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Posts posted by Gibsonator21

  1. 32 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:

    Not liking someone is not a casus belli. A Casus Belli is an instrument of civilization intended to explain to third parties how an adversary infringed upon your security and sovereignty. It's not valid to use as an excuse to attack people you dont like (that's just roguery and raw aggression).


    I don't expect barbarians to understand the difference of course, but it must be explained.

    It's been established a long time ago that it is.

  2. I don't even know when, but we informed ourselves and "NADC's main channel" that we're cancelling our treaty with NADC on the grounds that bern is an impotent !@#$ lord. The expiration date passed, and now you won't have to worry about TBC interference if you wanna raid NADC or something. 


    Ily Molly and chunky, I miss your 8 pack ;_;


    ps I'd post a flag/real sigs but im on my phone and :effort: if I care enough when I get home I'll set something up maybe 

  3. 11 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


    Actually the facts are that General Gorgoth was planning to send rebuilding aid to Alpha Wolves. She's had to delay that because of this stupid rogue attack by Gibsonator.


    By all rights we should burn down TBC's entire lower tier because of this rogue attack. However we have attempted diplomacy. 


    You may be the Rebel, but even you can realize how many pointless enemies TBC has created by attacking someone like General Gorgoth, who is popular for helping many nations in need...



    Lol yeah, I bet she has: Total Money: $120,546,870

    5 hours ago, Auctor said:

    There wasn't a "pending status" in 2008. No one could be removed from an AA involuntarily so there was no way of stopping rogues from wearing the AA they wanted to and therefore it made no sense to hold an alliance accountable for them unless doing so had wider political benefits.


    At any rate, someone willing to start a war over a pending nation should just do a war frogdammit. Pull your finger out, Junka!

    Pretty sure Shuru said MCXA can do whatever they want to me, but tywin kept pushing her to remove me from the AA and that's more effort than shuru wanted to put in (can't say I blame her). So he's got free reign on me, but apparently lacks resources?

    4 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    It is difficult to see a distinction between Gibsonator and the rest of their AA when Gibson was a major figure in TBC and all of their active posters are in support of his attacks. However, there has been a measured response to the proto-terrorism coming from TBC and I think we have handled their aggression fairly thus far.


    I am generally anti-war whenever possible but the real issue here is TBC's overall erratic behavior which has been an issue before ISX was targeted. This whole "Junka is weak" rhetoric doesn't help either though, and leaves little room for reasoned diplomacy.

    "Major figure" dude literally all I did was talk !@#$ for however long I was tri. I don't need a position for that.

    4 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    This situation of TBC members attacking other AAs, including Nordreich, Shangri-La, and USN, is remarkably similar to Alonso Quixano's raids before he went inactive. TBC has no legitimacy currently (i.e. state of chaos) and should be considered a valid raid target.

    Apparently the same applies to GDA. Are you ever going to get frisky, or am I just going to have free reign on YOU? I've checked my nation like twice since I attacked you morons and you're barely outdamaging me. If I knew it was just a tech raid I'd have been checking my nation more. Oh well, no time like the present?

    4 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


    We have reacted with a measured response to each act of aggression. Our goal is not to destroy TBC, but to contain their terrorism in a manner that minimizes damage to our membership.


    If further aggression comes from TBC, we will deal with it appropriately in accordance with our own OPTEMPO.


    What was your response to me?

    2 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    I don't like lots of people either, but I dont resort to terrorism because they disagree with me on the OWF.

    Because you're a pussy. It's okay, everyone has their role to play. I respect it.

    2 hours ago, Noctis Lucis Caelum said:

    I'm a little surprised I haven't seen a single counter on the nation who actually attacked your members after all these pages calling him a terrorist and such. The guy has zero nukes left at this point, wouldn't training in countering involve them actually countering the guy who attacked your members?

    One dude sent me peace, too. They're all about counter-terrorism until they actually have to.. you know.. counter terrorism.

    1 hour ago, Immortan Junka said:

    It is sad to see such a desperate desire to destroy the Imperium. However, we have seen it many times before, and our people will continue to man the wall against barbarian invaders.

    If there's one thing we all agree on, it's that you will be here long after us.

  4. 5 hours ago, Dre4mwe4ver said:

    Apparently, you're not allowed to make purchases when you're in bill-lock. Clearly a design flaw. If there's anything I've learned from American politics it's that I'm supposed to be able to run up a deficit to fund my war habits.


    You say "raided", I say "aided", others say "punched you in the face as a fair and reasonable response to an aggressive hit against my alliance", but it's just semantics really. In any case, thanks for the present, I love you, too, and if you want round... um... I've lost count.... just another round, lemme know coz I'm always down to tango <3

    Ask junka, he's prolly gotta try and counter me. He could use all the help he can get

  5. 5 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


    Most of the time since rerolling, when I've tried to fix things I've been ousted from govt by the existing elite. In House Baratheon, I was removed as Hand late into Disorder War. In LoSS, I was limited to DMoD (despite rewriting the charter), and in SNX I was kicked out by the old court. Running an alliance might be old hat to some, but I enjoy preserving a fragment of the elder days, ere corruption and inactivity overtook the world.

    Maybe this should tell you something...

  6. 16 hours ago, Kristjan Laidoner said:


    Oh man, if only you knew how hilariously ironic this line is.




    Read the Leadership section. 


    I am very aware of the extent to which this was "handled". You have the coordination skills of a blind Air Traffic Controller and I am calling you out on it. Again, congratulations on the public display of incompetence. 

    Shut up, nazi.

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