R&R Fact of the Day #2 - The ampersand in 'R&R' actually dates back to 1753, when an absent-minded housewife named Mrs Willis misread the instructions and stitched the '&' onto the flag, not the the 'aw' that would have ensured the alliance was known as 'Rawr'.  Although Mrs Willis' husband gave her a stern look of disapproval, he was left grovelling the next day when he hastily presented the new name and the commanders adored it.  Here's to Mrs Willis!


    R&R Fact of the Day #3 - It is rumoured that the colours of R&R (That's Rawr to you, Mrs Willis!) were chosen after some rapscallions painted the local town's cows blue and red!  The cows were then released and, as they were parading through town, the local general remarked that they cows looked "absolutely fabulous" and the colours were "to die for".


    More R&R facts on a day that isn't today!

  6. It's incredibly stilted, and certainly not concise.  In fact, it's anything but concise.  Bob pretty much nailed it.


    Luckily I just skimmed through this thread. Entire minutes saved!




    I aspire to this standard, jerdge :D

  7. Sure you wanna go toe to toe?


    Too much weights, not enough speedwork. Useless prick.


    Woahhhh, bro.  You trippin'?  Put the 5s down and take a breath.


    How about we let sense prevail by working our great muscle of all - the brain.  That's right, kids.  The brain is also a muscle.  Don't forget to exercise yours by doing your homework, turning off the TV every now and then, and not engaging in senseless acts of violence.


    Have a great day.


    Kind regards,



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