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Posts posted by Archon

  1. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1336274845' post='2964308']
    This means that NG will have to pay reparations? Also will MK pay reparations? :P

    [quote name='Archon' timestamp='1336274353' post='2964298']
    (An exegesis: The alliance affiliation 'Mushqaeda' and those currently unused which represent the other Mushroom Kingdom factions are [b]hereby[/b] contained within the dominion of the Mushroom Kingdom. Those who wear them bear our standard until such time as we decide they do not.)

    Emphasis mine. That is a separate, internal issue.

  2. [center][img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y24/moddark/Screenshot2011-03-22at52349PM.png[/img][/center]

    Out of the cold, arid night, a terrified waif stumbles into the nearest town. With eyes milky white, stuck forever blind, a passage repeated til voice gone hoarse pours out:

    "From beneath a tree with six hundred fifty eight leaves he came to me, singing the song of GunhammaD. A voice, booming, HIS will be done:
    'My children on Jihad / abroad in the lands of the heathen / shall carry forth my standard / and so forever stand upon / the land of the Mushroom King'"

    So spake she.

    (An exegesis: The alliance affiliation 'Mushqaeda' and those currently unused which represent the other Mushroom Kingdom factions are hereby contained within the dominion of the Mushroom Kingdom. Those who wear them bear our standard until such time as we decide they do not.)

    In the pocket of the waif, with words scrawled in blood upon the skin of an infidel, the following:

    'The esteemed Prince of the Mushroom Kingdom, lebubu, has ascended to the next level of enlightenment and joins the Mushroom King in meditation, foreswearing his title of Prince. The Rather Skilled Fellow remains Prince of the Kingdom, and de jure ruler.

    With him walks Banksy, who is followed by Epiphanus as the new Lord High Director.

    So shall it be.'

  3. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1330501853' post='2930549']
    For over a thousand years, Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of a triumph - a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeters and musicians and strange animals from the conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conqueror rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children, robed in white, stood with him in the chariot, or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting.

    Dude I already used sic transit gloria mundi. Like...last week in a Roquentin thread. C'mon now, keep up with me. It's not that hard anymore, I'm not even trying.

  4. [quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1330454693' post='2930086']
    So the protagonists of this story of yours are the scattered remnants of a failed community who joined the actual victors and participated in their eventual feuding? That is somehow a grand victory?


    What is this I don't even

    Cute to call LUE a failed community - I'm sure you'd find yourself harden at the thought and pat yourself on the back fiercely had you managed, but it would seem that the core of that community founded two successful alliances, merged together, and led multiple victorious coalitions, resulting in defeats of every major alliance/community still standing that had opposed them. I'd also question your memory/sanity with respect to joining the actual victors comment, but hey, if you can't see the forest for the trees, that ain't my problem. I'm too busy with my quite successful community and my multitude of victories, but in the honor of those great souls now passed, one must come out and feed the bridge dwellers every now and again.

  5. [quote name='Electron Sponge' timestamp='1330412240' post='2929835']
    Hi Archon, I am fine I hope you are also fine

    Addressing the title of this thread "Grenval was Vincent Xander", let me just speak for everyone who remembers either by simply stating that no one gives a $%&@. You may as well have titled the thread "Irrelevant person nearly no one remembers was also another irrelevant person nearly no one remembers, also boobies". At least then more people would have clicked. But you might have run into a limit for the amount of characters you can have in a title, so you should have just said "Boobies".

    I am doing fine now. Missed your dulcet tones.

  6. [quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1329920474' post='2925550']
    This makes victory in the final act of the trilogy that much more fun.

    Funny, I always considered Karma the end of the trilogy. Everything else after that has just been a comedy playing out.

    There was the flawed, incomplete victory of GW1, the tragic downfall of GW2/3 and the border conflicts that followed, and then the true victory at Karma.

    At least that's when I stopped giving a $%&@.

    [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1329989807' post='2926436']
    Are you seriously trying to say MK has the right to discuss any aspect of any other player's RL [i]just because you have it in an OOC forum?[/i]

    Actually, yes. The MK forums are for far more than just CN at this point. Any and all conversation concerning that stuff occurred within OOC, social areas of the forums frequented by many people who aren't in the MK cybernations alliance. In that area, they have the right to discuss whatever they wish so long as it doesn't violate the Mushroom Kingdom forum TOS.

    [quote name='deth2munkies' timestamp='1330007794' post='2926636']
    Two words: Biodad Kingdom. And that's just a recent example.

    You have no place to talk, MK was never meant to take a leadership role. That was to fall to one of the large alliances of Karma. MK has only been strong as a counterpoint, never as a maker of official policy. Unfortunately, they were all too weak and uncharismatic and such a system would collapse, hence the necessity of DH and the second war in order to maintain power. That war just served as a reminder of MK's failure and the failure of all of the other large alliances to set up an effective ruling class. Now all we have are punks who have forgotten how to actually use politics to achieve ends and instead use threats and OOC attacks.

    It was a simpler time before all of this !@#$, and I enjoy the reflection in this thread.

    Addressed the tongue-in-cheek hero worship privately.

    I'd also question your political assessment, but I most sincerely doubt it would be taken seriously as this area of debate has long since lost that capability.

    [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1330118529' post='2927678']
    One particularly glaring example of this happened last month when two players had a personal tragedy and asked the community for help. Although most of the members of the community were supportive or at least indifferent, a select few from DH/PB alliances took it upon themselves to contact the family and then assisted a member of the family who didn't like the two community members in question with harassing them in their personal lives (on Facebook and in person) and in the game.

    I would very much like proof of those claims, particularly where the implications of actual infringement upon anyone's actual life is concerned, PMed to me posthaste. Otherwise I'm calling !@#$%^&*. And trust me, there's been quite a lot of that and ignorance to boot concerning what happened there. But then again, in this area of debate ignorance has never stopped someone before so why should I expect it now?

    [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1330325887' post='2929125']
    [i]Is[/i] it just your own boards, though?

    As with above - yes, it is. If you have clear cut evidence of otherwise, I'd like to see it. Thanks!

    Oh, and to address the OP - This made me quite happy. I never got to work with Grenval, but worked extensively with VX and always liked him. He deserved better than he got.

  7. Against my better judgment, a few thoughts...

    [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329399751' post='2921732']
    xoin: I was going to actually use that on Archon. Thanks.

    Present day. Present time. Hahahahaha.

    OOC: Good choice. I've always enjoyed Lain and own the album from which that song is taken. In fact, I'm listening to it right now.

    [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1329401429' post='2921743']
    I've followed Archon before, and to be frank, it was pretty awesome. That dude can get !@#$ done, and he is able to do it in a way that makes people WANT to follow him. He is the epitome of a leader, and while the treaty web is the way it is, I'm not going to be in a position to follow him again, but rest assured, should the web flip around again, you can bet your bat !@#$ crazy ass that I'd do it again.


    [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329401643' post='2921746']
    No, he can't do it all on his own. He has been inactive for most of his time as King. I took to him to the top. It's all in the IRON age thread. I can collect the important posts and make a blog with it. Haha. Archon praised Grub for declaring on TOP and his alliance tosses him under the bus. He has lied about MK's attempts to attack Sparta. How is he worth more than me?

    She never said I could do it all on my own, nor have I ever claimed to. And, quite frankly, an effective leader is effective in part because they do not seek to do it all on their own. That said, you've got a few factually inaccurate statements, the most important of which being that I've been inactive for most of my time as King. I've been King of MK for 5 years, and inactive for 2. You needed to wait another 6 or 7 months, then you would have had a simple majority...still not most, but at least more than half.

    You also didn't "take me to the top" or anything remotely close to it. You contributed quite meaningfully, yes, and more than most, but you did not "take me to the top." While I generally take great pains not to extoll my own virtues, I also make no qualms about calling out others when they do theirs. Perhaps it is telling that you must shout to the four corners trying to prove your own worth, something many of the other names dropped in this thread have never had a need to do. That said, if you want to take the time to make a blog post, please, but if not, I'd at least love it if you could PM me links to the relevant posts.

    With this quoted selection you've also contradicted a variety of statements you've made in previous topics about me made in a more positive light. You're also calling me a liar without proof. Feel free to show it in your little Nagasaki or elsewhere, but I look forward to (non-existent) proof of me planning a war against Sparta. Since you might have some trouble, I encourage you to simply write the HTML of a page showing me saying it and then screen shot it. There'd be no way to prove it either way, and it appears no one has really caught onto that yet...it's quite surprising really.

    [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329418137' post='2921908']
    Archon wasn't even clean then, either, moron. He had cozied up to you back then. In addition, he joined GOONS when they were at their worst and outed Revanche as Denial to them. Haha. He's never been clean and it's just been a illusion. An inactive King who was made into a big star.

    Some clarifications:

    I joined GOONS in exchange for being taken off of a PZI list. In theory I could have also joined the NPO "at their worst," but DarkSol managed to beat out Dilber. I did indeed rat out Denial and Vanguard (something that had more or less zero effect) after discovering that a Goon/MKer (the line gets hazy around the time of the formation) was also in Vanguard...it was necessary as part of revealing that discover to GOONS. Water under the bridge for involved parties, but cute of you to bring it up.

    Again, factually inaccurate with regards to my activity. I'm not sure why you're trying so hard to harp on that. It's kind of a joke among anyone who actually cares, so seeing it used as part of a character assassination is odd. I'm not sure how to respond to the "being made into a star" part - it's a bit weird. It's true that I've had a lot of help along the way, something I spoke of earlier, but I think it's fair to say I've done a good bit myself. That's probably half true, depending on how you choose to read it.

    I'll also take a moment to observe I've not said a negative word about your abilities or IC actions, and have publicly praised you as probably the greatest IA mind in a long time. You've chosen to attack my abilities and IC actions in the last few pages. I don't really care, but I felt I might as well point out the errors and acknowledge the truths for the benefit of the peanut gallery. It's a bit fascinating, though.

    [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329421718' post='2921942']
    Archon is worthless. I've avoided targeting him but he's no longer 'integer'. He's never been a good guy, he's never been a good king even. He's usually inactive and when he's not around to control the members, it goes to !@#$ like in DH-NPO, and they blame me for burning political capital. I've stated MK's case against me repeatedly. No one cares. He didn't do the right thing and clean house. 1337 guy walked into a costly venture in continuing to step on me.

    I did apologize to bros since I know about his own ooc condition because I didn't like having to go after him because of that, but like I said there's just too much crap in the Kingdom that needs flushing.

    You disappoint me.

    I'd say you wound me with the off-base commentary, but...you didn't really. I'd refute it, but as I mentioned above, I'm not a huge fan of tooting my own horn. And you are entitled to your opinion, as you are entitled to spout it off as though it is fact. I support that just as I support the members of MK's right to do the same. Now of course, if you have a problem with them doing it, then you're being a hypocrite here. Then again, if you don't have a problem with them doing it, then you're contradicting earlier statements.

    Ah, I'll leave it be.

    [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329423682' post='2921958']
    Wow, the rebel was right. Ex-lover syndrome.

    Rush, how many times do I have to make it clear? He doesn't give a !@#$ about me IC or OOC. They decided it was convenient to blame all of their troubles on me so they did it. I'm not sure what's incoherent about anything I'm saying. It's well-argued. I am a pretty vindictive and angry guy and that's all that shows. I don't really get how I'm any worse than people like arexes and zoom who are outright dicks. They just don't bother typing and typing up stuff isn't a big deal for me.

    And the last factual inaccuracy. I actually do care about you quite a bit OOC and worry. To elaborate:

    OOC - Among my Degrees is Cognitive Science, so it's not like I'm completely talking out of my ass, though I suppose I'm not much better than most of the armchair shrinks we've had here. That said, I do see quite a few signs to be worried and acknowledge that. I spoke of it on the radio in hopes that others would get that maybe there is something, and if so it is not something to joke about. I should note that, since doing that, I've noticed the comments along those lines have fallen off considerably. Perhaps I influenced that, perhaps not.

    IC - You are right about one thing, though. I don't give a rats ass about you IC at this point. You've burned that bridge with your actions. Nor do I give a rats ass, IC, about the threats your making or how you revel in the power you perceive yourself to have. I find it amusing, though a little sad, that anyone who responds to you with anything other than a base agreement is "pushing your buttons"...one wonders why you choose to engage in public discourse if you are constantly falling back to that and waving your detonator about. And no, nothing you can say or do will really perturb me or make me care either. But that's just me, and I'm just an inactive baddy, so that shouldn't matter, right?

    OOC - I don't really care OOC either. No matter what you do wind up doing, and what effect it has on the game or on the count of nations within it, you aren't going to deal meaningful damage to the MK community. And that's actually the only reason I'm still around.

    IC/OOC - Sic transit gloria mundi.


  8. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1328073310' post='2912304']
    Ahh yes, the "it's an old grudge" excuse...funny that hasn't been brought up by anyone else until now...because the timing had nothing to do with OOC events. :rolleyes:

    Of course it did, and while it is true that she was served up by what was then Rok government, specifically Joe and Bob, they were caught up in on all the OOC crap just like your members.

    Of course it has to do with OOC events. Those events are the consequences I mention that allowed MKers to take revenge. But I'm not sure who you think you are to question whether MK has a grudge or not, or whether they feel the need to talk about it. You're rather presumptuous here to claim to read mines and divine the intentions within the hearts of men.

  9. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1328069928' post='2912203']
    Under similar circumstances, especially in light of the OOC nature of the pseudo AA your little hit squad donned while making their attack, many people would have done the same thing and made sure they made them pay and pay dearly. That you now try to hide under the cloak of IC rationale is truly sad.

    OOC: Members of your alliance decided to become private investigators, track down the biological father of a missing girl, and based solely on his side of the story and a few news stories and video clips, decided that they had the entire story, switched into their professional family "advocate" hats, and conducted IC and OOC actions, including creating a series of defamatory images insulting two players. As with obscenity, I may not be able to give an exact definition of what's too far over the OOC/IC line, but I know it when I see it.

    Wat. The alliance affiliation worn is their own business - they have felt the need to convert to a new god from the light of Allarchon (which wounds me, truly), and that is their choice. There are many folks in the Kingdom who have disliked KaitlinK for a very long time now, dating back to when MA and RoK dropped MK a long while ago. This is the first good chance they've had to go for her, and she was served up by her own alliance's leadership. The hell if I care about the circumstances around it, or what folly allowed them the opportunity.

    OOC: To be entirely fair, the majority of the people here based their judgement solely on the Kaitlin/Hoo side of the story, so blasting MKers for taking the other side is kind of bunk when you all are running on only half the story yourselves. However, I've of no mind to argue on this, especially not in this arena. The moderation staff has taken their side on the matter, and so I'd rather take the discussion elsewhere out of respect for them.

  10. [quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1327976567' post='2911158']
    i think this entire topic is moot atm, whether Biodad was Mk or not dosent really matter that attacks on a nation whos ruler had just recovered from a bad experience is nothing short then opportunistic and frankly quite shameful, one would think MK would raid someone whos a bit more

    I was unaware that KaitlinK, ruler of the nation Kastay, had some tragedy befall her. I had heard naught of it. I would wish her well, but given that she has escalated a conflict via nuclear weaponry, I think I'd rather see her burn. Nothing personal - just alliance business.

    [OOC: For all the recent controversy concerning the IC/OOC line, it's always amusing to see it applied inconsistently.]

  11. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1326276248' post='2897340']
    My desire to be recognised only comes from the efforts to knock me down. That is it. I didn't care to ever bring any of it up to anyone outside of Umbrella until that. When people can actually say that I've done nothing and think they're saying the truth or that I was a great bungler, I'm going to want to dispute it.

    Psht, you've made repeated attempts to either bring me down or marginalize me and you don't see me giving a !@#$. Get over yourself.

  12. I'm going to avoid a lot of this for what is probably obvious reasons, but a few small points.

    First, I agree with the sentiments expressed by Sardonic, Quiz, and perhaps others as well (those two posts stuck out to me)

    [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1326054317' post='2895836']
    To be fair, Archon never kept his alliance consistently about 90% slot efficiency like Roq did, heh. Umbrella's tech numbers are in a huge part due to Roq's countless efforts in the tech field.

    I was never much of an IA guy. Probably my biggest failing. :(

    [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1326070155' post='2896017']
    NEWSFLASH: Roq was overrated.

    Subheading: So was every other successful alliance leader since Ivan.

    More at eleven.

    To be honest, Ivan was also overrated (Note: this does not mean he wasn't good). It comes with the territory. To be honest, when being evaluated purely on what they did while in a position of leadership, I think the only alliance leader who wasn't overrated was Dilber. His short reign as Emperor of the NPO was a work of art. But he wasn't able to rule for very long due to issues beyond his control (OOC), and it's also possible that I'm forgetting a few negative events. I'm also not counting any of his time later as part of the NPO's FA force, but purely his time as Emperor (the 'alliance leader' of the NPO).

    Edit: To be honest, I think I used to be honest too much. To be honest, I think it was because I was doing a few other things while writing this.

  13. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1325960152' post='2894903']
    Alliance of the Year: Mushroom Kingdom
    Player of the Year: Mushroom Kingdom
    Newcomer Alliance of the Year: Mushroom Kingdom
    Most Improved Alliance: Mushroom Kingdom
    Lifetime Achievement Award: Mushroom Kingdom
    Military of the Year: Mushroom Kingdom
    Move of the Year: Mushroom Kingdom
    Worst Alliance of 2011: Mushroom Kingdom
    Worst Player of 2011: Mushroom Kingdom

    Honestly you might as well close the ballot now.

  14. [quote name='the damned' timestamp='1324011618' post='2879574']
    Im going to love seeing you guys burn. It may not be now, but it will happen.

    Where the hell were you in '07...or '08...or '09...or last year, for that matter? I mean jeeze. We've tried to be accommodating there, too. The ingratitude, it wounds me.

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