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chewy milk

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Posts posted by chewy milk

  1. Congratulations!

    and Chewy Milk: here is a fish taco.. dont feel bad, Happy New Year!!!

    King Vitauts the Great... vacationing and eating pork and fish tacos in [OOC]Hawaii !![/OOC]

    Normally I'd be disgusted and offended if someone offered me fish in a time such as this. However, since it comes in the form of a taco (second only to bacon in terms of raw awesome) I gladly and humbly accept. Thanks!



  2. Although I'm bitter about losing in the erection, I earned myself a shiny new ribbon for my own generosity during the Aid Challenge. So all in all I'm pretty happy about Decemeber, and the future in general. I can always initiate Plan: Coup next month.

    Oh and congrats to the winners I guess.

    /seriously though, :awesome:

    //on the Bacon Scale of Awesome this alliance receives 5 bacons.

  3. So, the Third World War is the Second Great War, or The Initiative v The League. Rarely reffered to as something like The Holy War of Farkistan or somesuch. The Fourth World War is the Third Great War, commonly known as Great War III and The Retribution. It is the last time that the original CoaLUEtion (this time in the form of Aegis) battled the NPO Coalition (this time in the form of The Initiative).

    Actually, The Holy War started just before GWII and ended months after GWIII. Your wars just happened to occur around the same time as ours.

    Wiki: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Holy_War_of_Farkistan

    The more you know! ...;'''* :D

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