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Posts posted by Luckao

  1. Looks like the meat shields in US took a big hit for team NPO. Nice work RnR for absorbing all their damage.


    That was just the warm-up, baby.


    Did you hear that, peons?  More weight!  How do you expect me to supplement my Rex Kwon Do classes with this pathetic excuse for a weight?  I might as well be benching TV dinners.

  2. 634628_zps3114fb39.jpg

    Declaration of Support

    (And Matters About Monies)

    As acting Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer for R&R, I would like to take this opportunity to affirm my support of this declaration.  The attrition that our collective forces have faced is a pressing concern.  News of these draconian sanctions being potentially implemented has been met with widespread condemnation by those of us who have already suffered greatly.
    Nonetheless, we seek solace among the hardship. With that, I would like to state my intent to see that, should the aforementioned sanctions be forced upon the NPO, I will do my utmost to relieve them of this imposing financial burden. It is my pleasure to inform them that I have access to vast financial resources that would make an oil Sheikh shake a stick at me in envy. This is, for now, the offer. In the event that the NPO decides to accept, I will be more than delighted to assist them. However, to proceed with this, there is the smaller matter of a release fee. My sources would like a good show of faith, and for this reason, they would like $36 million to be sent. I can, of course, act as the intermediary, in which case the NPO is required to send the money directly to my nation.


    Thank you for your time and please send the monies ASAP.

  3. Yeah, some of them definitely look better than the others. I got on a bit of a roll and started blasting them all out last night. Stayed up until 6AM. What is wrong with me? 


    Been there, done that.  Even if you know something probably looks good, ever get the feeling that it's actually completely s*** because you've stared at it for too long?


    No, I'm not talking about my ship propaganda, people.  That was unequivocally awesome.

  4. Very nice.  As much as I hate to say it because they're a load of dirty spammers, NPL's really sticks out.  I like their colours.


    I also like Fark, The Phoenix Federation, The International and IRON.


    Edit - Oh, and NATO!  I'm like one of those annoying people that can't shop decisively, sorry.

  5. Very nice!
    What program did you use to make those images, Luckao?
    Also, can you do Shangri-La? :>

    Photoshop.  Done.  Check the original post.  Instead of cluttering the thread with them, I'll add any others there if there are requests.

    Also can you do Kaskus. I will pay you in 3 cookies.

    Done.  FedEx them ASAP.

  6. Is the black text really that hard to see? I must have my monitor brightness settings up really high, because I can see it pretty easily. Is this a common issue, or just an isolated problem for a few people? If it's more widespread I can remake the image. 


    It's only a problem if you look at the screen from a weird angle.  Considering some of the posts on here, you do get the impression that even sitting might be a challenge for some.


    My screen brightness is way down and it looks fine.

  7. These are all of the sanctioned alliances (forgot Umbrella dropped out, but it's there, so meh).  They're all designed using the alliances' flags, and, hopefully, they haven't been fiddled with too much for people's liking.  Some aren't great, I know, but I was determined not to spend time and energy I don't have to create something better.






























    Edit - Shangri-La and Kaskus added.





  8. VE: At times Goldie is exasperating and it would be nice if we could just force them to ALWAYS be on the same page as us.


    As a high-ranking member of The VE Boat Club, I can confidently say that my fellow members would be more angered if they'd said that he was submissive and going along with everything.  Goldie having his own style and ideas isn't the worst thing in the world (no awful, unoriginal cheap shots in response to this, please).

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