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Everything posted by colliric

  1. Selling tech again.. 50 for 3 million or 100 tech for 4 million. don't post here just send me the 3 or 4 mill... I'll understand. your tech will be available asap. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=376055 from colliric
  2. I, Colliric desire not to be a part of the war between MHA and MCXA. I am not a member of MHA anyway as a I was undemocratically booted for being involved in a war between my nation and The Legion alliance, and for being a Rogue agent. But these actions were before I was part of MHA, and my application to MHA was out of a desire to "go straight". I was under the belief that peace had been reached with Legion as there was no attacks or wars for a while, but it was not the case. I did keep my Alliance affiliation and I did make a proper application to MHA, an application that was accepted... none of which was appropriately noticed by MHA who unfairly believed that I was still a rogue ghoster despite my application and the success of my application. My successful application was repealed quicker than you can blink with no proper or satisfying explanation of why. MHA is a horrible alliance from a political standpoint and because of their lack of political shrewdness or compassion I hope MCXA teaches them a lesson in humility. I am changing my status to MCXA POW and will consider full application to MCXA.
  3. Need cash now. Looking for $6mill for 150 deal. Would also love offers for standard $3mill/100tech deal though. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=376055 Dont waste time sending me a PM, just send the aid offer.
  4. Hi, I am at risk of defaulting on a Tech deal because of an unexpected war with the legion which I did not start and which I do not understand. If anyone could spare 1 or 2 mill bucks or more it would be great. Really any aid would help, including technology(I'm about 50 off my target) or soldiers or even if you could send a line to the legion and get them to stop attacking me. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=376055 I have spare trade routes(in return for your aid I could send Pigs and Cattle). from colliric
  5. Nation Link:http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=376055 Resources: Pigs, Cattle Which set and circle do you want to be in? Circle B, set 1.
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