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Posts posted by Sarkin

  1. Non Grata won this world with us once when we formed Oculus together. I've never felt the need to double up on that achievement, but I don't blame you for trying to do it again under your own power.


    All the tricks have been tried; all the cards have been played. There's no more need for bitterness or spite. Let's try to have some fun together, one last time.

  2. 1 hour ago, berbers said:


    So you were considering dropping Occulus with NpO, did you let the rest of Occulus know about these discussions, considering intel clauses are so important?


    Did DT know NpO was planning on hitting their allies, did that intel clause get used?


    Inquiring minds would like to know...


    Intel clauses are pretty vague, but I'm pretty sure no intel clause has ever been held to a standard of "internal discussions within the alliance about a potential FA change must be communicated to allies before the decision is made to pursue it." Would I have to go to my allies every time someone comes back from inactivity and is mad that we're allied to NPO because *insert thing that happened pre-Karma* and argues we should hop the fence? That would be an extremely high bar.


    Polar's situation is a notch below that; they were discussing potential FA changes with external people. I'm sure that some folks have/do treat intel clauses as covering that scenario. If that's your definition, fair enough. From my perspective, though, I've seen chatter between different alliance leaders about potential FA changes (often of the "this would admittedly screw over one of my allies" variety) from everyone under the sun and across the various spheres over the past 15 years. I would guess that <1% of it ended up getting communicated to allies, in large part because <1% of it ends up happening. 


    The notch below that, and the case where I think intel clauses obviously *do* apply, are when you've made a decision to do something, whether that's signing someone new, canceling on someone, or declaring a war. NATO obviously did not spontaneously decide on June 25 to start a war with another ally of NPO's and therefore just didn't have any time to mention it; the decision was made earlier and not communicated to NPO. I don't think there's a lot of nuance here or room for debate that that's an intel clause violation.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Canik said:

    Yes yes, I remember you. The retired leader of AB. Now you're just another stooge supporting the death of Cybernations. Sorry but I can't wish you luck when that is what your side represents.


    Oof, no love lost for old allies.


    You'll find that you've made one critical error, however... we're not stooges, and we're definitely not puppets. We're muppets! As illustrated by the DoW. Don't worry, common mistake.

  4. I reflect on my reflection,
    And I ask myself the question,
    What's the right direction... to go?
    I don't know.




    The Dark Templar declares war on NATO and the Freehold of The Wolves in support of our allies, Doombird Doomcave and Doom Squad. 


    My life for Aiur!



    Bob, Triumvir
    Sarkin, Triumvir
    Starcraftmazter, Triumvir


    (image credit to Hershey)



  5. 1 minute ago, lilweirdward said:


    Ah yes, some good old fashioned sarcasm. So, what? It doesn't matter that Polar wanted to roll Doom as long as they didn't follow through? Or you knew they were telling people they wanted to roll Doom even though they never meant it?


    Either way, if the angle you're going for is that you successfully used Polar to bait NATO and FTW into war then congrats, I guess. I feel like that only makes Polar look even more two-faced and spineless, but at least you got what you wanted, eh?


    I think that Polar, like every alliance of meaningful prominence and longevity, has some negative history with a few other alliances and, everything else aside, would enjoy fighting them. Doom is that "if I could, I would" sphere for many.


    I also think that Polar, like every serious alliance in history, has talked about a lot of scenarios with a lot of people. It would be ridiculous not to. 


    There was no bait, no trick. It was a legitimate opening that your lot fumbled through a mixture of poor communication and never treating Polar as more than a means to an end. 


    It's absurd that you act as though this announcement was some grand betrayal. The reality is that your mask fell off and it simply confirmed their hunch: that you were fundamentally untrustworthy and unkind, and therefore unworthy to remain allies. That's all.

  6. 3 hours ago, Bionic redhead said:


    But are you seriously suggesting that UCR deliberately started a war where they are outnumbered 10-1?


    Inexplicably, yes, they do keep picking fights with us. We're happy to oblige, and I have to imagine they're getting something from the experience; otherwise they would presumably stop doing it.


    So, from a certain point of view, maybe it's a win-win for everyone involved. 

  7. Alright everyone, it's time for superlatives!


    - Most aggro: Al Bundy takes this one in a landslide, escaping his initial attackers only to turn around and declare four in return!


    - Best SDI: It's a three-way tie between claude, Vhalen, and mrmarx! No missile defense crew is perfect, but the fine lads for these three nations at least periodically put down the vodka to do their job. 


    - Class clown: Johnny Apocalypse, and really, could this have gone to anyone else? Dedicated to keeping the OWF entertained through the early days of the war, we appreciate Johnny's continued commitment to the bit. 


    - Most likely to succeed: Theletas entered the war with 872 NS and exits with 1,118 NS, a staggering 28% increase over a week when his alliance lost 37% of its strength! He's even entered peace mode now to consolidate his gains. Put this guy in charge, UCR; his affinity for cautious action and steady growth will surely turn things around.


    - Least engaged: Our dear senator TiTaN may not have noticed that a war was happening for several days, but goshdarnit, he did cast a vote!


    - Biggest hippie: Joesph Stalin and Red Rebel spent most of the war enjoying peace mode, while Makao and vVDDMVv refrained from sending any nukes. Tactical ploys to minimize incoming damage and to allow higher-tech allies to do the nuking, or a philosophical commitment to a peaceful proletariat uprising? The world may never know. 


    - Worst timing: Chrismathews led all nations involved with 100,475 NS lost after one round of war. He also bought up from 24k to 25k infra immediately before getting hit. At least he's got a big warches-oh, wait... uh-oh.


    - Most hot dog guy: Why, it's mrmarx of course!




    Someday, he'll find the person who did this. 


  8. 3 hours ago, CrinkledStraw said:


    Could have ended the sentence here. 


    I was allied to DT and on Black Sphere forever. Not once did I see even a hint of life from the alliance. It is downright shocking to see two DT folks posting anything. 


    Four, even. :)


    Anyway, it sure does seem like the ~~~age of imperialism~~~ remains here to stay, huh?

  9. 1 hour ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    wow check out this COOL DUDE careful on his edges though yikes!


    Dark Templar do absolutely nothing of note for at least a decade, then turn up at the behest of Hershey from Doom Squad and White Chocolate of CLAWS (because we all know how they love multiple degrees of separation from possible danger!) and proceed to start puffing out their chests for hitting an alliance far smaller than they are.


    Yes, we're all very impressed down here with this toothless DoW. "From the Shadows I come" - super awesome of you to hire a 12 year old who just discovered Slipknot to draft your announcements.


    brb, changing my avatar in honor of Komplex:




    Also, get your facts straight:

    • In 2015, we helped form the longest-lasting hegemonic bloc in the game's history (I think; I'm not fact-checking that). So, DT hasn't done anything in six years, not a decade. Very different, according to pedants everywhere. 
    • I learned recently that DT is actually themed after Starcraft, and the shadows thing is a Starcraft quote. Look at us, honoring our history! That said, TK probably is a Slipknot fan, yeah.

    Anyway, enjoy the war!

  10. Everything Roq said is correct. 


    I'm sure it's true that a few players who were already on the verge of quitting saw Oculus get formed and said "screw it, I'm done" a year or two earlier than they would have otherwise, but that's all. A few more were lost with MI6's death, but MI6's death was essentially an assisted suicide. 


    Oculus wasn't a cause of the game's death; Oculus was evidence of the game's death. The game had gotten to a point where it was actually "winnable," and we and our allies won it. That wouldn't have been possible to do if there had still been a vibrant community or young growing alliances around. The game was basically dead well before 2015; we just planted a flag in the corpse. 

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