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Bull Run

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Everything posted by Bull Run

  1. [size="3"][color="#8B0000"][b][center]Official Paper of the Continental Confederacy[/center][center][/b][/color][/size] [IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/csa-1.jpg[/IMG][/center]
  2. [center][img]http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/2b/92/0c/museo-of-bellas-artes.jpg[/img][/center] President-elect Jonah Hex strides anxiously past the lush green gardens & into the shadow of the large, marble columns of the American Continental Hall for the noontime session of the 1st official Convention. Similarly, all state governors, 13 members of Congress, several judges, state legislators, senators, industrial leaders, & all members of the Cabinet had arrived for the momentous political proceedings of the Convention. Their most important order of business; the official & very public launch of their new government. The Provisional Congress of the American Continental Confederacy had feverishly worked to formally establish the American Continental Confederacy as a nation. Along with a long line of changes to the politics of Central America, an entirely new national identity was at hand. The outlook for the future of the nation as well as the entire American Continent seemed as bright & promising as the clear & sunny skies over the Hall. Massive oak benches allowed seating for thousands of spectators while bright flags of the Confederacy stood erect behind the seats of President Hex & Convention participants amid massive banners strung illuminated by powerful lights that glared down onto the provisional Congress. By 1:00 pm the hall was full & the main doors had been propped open as a small safety measure, as well as to allow for a cool breez into the hall. Soon, the session was called to order. Over the past week, the body had elected officers along with a provisional president of the convention, sat through acceptance speeches & the like, largely in privacy- this would be the first open Convention. The last Convention was the fourth in a 4-day effort to draft the Confederate Constitution, and (after proceeding reaching deep into the evening) the Continental Confederate government had been ready. Silence befell the entire hall at once as the floor was given to President Hex to make the announcement. His proclamation of the first fully elected government by the people into legitimacy was met with a roaring applause & slightly wild jubilation surrounding the outside of the building. The success of the conventions had completed the revolution, but their work was far from complete. Nonetheless, teams where quickly organized for diplomatic innitiatives to Europe, Africa, Oceania, Asia, & fellow American nations. [center][img]http://btx3.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/german-american-bund-rally-1939.jpg[/img][/center]
  3. Nation name change, [b]American Continental Confederacy[/b], if this could please be noted by the map maker.
  4. [color="#000080"][size="3"][b]The April Revolution[/b][/size][/color] [IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/mex6-1.jpg[/IMG] Days of growing frustration erupted in one night of fighting, eventually leading to the occupation of the National Palace by Jonah Hex's Continentalist Army. In one night the former Meso-American Federation, its flag, & its standing government came to an end. The creation of the American Continental Confederacy has called for new elections. Under a new banner & with a new vision the Confederacy rushes to make its voice heard, as polls open for the first time in history. On the ballot are only two candidates, Porfirio Diaz II, named President of the former Federation by Empress Alexi Silva (who has since exited the spotlight), challanged by Jonah Hex, hero of the Revolutions & Commander of the armed forces. The matter of voter registration was settled quickly with the 2nd Revolution proclaiming every citizen 18 & older may vote & has been registered to do so along with their registration as citizens. Hundreds of thousands of citizens young and old flock to the first nation-wide elections throughout the Central American territories. [IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/mexico17.jpg[/IMG]
  5. [center][img]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3303/3575027965_4e96f5ecd5.jpg[/img][/center] Loud BOOMS are heard in the night, shaking the entire city to its core. Tanks advance through Mexico City streets as supporters of Commander Hex's Continental ideas within the armed forces have clashed with "Nationalist" forces in Mexico City. Commander Jonah Hex notified the Holy American Empire that all would soon return to normalcy once the people's voice was heard, & publicly called for the Nationalist force to stand down while sporatic fighting continued. Confused citizens innitially barricaded themselves in their homes, until word spread of a second revolution. Soon hundreds joined in on a march to the capital building where curious officials looked on out of balconies & windows of the National Palace. 324 Nationalist soldiers where taken as prisoners as the Continentalist forces rushed the National Plaza. To their surprise, they found the massive doors of the Palace to be unlocked. Continentalist troops moved swiftly while their citizen supporters cheered and even lowered the Federation flag. The soldiers where met in the main hall by Commander Hex himself and a small group of grey uniformed men, mercenary veterens of the first Revolution like himself. He turned and led the advance while squads of troops continually broke away down every hall of the National Palace. Entering the main hall, the men found most of the government officials under the table. The soldiers surrounded the room, tearing down flags & removing massive portraits of Alexi & Diaz. Diaz muttered "[i]Mabey, now would be a good time for elections, yes?"[/i] the officials gave exaggereated & nervous nods as Hex replied, [i]"Our thaughts exactly."[/i] The Federation government remained in the hall, while Continentalist troops camped in and around the National Palace & patrolled the streets telling fabulous stories of a heroic victory to groups of shocked HAE troops. The population would awake to a massive new & curious flag in the National Plaza, as well as the sight of hundreds of troops sleeping along the walls of the Palace. Soon the announcement was made through loud speakers & radios throughout the nation that the Meso-American Federation was no more. The creation of the [b]American Continental Confederacy[/b] has begun & would be completed following the first elections held in the nation for local & national government. The nation moved rapidly to hold its first election. [img]http://www.thelifeofm.com/blog/rebel2.jpg[/img]
  6. [size="2"][b]Transcending Nationalism[/b][/size] Commander Hex now moves to sell the idea of moving beyond nationalism & into a "Continental" viewpoint. Calling on the World War taking place in the Americas as a base for the need for more Continentalism in post war Americas. According to Hex & his followers, the basis of a return to the Aztec Empire was necessary for the nation to step out of anarchy, war, & economic dispare. Hex has also referenced Diaz's vision for the dawning of a New American Era & tieing it to the next step in transcending the American mindset looking beyond nations, & leading cooperation between nations within our Continent. Hex's Continentalist views are widely popular. [img]http://www.deutzamericas.com/distributors/images/americas.gif[/img]
  7. [size="2"][b]First Major Legislation[/b][/size] What is now being called the first major piece of legislation now faces our government. The new legislation would allow for the equal rights for "White" citizens of the Federation who now make up nearly 45% of the total population of registered citizens. During the rise of Alexi Silva, "white" citizens where considered absent from the Aztec bloodline & therfore looked upon as sub-citizens, excluded from the only political party & unable to vote (whenever voting time comes). Still, they were attracted to the Federtion because of the available work & lack of an official language, allowing for English to eventually rise as the predominate second language. Commander Hex has thrown his support behind the bill. Backing a large commecial effort of support, glorifying the Federation as a strong Democratic power of the Americas if only equality stood strong. The commercials also show a world of disunity & a return to anarchy; a Mexico never again united, & the Federation symbols, even its name as symbols of racism & false identity. The commercial campaign is simple but dominating as the most widely watched Commercials in Mexico, while most Federation television networks continue in their infancy. Citizens seemed to have rallied behind the legislation, small radical groups call for early elections, end of racism, & a new nation name, sometimes burning the Federation flag. Commander Hex vowed to support the people, by being their voice in the government meetings, to which he has access. [i]"We seek true Democracy, give us a new government. We seek an empire of liberty, give us a new nation."[/i] - General Jonah Hex
  8. With the Empire's generous aid, joint efforts had become a massive success across the board. Now, only a handful of towns remained to be stabilized & incorporated. Massive federation-wide housing efforts now employ thousands as troops pass on the work & oversee its progress. Thousands more join in construction efforts including roads, highways, bridges while farms are braught up to Federation standards, and industries tap into a new pool of resources throughout the newly acquired states. Already, new citizens registry is taking place & extensive planning for local elections across the Federation takes place. Stability is all but secure. Now the armed forces focus on temporary policing as well as passing on construction to Federation citizens & focusing efforts on military establishments. The first payments to the Empire have been made.
  9. [b][size="2"] New Commander of the Army [/size][/b] Hero of the Revolution, Jonah Hex has been named new Commander of the Meso-American Army, relieving the powers over the Armed forces from President Diaz. This comes as the latest decree to spread the responsibilities of government from few hands to many. [img]http://splashpage.mtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/020810_hex.jpg[/img] [i]Commander Hex (& mistress) entering the Capital building[/i]
  10. After a month Hex had grouped together a small gang robbing banks, local extortion & planned ambushes along the main road. The local Sheriff was a loyal member of the gang & half the town knew it, but it made no difference. Sheriff was little more than a title & badge & he had a family to feed. Hex stockpiled weapons, a large collection of motorcycles, as well as aquiring nearly $23,000. It wasn't easy to hide these stockpiles for long in a town so small. One day Vancho Pilla & his small army of rebels came to town demanding food & water for his troops. Innitially, the town resisted. 3 days of figthing came to a swift end with the burning of several buildings & the death of nearly 16 residents, many of which once filled the ranks of Hex's Troublesome Band. Once this information reached Hex he offered his survices to Vancho Pilla, who at first threatened to hang Hex for his hand in the resistance, but later reconsidered once he knew what Hex had to offer. Nearly 1,000 firearms, 22 motorcycles, & (according to Hex) $2,000. Vancho Pilla slobbered over these resources to arm his men, & accepted Hex as an ally after swearing him in as an honorary Mexican soldier in his rebel army, despite the fact that Hex was mostly Irish. When Hex asked what exactly Vancho was leading an army for, he claimed a "Savior of the South" was awaiting the moment to rise & Vancho's job was to aid this "Savior" on the battlefield. Whom Vancho referred to, would soon be the most famous woman in Mexico, Alexi Silva. But, Hex understood it to perhaps be himself. Fantasizing on establishing a nation that would include Mexico & reach into North America as a new Confederacy. Hex honed his skills as a dead accurate gunslinger as a soldier in Vancho Pilla's roaming army, acting more as a destructive horde than anything else. Hex's talent with a gun was noted & it wasn't long before he rose in rank, eventually riding as Vancho's right hand man. He became known in hundreds of towns, acting as the "good cop" to counter Vancho's hard-handed tactics. Hex gained first hand experience on how to do business, manage an armies resources, strategize, & utilize the terrain. Finally, the day came for Vancho's Great battle. Hex would serve as a successful mercenary for the Obsidian Guard during the rise of the Coatl Party in Mexico City. During the short conflict Hex would recieve a hideous burn to the side of his face, driving him to roam the central territories as a gun for hire, returning only briefly to recieve his recognition as a hero of the revolution... Vancho Pilla died shortly after the battle from his wounds, but not before throwing his support behind Jonah Hex to be named General for the Aztec Army. Unfortunatly, Porfirio Diaz II had a higher social standing despite holding considerably less acheivement & skill in comparison to Hex. The decision was not up for a vote. Hex's politcal weight was from that point turned against the new government, being little more than Alexi & high party figures. Eventually, it paid off, but while Hex planned his campaign for Presidency, Diaz again foiled his plans after being named 1st President of the new nation by Alexi. Hex continues to be a thorn in the government's side, putting his gunslinging aside to enter politics.
  11. [i]"$*&@!! No gas!!"[/i] Hex had rode on for several hours & it haden't occured to him that he might not make it to another town to refuel. He was in the middle of the desert. All hope seemed lost. He pulled his bike over to the side of the rode & contemplated. It wasn't long before he waws sweating perfusely & suffering from heat exhaustion. He sat & slowly closed his eyes. They darted open apon a light rumbling. [i]"The hell??"[/i] Hex looked down the empty road to catch eye of what seemed to be a convoy. He had nothing to do but wait for it to arrive. Leading the convoy was a tan camoflauged truck, which pulled over, releasing a grey uniformed man. The man approached Hex, who struggled to speak, [i]"Look I tried to pay him but he woudln't take my money. I really neded a motorcycle...the guy was an $@!." "Do you need some water, fella?" [/i]the man interupted. [i]"Huh? Oh yea sure yea yea. Lemmie have some water." [/i]As the man returned to the truck, several vehicles caught up, & similarly uniformed men..soldiers exited their vehicles. A delusional Hex pulled his revolver on them, [i]"I didn't steal nothin!!"[/i] The soldiers yelled & at once aimed rifles at Hex. The first man yelled [i]"Are you stupid?!! Put your gun down, idiot." "I aint going back to jail!"[/i] screamed Hex as he fiered a round into the truck windshield. He awoke, finding himself layed across the backseat of a truck. Appearently, the moment he fired his revolver he passed out on his back on the road. [i]"Where am I?...$&*# Im arrested again.."[/i] The driver looked at Hex through his mirror & began, [i]"We're taking you to town. Your obviously crazy & need some help, but besides that we saw the badge sewed into your coat. What relations did you have with the Confederacy?"[/i] Hex opened his coat, a worn & dirty Confederate badge hung losely. [i]"I was a soldier. Faught three battles in the Confederate Civil War...who are you?"[/i] The driver looked out his window then back to his mirror. [i]"We're Confederates. Officially considered "rogue Ex Confederates" hired to aid in a revolution & hopefully get a foothold for a new confederacy in Southern Mexico. They need troops..we need our country."[/i] Hex thaught his days of wondering aimlessly where over. He would join up with this mercenary squadron of ex Confederates & make a name & life for himself in the deep south. But suddenly he lept up, [i]"Where's my bike?!" "Its in the back of the truck."[/i] After a moment Hex proposed his thaught to the driver, [i]"I'll join you." [/i]the drivers response was blunt[i],"Your a bit too..wild. I'm surprised, to say the least, that you were a soldier at some point. If you want to help the Confederacy I'm sure you'll find your own way to do so. I don't think this is the job for you."[/i] Hex was crushed. The truck broke away from the rest of the convoy & stopped at village. Much smaller & run down than the town that Hex had just escaped. [i]"You gotta be kidding me." [/i]said Hex as the driver lowered the motorcycle down from the back of the truck. [i]"Here you are. Good luck soldier." [/i]said the driver who stopped & turned to Hex [i]"Oh, yea here's your revolver."[/i] Frustration within Hex mounted, [i]"Nobody puts their hands on my gun."[/i] He grabbed the driver by his collar & slammed him into the door. The driver landed a clean punch to the side of Hex's face. Hex fell & then felt a kick in his back. The truck door slammed & the vehicle rushed to catch up with the rest of the convoy. Hex fired once, shattering the back windshield & grazing the drivers arm. He heard the driver yell, [i]"OOOOOWWW!!!"[/i] Hex laughed & considered the fight won. [IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/hex2.jpg[/IMG] He continued into the town, wheeling his motorcycle beside him & found shade beside a large faded sign....
  12. OOC: PM me if you'd like to join this RP Over the years Mexican lands have become known as a fugitives escape & haven for the lawless. Passing hands from Presidents to Emperors, & Cheiftans to Kings, always falling to anarchic wind that blow heavily apon the hot Mexican deserts, & deep into its misty jungles; few corners of Mexico have known lasting order. Thousands who seek a second chance, usually criminals, have fled into Mexico to make a new life. The unique climate and culture has evolved into a Wild & often troublesome state resembling the Old American West. Here small towns are subject to daily shoot outs, & bank roberies while bandits & motorcycle gangs plague the desert roads & mountain paths between civilization. Jonah Hex's story mirrors that of most who have fled to protectorate Mexico. He has fallen into bad sights with the law up north & wanders south with nothing more than a long coat & his trusty 625 Revolver. Fighting an uphill battle with alcoholism eventually led Hex into several confrontations with the law, eventually blowing off a bartender's ear in a drunken rage begining his adventure as he traveled extensively throughout Northern Mexico... [IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/Randomality/hex7.jpg[/IMG] Hex stumbled drunkenly out from behind the large garbage container he had slept by, his clumsy steps leaving a cloud of dirt as he walked. Finally he reached pavement, it was a road. [i]"$%*#!..Im gonna get run over."[/i] He heard a crash; it starteled him. He looked down to see the bottle of Tequila had slipped out of his grip & onto the street. He hadn't even noticed it was in his hand, & although it was nearly empty he cursed at the waste. [i]"Duermete boracho!"[/i] yelled an elderly woman from her small house. Hex had picked up some spanish & knew she said something about sleeping..and a drunk. It wasn't until then that Hex realised it was the dead of night.. At 4 in the morning Hex walked steadly into El Canton, a popular Saloon-like bar in the town. The owner/bartender, who was wiping down the counter looked up surprisingly at Hex. [i]"Well, your up early."[/i] [i]"Earlier than you think."[/i] Hex replies as he pulls his revolver on the bartender. The bartend ducks under the counter and searches for his stached firearm; it was gone. Hex reveals a second gun [i]"Lookin for this?..Get up! Gimmie a bottle of your best liquor & whatver's in yer pockets, now!"[/i] Hex was experienced. He knew that in Saloons like these, owners kept the real money on them at all times. He also knew they were usually armed & he had snuck in earlier to find the bartender's weapon. $357. Pesos where at some point the official currency, but dollars had become more popular & widely circulated. All together Hex had accumulated nearly $800, still not enough for a motorcycle, but mabey a down payment. He made his way down the road until he caught sight of a decent motorcycle for sale by one of the locals. Its seat was worn but overall the motorcycle was fairly new. It was a powerful one, branded with a well-known name: [b]Hardly Davidson[/b]. Hex didn't hesitate to make an offer. He turned to a dark skinned old man sitting on a chair on his porch. [i]"Is this yer bike..eh..senor?"[/i] The old man glared at Hex, then stood up quickly. Hex continued [i]"How much fer it."[/i] The old man began [i]"You got money, gringo? Its $2400. No pesos." "I got enough fer a down payment.. $800..(under his breath Hex muttered 'well almost 800')."[/i] The old man quickly approched Hex [i]"I know you got more than that. $2000 thats all. Right now."[/i] Hex gritted his teeth & looked around. Could he take the bike without attracting too much attention? He wondered how loudly the old man would yell [i]"Theif! Theif!"[/i] then he realised he would obviously need the key. He turned to the old man & began [i]"Let me see the key. I wanna make sure you ain't pullin a fast one on me."[/i] The old man hezitated, then went inside. After a hot & grueling 5 minutes he returned with a key. By this time Hex was annoyed, [i]"About time you senile..." "What?"[/i] asked the old man. [i]"Ok, put the key in the motorcycle, lets see if its even the right one."[/i] It was. Hex pulled the crumbled wad of money out of his pocket, gambling the old man coudln't tell the difference. He practically threw the money at the old man, allowing some of it to fall on the floor. [i]"There, $2000 hard cash."[/i] Hex was slightly nervous to see the old man's reaction. [i]"No I said $2400!"[/i] Hex was shocked, his plan had nearly worked but the old mans greed foiled it. Hex smiled as he made his way out of town on his new motorcycle. He pulled out his revolver, smiled again and kissed it. One more old man with a whole in his foot wouldn't cause too much trouble. In his coat pocket was every last dollar of Hex's money. He followed rumors of wealth in the south of Mexico, & so he rode off... (OOC: To Be Continued..) [IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/Randomality/hex11.jpg[/IMG]
  13. The Meso-American Federation announces an open door policy for refugees fleeing all war torn North American nations. Housing efforts have come along swiftly & we now find ourselves well able to expand our population capacity in the aid of the millions of Americans suffering from the devistation of combat.
  14. Now supported with HAE troops & supplies, mass convoys advance towards every corner of the federation. Vital supplies can now travel in safety as joint MAF & HAE military efforts secure the movement of resources. Construction efforts for a new highway system to spider the entire Federation, likely merging with the Holy American highway system for eased tranportation take full corse. Small towns & villages are incorporated into the Federation by the hundreds as MAF & HAE militaries stabilize & establish much needed civilian communities for thousands who have been forced to no less than a nomadic way of life. Reincorporating these nomad communities into the Federation would begin with housing them & providing stable labor. Aside from civil constructions, military bases undergo rapid planning within newly set military zones. [IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/Randomality/mx2.jpg[/IMG]
  15. [center]Official Messege of the Meso-American Federation[/center][center][img]http://www.loeser.us/flags/images/mexican/mexico1864.jpg[/img][/center] As the next step towards the reunification of the land called Mexico has been taken, we seek now the guidence of an established neighbor, the HAE in this progress. The Meso-American Federation now adopts proper measures to accept the new states into the Federation transporting what supplies we can spare for necessary infrastructural efforts & industrialization calling on a new & massive labor pool to work for their new nation. A great success has been acheived, providing a strong native central government to several more Mexican states, & we hope this success will remain so with the aid of our allies to the South. [img]http://www.ustimes5.com/mexicanaid_vmed.jpg[/img] A military policing force is needed to bring law & order to the far corners of the Federation as well as vital resources to establish a stong & stable nation. We recognize a strong & active relationship with the Holy American Empire & pledge to repay our allies should they answer our calls.
  16. At the esteemed mapmakers earliest convenience, could you plz label the mexican states of Hidalgo & Mexico State, Queretaro, Guanajuato, Michoacan, & San Luis Potosi as the Meso-American Federation?
  17. We welcome this new American nation. May Bahovia prosper
  18. [i]"While progress of reunification of Mexico continues, we keep a strong faith in our close friends decisions. We respect these decisions & will only incorporate Hidalgo & Mexico State, Queretaro, Guanajuato, Michoacan, & San Luis Potosi until the time for Mexican reunification is decided upon by our allies in Lousiana & the Northern Republic."[/i] - Presidente Diaz II [quote]"Your claims to Hidalgo & Mexico State, Queretaro, Guanajuato, Michoacan, & San Luis Potosi have been approved by the Northern Republic and Louisiana. However we are in talks with other native governments in Mexico so we will not be able to turn over the entire protectorate."[/quote]
  19. [size="2"][b]New American Era[/b][/size] [size="1"]President Diaz's Hopes for Rebuilding a Post War Continent[/size] [center][img]http://www.jewlicious.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/galilee-sunrise.jpg[/img][/center] "In the blink of an eye our continent steps firm, into a new Era. The old power system of the Americas has been thrown into the abyss, the end of the North American Establishment as we knew it is now imminent, but necessary. A Continental rebirth is at hand & its spark has shot. Its powerful rays protruding from the last hope for the American future like never before in our past & for all time into the future of a new Era. Erupting from the Southern Americas comes new promise & we will put forth all we have towards securing the defence, reconstruction, & future of post war America, expanding a stabilizing influence across our shattered continent. With our new Union with our brothers to the South, we will secure that future. The unquestioned stability, innovated and determined spirit & raw power of the Southern Americas burdens the respinsibility of leading the American Continent onto those most able to successfully carry it out. We see the Holy American Empire as more than fit to carry that burden, & we pledge our full support in it. We will rebuild this Continent standing firm as an immovable object, & progressing forward with unstopable force. For a New American Era we offer our full effort & request a united American front to securing a brighter future for the post war Americas. We now move with the Holy American Empire to incorporate the Mexican protectorate into our Federation & ask that our beloved friends in Lousiana & the Northern Republic who valiantly fight as Continental Liberators to support our move & as brothers return mutual support. Our first step was taken beyond any control, but our second begins now as we now move with the weight of securing the American future."
  20. The Mesoamerican Federation fully supports this move by Holy American Empire. OOC: Shadow, for one reason or another my PM's to u do not go through. I'd like very much to deliver my messege to you, so if you could get bak to me as soon as u can that would be greatly appreciated.
  21. [i]"While the Mesoamerican Federation currently stands neutral in this conflict we do detest the unwarrented foreign invasion of our continent, & dispicable disruption of peace in the Americas."[/i] El Líder, Porfirio Diaz II [font="Courier New"][CLASSIFIED TO HOLY AMERICAN EMPIRE] We will permit the use of Federacion roads & highways for our allies in the HAE if & as needed. Mobilization of Mesoamerican arms is light. We have shifted to DEFCON 4.[/font]
  22. [b][size="2"]Final Stages of Transition[/size][/b] Gradualy, we have witness the reigns of power being handed from our all powerful Empress into the hands of new, ambitious, & commited government officials. Today, at last, a strong central government has been established. Quetzalcoatl Alexi Silva has releived her powers as Empress & has created the means by which her people may lead themselves, through careful guidelines, successfully. Thus, the Mesoamerican Federation has been born. First President of the Mesoamerican Empire, President Porfirio Diaz II is both head of the Federation, its government, and of a new multi-party electoral system. The federal government represents the Mesoamerican Federation and is divided into the executive, legislative and judicial branches as outlined by the Constitution of the Mesoamerican Federation. The constituent states of the federation will also have a republican form of government based on a congressional system as established by their respective constitutions. [img]http://static.newworldencyclopedia.org/thumb/2/2f/Porfirio_Diaz_civilian.jpg/225px-Porfirio_Diaz_civilian.jpg[/img] The executive power is exercised by the executive branch, which is headed by the President, advised by a cabinet of secretaries that are independent of the legislature. Legislative power is vested upon the Congress of the Federation a two-chamber legislature comprising the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Judicial power is exercised by the judiciary, comprising of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, the Council of the Federal Judiciary and the collegiate, unitary and district tribunals. The Parliament & ministries have offially been abolished, along with the seat of Empress. [center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dd/Flag_of_Mexico_1864.gif[/img][/center] [b][color="#006400"][size="2"][center]Flag of the Mesoamerican Federation[/center][/size][/color][/b]
  23. President Diaz nods after reading the letter & being informed of terrorist assult on the Northern Republic. His head hangs for a while, then he straightens and takes a seat. Alexi orders the guards in the room to leave. [i]"This tragic turn of events is at the very least heart breaking. Our small nation of course will offer any aid we can in united efforts to get to the source of the terrorist attack."[/i] Looking towards the HAE Emperor & President Ármannsson's aide. [i]"The point of this summit was to solidify some sort of relationship with the three nations we credit with allowing us the oportunity to make something...somethign great of this country, as well as to open up to other neighboring American nations. While our goals will not be fully met, we will not allow a cowardly act of terror put to rest our efforts for constructive, friendly relations with our friends."[/i] Alexi, with a stressed expression, turns to President Diaz. He understood she was preparing to say something that they had not discussed. He listened closely as she began. [i]"I...What I want you to understand..I am well aware of the situation in my country. Our people are back to work, the economy is in a positive climb. All of this is clear. But the reaction to these radical changes, which have at last been for the better, has been something no one had imagined. It was wrong of me to be tempted, I know I am no god..My only wish is to help my people, empower my nation, and so aid our allies & our continent. What my nation faces now is the threat of collapse yet again. Our success has braught forth migration in waves that we had not, & could not of prepared for."[/i] President Diaz stands, [i]"What we are asking is your help yet again. Vital for our survival as a nation of law, order, protected rights, & expanding freedoms is being allowed the means of maintaining our population. Our leadership has proved its capabilities, & our people are ready. It is time for us to expand or face anarchy yet again. Without your help, we cannot guarentee stability in our region."[/i] Alexi nods then turns back to the guests, [i]"We ask with all our respect & stress every ounce of urgency that we be granted expansion through middle Mexico. The specific states being Hidalgo & Mexico State, Queretaro, Guanajuato, Michoacan, & San Luis Potosi. In return I personally promise the expansion of economic success, oportunity, laws, & freedoms over all our lands. What I also guarentee is the gradual relinquishment of my powers as I oversee the establishment of a strong federal, democratic government that will not allow my people to fall victems to anarchy again. Allowing for this expansions will forever put us in your debt as our greatest allies, & true saviors of Mexico." [/i]
  24. (OOC: Feel free to RP arrivals & what not..)
  25. [size="4"][b]Overpopulation[/b][/size] [img]http://mexicoinstitute.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/border-traffic.jpg[/img] The nation faces a new challange: the rising threat of over population. The easy flow of instantanious information & news throughout the region has attracted Mexicans from all corners of the protectorate who are now flocking to New Tenochtitlan en mass. Traffic regulations have limited heavy traffic difficulties to the outskirts of Tenochtitlan. Nonetheless, thousands have slipped into the city seeking work & equal oportunity to prosper, & we are told there isn't much the Party would love more than to provide for every newcomer, but the reality is that the small nation would almost certainly collapse under the weight of overpopulation. It has been agreed by the Party, the ministries, Quetzalcoatl & Diaz II that the only feasible solution would be for the acquisition of more land; [i]"space for housing, new cities, & access to a larger pool of reasources vital to the endurence of order, the continuity of prosperity, & the maintanence of laws & justice."[/i]The Party has promised to find peaceful means of expansion. A popular idea consideres the transfer of a small protion of protectorate lands under "Neo-Aztec" protection to offer a light form of native Mexican governance & oversee the housing & proper management of the population & their resources without direct interfierence. It is rumored that this plan may be proposed to the joint protectores of Mexico.
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