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Posts posted by dealmaster13

  1. Yeah, Stevie, defending your success this round :p... typical... jk


    Personally I don't really follow what the others are specifically saying about casualties, but one reason why I think that they aren't great is that they are dependent on ground attacks alone (and nukes, if defending soldiers are included). Furthermore, if you are ever in a situation with a turtler at zero soldiers, then you're never going to get any attacking casualties against them.

  2. I support the motives outlined here.


    I think that the prizes should either use a scoring mechanism which uses both average and total figures for casualties/destruction, or separate prizes are created for average and total.


    I also feel that giving away more than one flag each round devalues the prior novelty of the prize, but that's a lesser point.

  3. That's an interesting point of view Daenerys, but it could be considered the other way by noting that small alliances will be significantly hampered by an unrestricted scheme.



    On reflection, I think that the top three nations in the alliance with the most casualties should also be ranked by casualties rather than NS, or take the three nations with the highest NS which are ranked in the top 10 for alliance casualties. The prizes should be weighted accordingly, taking into account the fact that there is a reasonable chance that a nation gets two or more prizes.


    Appropriate statistics for viewing casualties would be useful.

  4. I recommend that you consider how to make the alliance casualty criterion for the NS prizes fairer, as currently it has a higher tendency to reward alliances with high member counts and also allow exploitation concerning alliance hopping.


    Personally I don't have an easy fix if you want to involve alliance casualties.

    One suggestion is to take the total/average casualty count of the top 10 long-term nations in each alliance rather than the total casualty count over all members. You can classify a long-term nation as one whose alliance seniority is at least half the length of the round (~30 days), or better still you could use the alliance which the nation has been a member of for the longest proportion of time (in the event that a top 10 nation created halfway through the round).


    I can't see any other issues with the changes, other than that there is a reasonable possibility that one nation with get both most casualties and highest peak infra.


    Most Infrastructure The player that finishes Tournament Round 30 with the Most Infrastructure record(the most infrastructure ever in the round) will win an item(s) of your choosing from the Cyber Nations Merchandise Store valued $50 and under or four $30 donations applied to your (or your friends) Cyber Nations Standard account. One custom flag design (approved by game administration) uploaded to Cyber Nations.


    Most Soldiers The player that finishes Tournament Round 30 with the Most Soldiers record (the most soldiers ever in the round) will win an item(s) of your choosing from the Cyber Nations Merchandise Store valued $50 and under or four $30 donations applied to your (or your friends) Cyber Nations Standard account. One custom flag design (approved by game administration) uploaded to Cyber Nations.


    Most Money Spent The player that finishes Tournament Round 30 with the Most Money Spent record(the most money spent ever in the round) will win an item(s) of your choosing from the Cyber Nations Merchandise Store valued $50 and under or four $30 donations applied to your (or your friends) Cyber Nations Standard account. One custom flag design (approved by game administration) uploaded to Cyber Nations.




    So I heard that this has been changed to the most infra and soldiers at the time the round last records the data and not as the rules state - (the most infrastructure ever in the round) and  (the most soldiers ever in the round)


    Can you clarify if that is a miscommunication or why this was changed and never formerly announced?


    Were those the prizes from last round? If so, then someone could have easily won all three.

  6. I put together a few numbers a while ago, so some tinkering may need to be done.


    The whole point of the scoring system proposal was to rid of the current formula which places excessive emphasis on nation count, which isn't a fair estimate of an alliance's strength.


    Some notable changes I notice are giving a score for average nation strength and for nuke count.

  7. Any rewards derived from TE which have an effect on SE: a  very bad idea.

    Such a system would provide an inordinate advantage for the small percentage of the SE nations who participate in TE.:

    ultimately resulting in a reduction of SE nations to the overall detriment of the game.


    As someone who I feel can have a meaningful opinion on this - I don't agree.

  8. I'd like to see an overall award for the player placing highest in a combination of the three factors: destruction, NS and casualties. Base it on their nation ranking in each category, with the lowest score winning...thus, someone finishing 2nd in destruction, 3rd in casualties and 12th in NS would have a score of 17 and finish above someone finishing 1st in NS, 10th in destruction and 10th in casualties, with a score of 21.


    I don't think it should be based on the sum of rankings, but it's a good general idea

    1. Inst
    2. Inst Rogue #1
    3. Inst Rogue #2
    4. Inst Rogue #3
    5. Inst Rogue #4
    6. Inst Rogue #5
    7. Confusion
    8. Confusion Rogue #1
    9. Confusion Rogue #2
    10. Confusion Rogue #3


    I reckon that I'd find Inst's party to be a bit more reliable than Confusion's.


    With a line up like that, there's no chance I'd get past 1k infra. Could be a recipe for disaster though, as an intra-alliance war doesn't seem too far-fetched... I'll have to think this through a bit more.

  9. It's worth pointing out that this has happened before.

    Darth might not have had a shot at the flag that time around though, so the issue was not raised.

    I do find it hard to believe that over the 89 days, Darth did not once process in his head, the date at the top right of the screen, regardless of whether the round did indeed end on Day 88 or 89.

  10. [font="Verdana"][size="3"]Well.

    It seems to have been a deeply entertaining 90 days for most of us.

    The politics has as usual kept us at the edge of our seats with the typical controversial wars, such as the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=107705"]WAPA, Warriors, Duckroll war[/url] that helped kick off the festive round - sparking a 50 page thread of which I could only keep up with the first few one-liner posts, the daring wars such as [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109227"]TPC's[/url] and [url="http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/9800/19141391.png"]OP's[/url] separate ventures to take on the rest of TE by the end of the round (with the latter focusing on the dismantling of the ever-reigning Duckroll squad, whose [OP's] success can be measured by Therm’s recent [/size][/font][size="3"][font="Courier New"]<contraversial_joke>[/size][/font][size="3"][font="Verdana"]pants-crapping[/size][/font][size="3"][font="Courier New"]</contraversial_joke>[/size][/font][size="3"][font="Verdana"] on IRC [lol, great guy], and Stevie’s general absence from the press [or perhaps my time-zone doesn’t help to justify this]).
    There were of course other ground shaking declarations that took place this round, such as the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=108989"]Declaration of War[/url] made by Hellas alliance against the frankly superior Rodentia Dominatus and Coffee (lol?) alliances.
    Great play by all.
    The [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105088&view=findpost&p=2860166"]total casualty count record of last round[/url] has thus been surpassed.

    Also, how can we forget the departure of the infamous Confusion?
    Good luck to him, wherever he ends up.

    My round has admittedly been less extravagant than most others', especially having [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000312"]sat it out at precisely 3 NS for a good 2 months[/url] - a personal record of mine - a good handful of you will know how I've done this... shout-out to Brownbear; good student, he is!
    With the very first day of the round marking the start of my one and a half month ordeal of putting up with dial-up internet only to get back to uni with a pile of work and more, I justly decided not to burden my former alliance, The Phoenix Cobras, with my lack of availability, and I think it's fair to say that they have clearly thrived and excelled this round, regardless; so congratulations to them and King James XVIII!

    Whether my round personally ends on a high or a low, first of all - it's not a disappointment if things turn sour (and some [likely Confusion-tied... always is] nation collects 500 mil while wiping his ass all over my face) as I couldn't have altered my real life plans to compensate either way, and secondly - it feels great to have had another (after Round 18) much sought for rest from the hustle and bustle that TE offers to many, while still playing a part in the general body of Planet Steve as a little, idle nation who saw no action until StevieG decided to come along and attack said nation on Day 78 in an attempt to raise casualties... a gather intel operation on Project Zero only followed some four days later, revealing a stronger core beneath the fragile, superficial surface...

    Stay tuned to check out a lesser nuke than I was anticipating, from me, but a powerful, WRC-powered one nevertheless!

    Well that's it from me, folks.

    Hope you've had a great time, and here's to an equally entertaining Round 21!

    [i]- The one that goes by the name of [b]Nexus[/b]... as well as some 11 others...[/i]

    ... including...
    Sign-off image:
    [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=104326"]Courtesy of DarthCyfe6[/url] (I smirked when I first saw this)[/size][/font]

  11. [quote name='Lee Man' timestamp='1328676481' post='2916548']
    I'm new, so maybe I am not getting something here, but how can you use another nation as a tech farm if you can't war or trade?

    Through one or more middlemen is one possiblity

  12. Well, what are the chances that it's actually a Pork Shrimp member that wins the round, and we're all just looking at it in the wrong perspective with regards to LE's laxness?

    Or alternatively, like many of the past 50 rounds, one of confusion's flagrunners can always pop out of no where.

    Good times

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