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Posts posted by Catinthehat

  1. Lol, we left WUT, correct. But you should also mention that GOONS \m/ Genmay and TPF violated it. So we could consider WUT as dead, and therefore we resigned.

    Yeah, there was something...

    AHH remember? Intelligence...you guys should have better shared the plans you have "since your creation"(According the Mushroom Kingdom), to fight this war. So please stop calling us traitors. YOU guys were it that destroyed WUT. We just left a dead bloc. And we didn't even declare on an ex-WUT alliance so be quiet.

    It was the NpO that killed off WUT with their silly plots but at least you tried.

  2. Aid next time before you jump into a war dragging others with you make sure you've got the balls to see it through.

    Congrats are in order to FOK at any rate. However I would advise all to take this with great heaving buckets or salt as a picture of the war.

    Nice to see you think so highly of people who fought on your side.

    Well done AID and FOK, it's nice to see people who can get into a war and not resort to making petty insults all the time. Fenian is right, we shouldn't look at this to see how the war is going because it might show that it isn't going well for the side ODN is on. :unsure:

  3. no, its not an exclusive war between you and anyone. it's a war, you get one side.

    honour your treaties like men, choose your side. you have already done so, so stop apologizing for it.

    you chose your side, see what happens next.

    We chose our side and it's EoTRS. Anyway, seeing as you are in IRON, shouldn't you ask Moo if you're in a position to make these threats?

  4. The DOW is versus CIS. Thereby siding with the UJP. Wich happens to fight NoV. Bad bad choice for you.

    I have to admit that, when it comes to running to the NpO and begging them for help NoR/V is a world leader but for some reason I'm not too scared of you.

  5. Hahah, Cowards "We don't want to get involved, we only declare on CIS."

    Ok, Gold, you weren't gonna make it sacntioned after the next audit. So if it'll be with 3mil or 1 mil NS doesn't matter.

    I hope you get the FULL package. :wub:

    I really do care what a member of... uh, The Bridge (or whatever your alliance is called) calls us cowards. If we didn't want to get involved we wouldn't have attacked anyone. Please try and think before posting in the future.

  6. Really? I though after this nothing would ever happen again in CN politics and we would all sit around and drink tea together till the end of time...

    Even IF the Orders have been pulling all of the puppet strings here, and destroy us the second this war is over, this war would have been worth it because we are standing shoulder to shoulder with our best friends (and some new ones!) fighting to defend them.

    So even if the NPpO slaughter you and force Legion to disband it'll be worth it because you put them in the situation where they could kill off Legion? Am I missing something here?

  7. I find it hilarious that at the end you have the "You're better than this. You're a legionnaire. I believe in you". When GOONS and \m/ were probably the worst about trolling the legion. Stop pretending you're doing the legion any favors.

    Yeah! GOONS, \m/, you should follow the example set by NPO and start GW3 just so you can have revenge against Legion for betraying you months ago, that's much better then "trolling".

  8. exactly my point. its not that tech raiding is inherently evil you just shouldnt be surprised when ppl remember it. the number of small alliances in this war says alot about the current situation

    Hey, this talk reminds me of IRON's declaration on FAN. IRON never once said anything about tech raiding until FAN fell from grace and they got the chance to prove what good little lapdogs they were. Suddenly IRON decided to tell us they always disagreed with FAN's policy the moment they wouldn't get in trouble for doing so. This proves you really care about the people getting tech raided and you weren't/aren't just looking for an excuse to attack.

  9. OOC is 4chan.org not where the porn posting sickos from /b/ where from?

    im sure it is just goes to show why you are so twisted Mogar.

    You think he's twisted? Oh my.

    Personally, I'd rather have a "twisted" leader than one who allows his or her alliance to be used as a pawn in NPpO's backstabbing schemes.

  10. You're taking a shot at his sexuality? That's pretty freaking low. Hope you get perma-ZI'ed.

    No, he was remarking on Doitzel seeming to talk about being gay all the time, which I haven't seem him do at all. It was a poor retort. But hay hay hay! Shall I remind everyone of NoR/NoV's stance on homosexuals? Or did you see their comments about not allowing "sexual perverts" into their alliance already?

    Damn, I can't type today.

  11. So the master becomes the servant?

    It's a shame that the NPO has taken the wrong side here. Anyone can see that GOONS have always been the better allies. Stronger, more dependable, a leader that isn't prone to calling people homosexuals, who isn't paranoid, well, it just goes on and on, doesn't it? How nice it is to see that you put your own personal friendships above the welfare of your alliance.

    I shouldn't be posting this but I can't resist not posting anymore.

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