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Everything posted by Archon

  1. Damnable people getting deleted. I feel your pain TOOL *TheNeverender ducks again
  2. Minor typo there. I'm assuming it was 27.43, given the +0.12
  3. Hehe, this race with TOOL is gonna be a fun one.
  4. Slow and steady, my friend...slow and steady. Your spurts will be the death of you. That, or deletions for inactivity *TheNeverender ducks
  5. That was probably rather wise. Also, congrats to Ragnarok!
  6. That's alright. I was horribly cranky yesterday. Cheers.
  7. So long as the GATO AA has nations underneath it and an audit has not occurred, they will be sanctioned.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't GATO have to disband for FOK to be sanctioned? At least prior to the next audit.
  9. Kristin Marie was on the CN forums? Why torture yourself.

  10. I was just coming in to do that. o/ not having to do work!
  11. 4/26/2008 1 New Pacific Order: 60.48 --> 60.62 (+0.14) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 48.30 --> 48.57 (+0.27) 3 New Polar Order: 39.28 --> 39.46 (+0.18) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 33.95 --> 34.13 (+0.18) 5 Sparta: 28.21 --> 28.43 (+0.22) 6 Orange Defense Network: 26.62 --> 26.57 (-0.05) 7 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 26.47 --> 26.52 (+0.05) 8 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 24.22 --> 24.03 (-0.19) 9 The Phoenix Federation: 23.02 --> 23.08 (+0.06) 10 Viridian Entente: 22.87 --> 22.87 (0.00) 11 Fark: 21.40 --> 21.47 (+0.07) The Order of the Paradox: 21.02 --> 20.99 (-0.03) 12 Grand Global Alliance: 20.89 --> 20.93 (+0.04) ---------- FOK: 19.57 --> 19.74 (+0.17) The Grämlins: 17.09 --> 17.12 (+0.03) The Order of Light: 15.12 --> 15.16 (+0.04) Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.58 --> 14.74 (+0.16) Mushroom Kingdom: 14.56 --> 14.71 (+0.15) NATO: 14.06 --> 14.16 (+0.10) Echelon: 13.54 --> 13.60 (+0.06) Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.08 --> 13.22 (+0.14) Random Insanity Alliance: 12.24 --> 12.27 (+0.03) LoSS: 11.97 --> 12.04 (+0.07) Green Protection Agency: 11.92 --> 11.95 (+0.03) World Task Force: 11.84 --> 11.81 (-0.03) Global Democratic Alliance: 11.57 --> 11.63 (+0.06) Invicta: 10.81 --> 10.82 (+0.01) Valhalla: 10.45 --> 10.67 (+0.22) ---------- Add Line: 10.45 --> 10.47 (+0.02) ---------- Drop Line: 10.15 -->10.17 (+0.02) Biggest Gainer Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 48.30 --> 48.57 (+0.27) Biggest Loser Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 24.22 --> 24.03 (-0.19) Passes of the Day None Commentary Another dull day in terms of passing, but it was all around an incredible day for growth. I mean, it's almost like there might be a war or something >.> The Independent Republic of Orange Nations dominate for a second consecutive day, having growth an incredible amount over the last two days, though Valhalla and Sparta almost tied for the day with a pair of 0.22 gains. A great number of alliances recorded growth of greater than 0.10 points, including the New Polar Order, the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance, FOK, the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations, the Mushroom Kingdom, the New Pacific Order, and the Confederacy of Imperial States. The only notable loss of the day was the biggest loser - the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization. I'm not going to touch that one with a ten foot pole. In terms of the race itself, my own Mushroom Kingdom is storming behind the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations, though we were thwarted by an impressive gain. With a Orange Defense Network loss and an equal and opposite Mostly Harmless Alliance gain, the #6 spot has suddenly become damn close once again. The Order of the Paradox is coming dangerously close to being passed by the Grand Global Alliance after a small loss and a small GGA gain. Other than that, things are basically as they were yesterday. And now, if you don't mind, I have some ing to do. Related Links: ----------------------- Stats by Unspeakable Evil Hawk and Vences's Multipurpose Alliance List Vote for Cybernations Daily!
  12. Hmm...no update yet? ARCHON, GO! ARCHON, UPDATE ATTA*gets shot* Yeah, you get the point. Update forthcoming...
  13. Minidate 2.0 Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.73 Mushroom Kingdom: 14.70 --- Random Insanity Alliance: 12.27 LoSS: 11.99 The underdogs - we cometh.
  14. 4/25/2008 1 New Pacific Order: 60.52 --> 60.48 (-0.04) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 47.95 --> 48.30 (+0.35) 3 New Polar Order: 39.23 --> 39.28 (+0.05) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 33.76 --> 33.95 (+0.19) 5 Sparta: 28.15 --> 28.21 (+0.06) 6 Orange Defense Network: 26.73 --> 26.62 (-0.11) 7 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 26.30 --> 26.47 (+0.17) 8 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 24.37 --> 24.22 (-0.15) 9 The Phoenix Federation: 22.92 --> 23.02 (+0.10) 10 Viridian Entente: 22.86 --> 22.87 (+0.01) 11 Fark: 21.37 --> 21.40 (+0.03) The Order of the Paradox: 20.91 --> 21.02 (+0.11) 12 Grand Global Alliance: 20.71 --> 20.89 (+0.18) ---------- FOK: 19.54 --> 19.57 (+0.03) The Grämlins: 17.27 --> 17.09 (-0.18) The Order of Light: 15.10 --> 15.12 (+0.02) Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.53 --> 14.58 (+0.05) Mushroom Kingdom: 14.46 --> 14.56 (+0.10) NATO: 14.13 --> 14.06 (-0.07) Echelon: 13.50 --> 13.54 (+0.04) Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.04 --> 13.08 (+0.04) Random Insanity Alliance: 12.24 --> 12.24 (0.00) LoSS: 11.87 --> 11.97 (+0.10) Green Protection Agency: 11.85 --> 11.92 (+0.07) World Task Force: 11.83 --> 11.84 (+0.01) Global Democratic Alliance: 11.62 --> 11.57 (-0.05) Invicta: 10.91 --> 10.81 (-0.10) Valhalla: 10.42 --> 10.45 (+0.03) ---------- Add Line: 10.35 --> 10.45 (+0.10) ---------- Drop Line: 10.05 -->10.15 (+0.10) Biggest Gainer Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 47.95 --> 48.30 (+0.35) Biggest Loser The Grämlins: 17.27 --> 17.09 (-0.18) Passes of the Day None Commentary Independent Republic of Orange Nations takes the top gainer today with an impressive burst...must be the New Polar Order steadily behind them with a small gain of their own. Multicolored Cross-X Alliance, Grand Global Alliance, and the Mostly Harmless Alliance have strong gains as well, and The Order of the Paradox appear to be bouncing back with a solid burst of their own. Rounding out notable gains are my own Mushroom Kingdom and LoSS, who are staying ahead of the Green Protection Agency while also putting some pressure on the Random Insanity Alliance (who pull yet another 0.00). On the less pleasant side of things, The Grämlins record a painful loss today, as do the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization and the Orange Defense Network. Invicta drops as well, but is still ahead of Valhalla (who nearly got bumped by the Add Line). Well, that's about that for the day. Pretty steady overall, with almost everyone having good days. Sorry if I made any mistakes, but I was watching the Sixers game while I was doing this >.> Related Links: ----------------------- Stats by Unspeakable Evil Hawk and Vences's Multipurpose Alliance List Vote for Cybernations Daily!
  15. I got it. Update forthcoming...
  16. UE was unable to gather data during that time. You can read the thread if you wish to brush up on why.
  17. I second this in the name of indolence.
  18. I'll cover you if you wind up not doing it.
  19. Yeah, I thought of that while wrapping up the post, which is why I tried to note that at the bottom of the update. When I saw Doc_Fresh still under the AA I had a feeling that was the case.
  20. Oh...how 'bout them apples >.> I'll go fix that now, thanks.
  21. 4/22/2008 1 New Pacific Order: 60.14 --> 60.21 (+0.07) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 47.67 --> 47.80 (+0.13) 3 New Polar Order: 38.05 --> 38.78 (+0.73) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 33.72 --> 31.55 (-2.17) 5 Sparta: 27.54 -->27.74 (+0.20) 6 Orange Defense Network: 26.56 --> 26.48 (-0.08) 7 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 26.14 --> 26.23 (+0.09) 8 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 24.14 --> 24.24 (+0.10) 9 The Phoenix Federation: 22.76 --> 22.85 (+0.09) 10 Viridian Entente: 22.75 --> 22.83 (+0.08) 11 Fark: 21.26 --> 21.32 (+0.06) The Order of the Paradox: 20.92 --> 20.99 (+0.07) 12 Grand Global Alliance: 20.39 --> 20.47 (+0.08) ---------- FOK: 19.41 --> 19.44 (+0.03) The Grämlins: 17.18 --> 17.22 (+0.04) The Order of Light: 15.21 --> 15.22 (+0.01) Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.54 --> 14.49 (-0.05) Mushroom Kingdom: 13.79 --> 14.29 (+0.50) NATO: 13.92 --> 13.97 (+0.05) Echelon: 13.38 --> 13.46 (+0.08) Confederacy of Imperial States: 12.96 --> 12.91 (-0.05) Random Insanity Alliance: 12.18 --> 12.25 (+0.07) Green Protection Agency: 11.75 --> 11.81 (+0.06) World Task Force: 11.76 --> 11.78 (+0.02) LoSS: 11.72 --> 11.75 (+0.03) Global Democratic Alliance: 11.53 --> 11.54 (+0.01) Invicta: 10.87 --> 10.90 (+0.03) Valhalla: 10.33 --> 10.37 (+0.04) ---------- Add Line: 10.19 --> 10.24 (+0.05) North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 10.22 --> 10.09 (-0.13) Global United Nations: 9.99 --> 10.00 (+0.01) ---------- Drop Line: 9.89 --> 9.94 (+0.05) Biggest Gainer New Polar Order (+0.73) Biggest Loser Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 33.72 --> 31.55 (-2.17) Passes of the Day Mushroom Kingdom passes NATO Green Protection Agency passes World Task Force Commentary The New Polar Order enjoys another day of spectacular growth, from what I hear at the expense of the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance, who has suffered one of the worst losses in the history of the race. My own Mushroom Kingdom had a great day, surging half a point to retake NATO and make the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations sweat some more. The Phoenix Federation managed to stay ahead of the Viridian Entente, doubling their oh so wide gap between them from 0.01 to 0.02. The Green Protection Agency continues their recovery by passing the World Task Force, who are just barely staying ahead of LoSS. The North Atlantic Defense Coalition has had another bad day, and is falling precipitously close to the Drop Line. Speaking of the Drop Line, for the life of me I cannot figure out/remember how the hell Gopher computes it, so I didn't touch it (though the Add Line was updated properly). All in all, barring one or two cases, it was a pretty good day all around, with decent growth or only negligible loss. Edit: I also wanted to note that the joke AA Multicolored Cross-X Defense Network has a score of 1.80, and from the look of it that's mostly MCXA nations, so I expect to see MCXA bounce back tomorrow. Related Links: ----------------------- Stats by Unspeakable Evil Hawk and Vences's Multipurpose Alliance List Vote for Cybernations Daily!
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