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Posts posted by RoadRash

  1. i also have to add if you are looking for an alliance that is very active and willing to take the time to train ,aid and grow your nation come check out the Greenland Republic we have some great members here ..

    if your looking to get the best experience out of planet bob then Greenland Republic is the place for you..

    come check us out Greenland Republic

    For a good time call #GR (on IRC)

  2. or the real reason you are mad; because you hold a personal grudge; no one from \m/ holds a grudge against WC and i think its time you let it go.

    then you guys are crazy if your not mad that all of you former \M/ members were sent to ZI or forced to leave your alliance when your fearless leader just sat in peace mode and watch this happen .

    then when WC thinks it calms down enough he makes a deal with MOO now i dont know what kind of deal MOO offered and WC is even lucky that MOO would consider giving him Protection...

    i mean i watched ES go to ZI for his alliance in war i watched MOO fight 6 wars

    now WC hides in peace mode while his alliance is reduced to nothing ..

    i just feel NPO has to much honor to allow such an unhonorables person into there protection

  3. Yes?

    Whilst I have been on the forums (old and new) for about 2 months I didn't really do/ read that much (especially not in the OWF section).

    So: What is a foon?

    I agree with you there.

    never say foon very bad...

    and it looks like WC caught some break here he didnt lose any infa during this war ..

    i have never seen a leader of an alliance not take a single blow in a war were there fellow alliance members were being completely destroyed..

    NPO you are to respected to shelter WC ..you should let him get what is coming to him...

  4. How are you going to uphold that law exactly?

    Anti tech raiders are full of empty words. I have seen NPO condem Tech raiding and that is fine because they did what they have the power to do. They banned it in their allience B).

    All of you that complain about tech raiders being cowards should maybe look at your own allience. If your allience has tech raiding banned then respect to ya. If they don't then you have no real point to stand on.

    i am happy to say that The Greenland Republic also condemns tech raiding and will not allow its members to raid ..

  5. Tech Raiding is part of the game.

    I see a lot of complaining about might equals right is the tech raiders defense and attitude. but honestly, how can you think otherwise. There is no law of the land. The only way to stop tech raiding is for somebody to stop it, and the only way to do so is by utilizing force.

    The simple fact is as long as alliances want to remain sovereign there wont be a CN UN or anything of the like. Last time somebody tried to make a group about the handling of PoWs i believe all sanctioned alliances said they wouldn't participate because they don't want to give up their sovereignty. So that means, no UN, no global rules, whoever has the ability to do something can.

    Personally i see those of the alliance NONE to be training targets to be used to train n00bs with the basics of fighting. the money/land/tech they may get is just bonus.

    and this is coming from a former \m/ member ...

    i hope with the falling of \m/ tech raiding isnt to far behind ,,,

  6. Personally, I'm planning to leave for a war alliance once I'm sufficiently built up. I don't intend to pay a single penny for tech in this game.

    you know what that is a good idea ..i hate paying for tech and your 86.99 tech is starting to look pretty good ..

    when are you coming out of peace mode?

    i remember another alliance that loved to tech raid who was it ???

  7. i know for a fact Brotherington knows about war ..

    Z you just have happen to have been around the strongest alliance on planet BOB so i can see how you think everyone else is beneath you..

    as for 6-1 one wars i would have to say that i was fighting 6 NPpOers in GW3 at about 20k NS i was able to anarchy 4 by myself and also managed to keep my self out of anarchy ..until out of desperation and frustration on of my attackers nuked me ( i dont blame him it must have been frustrating not being able to anarchy me)

    now to say NAAC were not skilled fighters i disagree we were just out numbered ..

    i will not take anything away from the orders they have managed to take control of planet bob and deff keep on top of there game ..

    but to tell you the truth this game is all about numbers and a little knowledge ..

    NAAC had the knowledge,numbers on the other hand were always against the NAAC

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